16/1/10 Director's Office |
Box 1:
Abbett, Kathryn, 1928
Ackerman, Dwight, 1971
Adams, Edith Ent, 1924
Adams, Edward R., 1959
Ancker, Ruth Hutton, 1918; Distinguished Service Award 1967
Anthony, Robert H., 1962
Ash, Mrs. Myrtle T., 1911
Bakeless, John and Mrs., 1913; Distinguished Service Award 1953
Bakeless, Katherine Little, 1918
Baker, Ruth Haggy, 1932
Barrow, Helen, 1924
Barton, Edwin M., 1907; Distinguished Service Award 1975
Beaver, Elwood H., 1942
Beck, John T., 1935
Berninger, Reverend Carl S., 1943
Bidleman, Ercell D., 1912
Bittner, Esther (Harter), 1929
Bittner, Thelma, 1928
Blair, Alice P., 1929
Blass, Lamar, 1937
Blumenfeld, Lillian Rifkin, 1917
Boor, Catherine R., 1913 & 1914
Boran, E. Jean, 1971
Brace, Sara A., 1915
Bradley, Willard E., 1980
Bredbenner, Samuel L.; Grants Fund
Bremer, Mary Hochberg, 1924 & 1926
Brest, Josephine (Pack), 1933
Brill, Colonel C.B. Fisk, 1912; Distinguished Service Award 1971 and Julia
Gregg, sister, 1910
Buckalew, Flora, 1954
Buckingham, Boyd F., 1943; Distinguished Service Award 1974
Buckman, Lena Oman, 1924
Burrus, Emma, 1916; Distinguished Service Award 1977
Campbell, Sabilla Schobert, 1914
Caruana, Barbara Ann, 1977
Castor, Esther Leager, 1931
Champlin, Dr. Carroll D., 1906; Distinguished Service Award 1951
Chruney, John, 1956; Distinguished Service Award 1988
Cimbala, Helen H., 1935
Coleman, Janetta York, 1930
Comerford, Mary D., 1913
Croop, Roy, 1953
Cummings, James Edward, 1908
Curilla, Joe, 1950
Cyganowski, Alfred, 1953
Danforth, Florence Garrison, 1909
Davala, Dick, 1964
Davis, Douglas, 1967; Davis Constance, 1968
Davis, Irene, 1928
Davis Sr., Theodore "Tax", 1929
DeCaban, Josefina, 1943
DeMaree, Dr. Albert L., 1913
Dendler, Faye Apleman, 1928
Denison, Nellie M., 1913
Dieffenbacher, Agnes, 1917
Dole, Mary Phillips, 1928
Dormack, Walter A., 1920
Driebelbis, F. Ralph, 1919; Meritorious Award 1978
Dreuding, Josephine, 1930
Dymond, Sarah, 1934; Distinguished Service Award 1987
Eddinger, Jounior, 1950
Edwards, Edda Bessie (Beilhartz), 1941; Distinguished Service Award 1982
Edwards, General Idwal H., 1914; Distinguished Service Award 1951 and Mrs.
Katharine (Bierman), 1915
Edwards, Reverend Raymond H.
Emmitt, Harold and Helen, 1951
English, Captain Curtis R., 1956; Distinguished Service Award, 1974
Everett, Ruth Kline, 1912
Eyer, Irma Lanton, 1932; Distinguished Service Award 1964
Ferguson, Mary Scott, 1895
Foote, Paul C., 1927; Distinguished Service Award 1981
Foust, Marie E., 1937
Fritz, Jasper M. and Kathryn Jones, 1930
Gaffney, Thomas J., 1990
Galinski, Francis B., 1952
Garney, Ruth, 1920
Garrity, Francis (Red), 1936
Gattey, Edna M. Berkheiser, 1927
Gehrig, Earl A., 1937; Distinguished Service Award, 1976
Gilbert, Eleanor (Derr), 1924
Goho, Thomas
Golder, Frank J., 1931; Distinguished Service Award, 1976
Goodwin, Mildred, 1929
Gottlieb, Irving T.
Gress, Dr. John J., 1935
Grimes, Mary (Brunstellar), 1941
Grimes, Richard E., 1949; Distinguished Service Award 1992
Guerrieri, Rita M., 1984; Memorial Scholarship Fund
Haggerty, Pat (Honorary Alumnus 1988)
Handy, Ruth Hope, 1943
Harter, Edna, 1922
Harter, Gerald, 1935
Hartline, Haldan Keffer, 1920; Distinguished Service Award 1965
Hayhurst, Helen, 1954
Hensley, Charles F., 1933
Hester, Isabeel, 1929
Hidlay, Harold H., 1940; Distinguished Service Award 1977
Hoffman, Dr. Karleen M., 1928-1930
Hoffman, William, 1966
Hopkins, Bruce, 1969
Housenick, Vera Hemingway, 1905; Distinguished Service Award 1969
Huber, Marian Z., 1945
Hubler, Elizabeth H., 1931; Memorial Award, Distinguished Service Award 1981
Hutchinson, Josephine Duy, 1915
Jakobsen, Edith (Mrs. J. Frank), 1927
Jarrett, Ann, 1923
Jenkins, Harry D., 1942; Jenkins, Lydia Repella, 1942
John, Charles A., 1930
Jones, Herbert S., 1923
Jones, Martha Y., 1922
Jones, William B., 1929
Kelley, Judge Bernard J., 1913
Kinnerman, Marion Mack, 1913
Kirk, Mary Frymire, 1894
Klem, Frank, 1921
Klemkosky, Ronald R., 1967
Kline, Louise Campbell, 1959; Distinguished Service Award 1993: includes VHS
Knorr, J. Wesley, 1934
Kocher, Harriet, 1939; Distinguished Service Award, 1986
Krapf, Oliver H.R., 1932
Krouse, Margaret Hendrickson, 1932
Kuster, Kimber C.
Laubach, Frank, 1901; Distinguished Service Award 1961
Laubscher, Robert E., 1952 and Lucile Baker
Laux, Richard, F. 1952
Lavelle, John E., 1941; Distinguished Service Award 1973 and Scholarship Fund
Lawson, Andrew, 1923
Lawton, Leah Bogart, 1914
Levan, Betty (Honorary Alumnus 1989)
Lewis, Margaret, 1924
Lewis, Sara F., 1910
Lipfert, Alvin G.
Litwhiler, Danny, 1938
Long, Ethel, 1932
Lorah, Louneta, 1926, 1943
Lovell, Dorothy G., 1933
Lowry, Gertrude Follmer, 1901-1903
Macnaught, Helen H., 1923
Marmon, Susie Rayos, 1906; Meritorious Award
Marshall, Anne E. Taylor, 1901
Mayernick, Sadie, 1927
McAlley, Ruth G., 1929
McGraw, John J., 1935
McHugh, Catherine, 1926
McIntyre, Nancy Long, 1965, 1968
Mertz, Jack, 1942
Miner, Robert B., 1942
Mock, Irene, 1913
Moroz, Chesley Harris, 1981
Morris, Helen Hutton, 1928, 1937
Nasan, Katherine Bakeless, 1918; Distinguished Service Award
Nelson, E.H., 1911
O' Brien, Dr. Harold J., 1935
Palsgrove, Orval, 1931
Pannebaker, Grace Gotshall, 1920
Parke, Dr. Margaret Bittner, 1923; Distinguished Service Award 1973
Pensyl, A. Frances, 1924
Porter, Lola, 1960
Box 2:
Alumni Cont…
Rarig Jr., Emory W., 1951
Reed, William I., 1935
Rees, Agnes Dutcher, 1907
Reichart, Paul I., 1932
Reimond, Catherine A., 1919
Richards, Ethel Prince, 1928
Rickert, Glennis H., 1916 & Edna Speary, 1915
Riland, H. Walter, 1903
Rissier, Charlotte, 1926
Robinson, Beatrice Letterman, 1963
Rosini, James, 1967
Rowlands, Jack T., 1926
Rubrecht, Anna (Solomon), 1900
Ruck, Clarice Gellinger, 1915
Schiefer, Martha S., 1912
Schmidt, Dorothy, 1929 & 1934
Schneider, Herbert, 1941 and Florabelle
Schoyler, Ed, 1924
Scott, Relda, 1955
Sell, Francis D. "Doc", 1935
Shaler, Mary Gillaspy, 1921
Siesko, Walter M., 1929
Sirianni, Representative Carmel, 1943
Smith, Fannie B. (Comstock), 1905
Smith, Hervey B., 1922
Snyder, Jean Claire (Sidler), 1943
Snyder, Lora M., 1943
Sterner, James H., 1925
Stratton, William, 1950
Strausser, Sterling, 1928
Swales, Willis, 1950
Taylor, Frank M., 1943; Distinguished Service Award 1989
Thompson, William H., 1934; Distinguished Service Award 1969
Trembley, Paul, 1915 and Myrtle, 1920
Troy, Clair, 1933 and Marion, 1931 & 1938
Turkiewicz, Nellie Papciak, 1917
Vance, Sarah, 1934
Vaughn, Ann Gogolack, 1926
Vollrath, Mary, 1932
Wagner, Kenneth, 1954
Waller Jr., D.J.
Watts, Donald A., 1937; Distinguished Service Award 1980
Weaver, Helen Banta, 1931
Welliver, Carl T., 1940
Wilner, Alfaretta S., 1912
Wilson, Phyllis Fowler, 1930
Wintersteen, W. Jack, 1950
Wise, Donald M., 1956
Wolfgang, Alexander, 1983
Wright, Dorothy Foust, 1931
Wright, Martha, 1943
Yenchar, Margaret D., 1930
Yerkes, Lillian Nelson, 1921
Anderson, Wayne and Linda P., Chemistry
Aumiller, Dr. Lee, Department Chairman Secondary Education
Baker, Mrs. Lucile J.
Beckley, Iva Mae, Education, Executive Advisor Cooperative Educational Programs
Benson, Barry, Chemistry
Bohling, Peter, Economics
Boss, George, Speech, Mass Comm., Theatre Arts
Bryden, James, Department Chairman Communication Disorders
Campbell, Dr. Ernest
Camplese, Dr. Donald, Psychology
Caputo, Dr. Joseph A.
Carpenter II, Dr. C. Whitney, German
Carver, Henry
Includes the correspondence and research of
Jean Dickinson Applegate on Carver's teaching in New Jersey, 1882-1884
Chapman, Charles & Katherine, Business
Chronister, Charles, Physical Education
Cohen, Dr. Gloria, Political Science
Costa, Dr. Joseph J.
Couch, John, Music
Creasy, James B., Accounting
Dietrich, John C., History
Duncan, Dr. Robert L., Biology
Forney, William
Gildea, Martin, Biology
Gilgannon, Nancy, Educational Studies
Growney, Dr. Joanne, Mathematics
Gulley, Ervene, English
Herbert, Michael, Biology
Hilgar, Dr. Norman, Business Administration
Himes, Craig L., Biology
Hoch Dr. John A., History
Houk, Russ, Physical Education
Jelinek, Mark, Music
John, Mary Lou, 1945
Johnson, Dr. Brian, Geography
Johnson, Warren, Department Chairman Elementary Education
Jones, Dr. William, Special Education
Koslosky, Robert, Art
Lindquist, Dr. Cyril, Business
McCammon, Lucy, Physical Education
Melnychuk, Dr. Mark S., Biology
Miller, Wendy, Music
Newton, Craig and Linda, History
Pantaleo, Daniel, Chemistry
Parsons, Dr. James, Biology
Pifer, Joseph, Earth Science
Powell, Benjamin, History
Powers, Dr. Gerald, Communication Disorders
Pugh, Dr. Michael E., Chemistry
Riley, Terry, English
Roberts III, Dr. Percival, Art
Rusinko, Dr. Susan, English
Rygiel, Walter, Business Administration
Sagar, Robert, Biology
Serff, John J., History
Seronsy, Dr. Louise, Psychology
Shanoski, Theodore, History
Sperry, James, History
Sproule, William, Physical Education
Strauss, Dr. Gerald, English
Surmacz, Cynthia, Biology
Sutliff, William Boyd
Thompson, Dr. Louis, English
Wallace, Stephen, Music
Welk, Dorette (Dee), Nursing
Williams, Dr. William, Business Law
Wilson, Samuel L.
Allamong, Dr. Betty, Provost & VP of Academic Affairs
Andruss, Dr. Harvey A., Distinguished Service Award 1964, President
Ausprich, Dr. Harry, President
Baird, John, Dean of Arts & Sciences
Bunge, Robert, Registrar
Carpenter, Jennie, Residence Hall Director
Davies, Thomas A., Director of the Career Development Center
Dawalt, Carol
Dubelle, Stanley, Student Teaching Supervisor
Fradkin, Bernard, Dean of instructional Services
Gardner, Mary, Athletic Director
Griffis, Jurold A., President of Student Life
Jones, Larry W., Interim President
Joseph, Thomas M., Director of TV and Radio Program Services
Kraus, Phillip H., Admissions
Landis, George, Football Coach
Lentczner, Joan, Director of University Relations
Liu, Hsien-Tung, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts
Lyons, Thomas, Director Financial Aid
Matteson, Carol J., Dean of the College of Business
McGowan, Sister Anita, Catholic Campus Ministry
Newson, Roosevelt Jr., Associate Dean
Parrish, Robert J., VP for Administration
Redman, Robert, Football Coach
Sanders, Roger B., Athletic Director and Coach
Williams, Elizabeth, Assistant Dean to Women
Aldrich, Dora Estate
Anderson, Lloyd
Benefield, Richard
Berrigan, Mike
Carter, David
C & G Industries, re: H & C Sales
Cawley, Barbara
Chronister, Mervin
Cleary, James
Delp, Dr. Richard
Dowd, Joseph
Eckel, Timothy B., M.D.
Eckert, Jerry
Evert, Harry S.
Evert, S.H.
Gage, Robert A. (Briar Creek Mutual Insurance)
Goodman, Dorothy
Graham, Kathryn E.
Hess Jr., William J.
Hopple, Lee
Ledger, Emily
Meldrum, Dr. Robert
Mitrani, Marco and Louise
Mowad, Dr. Joseph
Smith, Fred G.
Wilson, Katherine
Wise, Mrs. Earl V. (Lucille)
Updated 5/7/15