222 Andruss Library
Phone: 570-389-4801
Email: lneyer@bloomu.edu

Assistant Professor
Health Sciences/ Science Librarian
Database Coordinator
B.S. in Occupational Therapy, University of Minnesota
M.L.S., University at Albany, State University of New York
M.S. in Reading Education, University of Scranton
Linda serves as liaison (the general ‘library point person’ for faculty and students) to the departments of Audiology & Speech Pathology, Biological & Health Sciences, Chemistry, Physics & Engineering Technology, Exercise Science & Athletics, Mathematics, Computer Science, & Statistics, and Nursing. In addition to her liaison responsibilities and duties at the Reference Desk, she also acts as database coordinator for the library, maintaining Web access to over 100 research databases. You may contact her with questions, problems, or suggestions regarding the databases.
She has been at Bloomsburg University since 2004, and previously worked as a reference librarian at the University of Scranton and the University of Delaware. She is very active in state and regional professional organizations and currently serves on the College and Research Division Board of the Pennsylvania Library Association as the editor of “It’s Academic!”, a column published 10 times a year in the PaLA Bulletin. She has written a book chapter on electronic reserves for The Handbook of Electronic and Digital Acquisitions (2006), and has published articles in Academic Exchange Quarterly and College and Research Libraries News. Her current research interests include studying mentoring among academic librarians in Pennsylvania and researching best practices in library website design, focusing on accessibility and usability.
Online surveys