Library Research
Welcome to Introduction to Library Research: Using Primary Resources online tutorial. This tutorial is a self-paced, online, research center tutorial that will provide you with an overview of the resources available at Andruss library. In addition, this tutorial will serve as a guide to finding and locating the documents.
When doing history, it helps to keep in mind that there are many different ways of determining how history happens. One of the key things to remember is that historians disagree very much over why almost any event happened. In the search for how things happen, we can focus on different documents. This online tutorial will introduce you to primary and secondary resources one could use when conducting research.
Therefore, this tutorial will cover various resources, most of which will be beneficial to your research assignment. You will begin this tutorial by being introduced to primary and secondary resources, and then proceed through our collections searching for relevant documents on your topic.
Please read through this tutorial and if you have any question please feel free to contact David Magolis via email.