Box 1:
Adaptation of a Life Function of Man: A Culmination of an Evolutionary Process,
Adaptation through Physical Structure
African Wildlife
Analytical Key to the Families
Animal Structure, Function and Classification
Atomic Horizons
The Basis of Growth and Development: Heredity and Variation
Binary Acids and Salts of the Halogens
Studies in Botany, 1932
The Cell is the Fundamental Structure in all of Life
Chemistry Inventory Apparatus and Materials
Chemical Properties of Metals
Color Dynamics
Common Tendencies in Animal Growth and Development
Conductance Behavior of Strong and Weal Electrolytes
Cooperative Tests- Form S and Q
Corrosion and its Control
Determination of Vapor Pressure by the Use of the Isotenoscope
The Development of Glass
Differentiation and Organization of Cells: Their Specialization of Structures in
Many-Celled Organisms
Diseases Resulting from Organic, Functional and Emotional Disorder
Ecological Associations of Plants and Animals
Educational Biology
Every Living Organism has an Ecology
Box 2:
Evolutionary Development
Evolutionary Theory
Experiments- Carbohydrates, Proteins, Food and Fibers
Explanation for the Enormous Release of Energy from the Sun
The Eye
The Food Requirements of the Higher Animals, with especial reference to Man's
Needs, 1954-55
General Reagents
Heat of Neutralization
Infectious Diseases
"The Leaf as a Factory", by George Neely, 1950
The Natural Community
Nature of Matter- Development of Atomic and Electronic Theories of Structure of
The Nitrogen Family of Elements
The Nutritive Function in Man
Obituary, 2000
The Organization of Energy Release for Use in Human Activity
The Origins and Functions of Living Organisms, 1954-55
Oxidation and Reduction
Partial Miscibility
Physical Basis of Life
Physical Chemistry laboratory
Physical Examination and Diagnosis Health Rules and Health Problems
Plant Reproduction and Growth
"Radio", O'Neil - First Principles of Radio Oxford Book Co.
Reproductive Function in Male and Female
Response to Nerve Impulse: Glandular Secretion and the Chemical Controls of the
Box 3:
The Science of Disease
Specialization in Living Things
Statistical Analysis
Statistical Methods
Surface Tension by the Capillary Rise Method
Zoology I
Zoology II
Updated 2/15/11