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Searching in PILOT
There are four major options when searching the online catalog:
  • Author
  • Title
  • Keyword
  • Subject
  Searching by Author and Title

To find a specific book or author type in the first few words of the title or the last name of the author in the search terms box. Then click on the appropriate search. Remember to omit the articles "A" "An" and "The" when they are the first word of the title.

Information Technology
  1. Let's try doing a keyword search using the terms "World War II " & "Pearl Harbor " with the Guided Search Screen.
  Below is an example of a Subject Heading Search Screen.
Subject Heading Result
  If we do not own a book you can enlarge your search to other PALCI libraries or consult UBORROW, another excellent resource for locating additional books on the SUBJECT: "World War II" & "Pearl harbor "
To recap the important difference between keyword and subject searches:
  • Keyword searching means that the words you have chosen may appear anywhere
    in the record.
  • A subject search retrieves only those books specifically about a given topic and which
    a subject heading that has been assigned.
  • Subject headings for each book describe in some detail what the book covers.
  • Subject headings are assigned using the Library of Congress Subject Headings.
    Most major university libraries use these subject headings.