Andruss Library Special Collections
Joseph P. Tustin Papers
Color sketch of a jäger captain by
Colonel Harry Larter, Jr. |
Boxes 1-7; large folder; and diaries in University Archives vault
Note: Copy of EWALD: DIARY OF THE AMERICAN WAR (E268.E9 213)
is in the Andruss Library General Collection and Special Collections.
Box 1:
Description of collection
Includes Obituary of Joseph P. Tustin; postcard of former Tustin home in Bloomsburg; Press-Enterprise article (July 29, 1987) about Tustin gift and Capt. Ewald; photocopy of piece regarding Tustin mansion; photocopies of title page, copyright C.I.P. page, Contents, Illustrations, Preface, Acknowledgments, and Introduction to Ewald's Diary of the American War; and photocopies of correspondence relating to appraisal of Tustin gift; certificates/ affidavit re ownership of diaries.
Collection items
Slides, negatives and illustrations used in publicationIllustrations of Ewald used in Diary, colored representation of book jacket illustration, illustration of
Kosciusko & Soult
Correspondence related to publication of the diary (2 folders), 1972-82
Receipts and correspondence concerning the diary, 1957-78
Typescripts (in English) of biography of Ewald written by his son
Notes on Ewald's son and great grandson
Correspondence and research material, 1946-80Correspondence with Donald Londahl-Smidt, 1977-84
Box 2:
Notes used in preparation of Diary (1958-1972)
Maps used in Diary
"Pennsylvania Soldier" - Von Donop's Report
Banscroft Collection Hessian No. 5 Feldzug der Hessian nach Amerika von Ewald
Misc. articles, typescripts and correspondence thereto including Arnold in Virginia MSS 1781
Ewald's letters to Jeanette Van Horne
Misc. Info. re Ewald.
Notes, correspondence, and materials in preparation of Diary
Box 3:
Red notebook of maps, illustrations, photos, and information used in study of Ewald and in preparation of Diary.
is entitled Captain Johann Ewald, Diary of the American War, 1776-1784, Illustrations.
Red notebook of the draft of the original Vol. III of Ewald's diary. It is entitled Ewald Diary Vol. 3.
Box 4:
Misc. Items related to J.P.T.'s American history interests
Box 5:
Black scrapbook (11" x 13") of postcards, photos, and other information about North Africa, France , and Italy.
Compiled by J.P.T. during his wartime duty, 1943-45.
Box 6:
Black scrapbook (11" x 13") of postcards, photos, and other
information about Rome, Italy. Compiled by J.P.T. during his
wartime duty (1943-45)
Box 7:
Publication The Naval Reserve Dec. 15, 1917
Publication The Naval Reserve May 15, 1918
Publication The Naval Reserve April 30, 1918
Photocopy Asbury Park Evening Press Dec.2, 1918 ( article re Tustin's Service in France)
3 articles re naval service in France W.W. I
CCC Sixth District Gazette June 1, 1935
Feb. 2, 1935
Material from time of J.P.T.'s Army Air Force and Air Force career in Germany in W.W. II and Postwar period; includes:
Print of Town of Hammelburg
Drawing of J.P.T.'s travels in W. Germany
Old prints of W. Germany
Photos of J.P.T.
Historical Research Center, U.S.A.F.
Large Folder:
Photo (10" x 14") of Kaiser Wilhelm (W.W. I era)
Poster (12.5 " x 18") for Diary
Original Diaries:
In University Archives Vault
Digital copies of the original color maps from Ewald's
can be found at the following site: The Captain Johann von Ewald Diaries
Updated 9/20/13