Box 1:
Absence of the director, 1987-91
Academic calendar, 1971-92
Academic department research materials, 1975-77
Access Pennsylvania, 1984-91
Access services, 1988-90
Accident procedures- university, 1985
Affirmative action- library, 1974-89
AFSCME strike, 1975
Age of majority, 1973
AIDS, 1988
Alcohol and drug policy, 1990
Allamong, Dr. Betty- Provost/ Vice President academic affairs, 1987
Alumni Association, 1985-91
Archives (College), 1967-88
Assistant director automation & technical services, 1989-90
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, 1981-82
Audio visual resources, 1991
Ausprich, Dr. Harry (President), 1985-86
Auten, Margaret (library science intern), 1979
Automated library, 1989
Automated library delivery system, 1981
Automated library systems, 1978-88
Bar codes, 1988
Bell & Howell, 1985
Benefits- commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1981-91
Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble, 1978-80
Bloomsburg University, 1983
B.U. Foundation, 1987-90
Bomb threat procedures, 1977-91
Borrowing policy, 1967-82
Budget, 1973-90
Buildings (library), 1973-89
CAD program, 1976
Calculators, 1976-87
Campus buildings, n.d.
Campus directory, 1974-86
Card catalog guide, 1973
Carlson, Charles H. (President), 1972
Cash register, 1987
CD-ROM, 1990
Center for teaching and learning, 1979
Central serials record readers' services, 1974
Central Susquehanna library consortium, 1989
Checkpoint security system, 1976-91
Cheyney University, 1975-85
Childbirth leave, 1982
Christmas tree- library, 1973
Circulation implementation task force, 1990
Circulation rules, 1983-86
CIS seminar, 1970-78
Code of ethics (state employees), 1974
Coffee breaks, 1981
Coin-counter access services, 1990-92
Box 2:
Collection Development, 1969-88
College Community Orchestra, 1971-78
College development, 1969-78
College newsletter, 1982-83
Columbia County historical Society collection, 1960-74
Commencement (2 folders), 1971-91
Committees- campus, 1975-92
Committees- libraries, 1975-91
Communications systems, 1982-87
Community activities, 1987-91
Company report files, 1981-88
Compensatory time: library faculty, 1972
Complaints- library, 1973-80
Computer Advisory Committee (University), 1985-87
Computer purchase program, 1987
Computer Services, 1975-91
Computer task force, 1975
Congressional Information Services, 1975-89
Continuous employment, 1967
Cooperative education program, 1969-90
Copying equipment, 1969-78
Copscauld Meeting, 10/5-10/6, 1978
Copyright, 1973-91
Copyright conference, 1977
Cost center codes campus, 1970-87
Council of PA State College & University Library Directors, 1975-82
Curriculum materials, 1976-85
Custodial service, 1988
Dean's Advisory Council, 1987-91
Dean's meeting of library faculty, 1988-91
Discarded library materials, 1970-83
Disclosure, 1983
Documents, 1983-91
Documents collection policy, 1988
Documents, PA, 1972-88
Drug free workplace policy, 1990
Duplicating services, 1977-91
Duties & responsibilities- faculty, 1979
Easynet, 1990
Education & training news, 1990
East Stroudsburg University, 1983
Emergency procedures, 1985
End-user searching, 1990-91
Enrollment, B.S.C., 1975-91
Equipment (2 folders), 1969-91
Equipment Committee, 1986-91
Box 3:
Equipment maintenance contracts, 1984-91
Equipment storage, 1985
Ethnic storage project, 1975-78
Extended library hours, 1978-91
Extended programs, 1988
Faculty, 1967-83
Faculty activities report, 1967-73
Faculty appointments (B.U.), 1983-91
Faculty Association, 1968-73
Faculty evaluations (2 folders), 1974-91
Faculty handbook, 1975-78
Faculty overdues, 1977-87
Faculty Promotion Committee, 1975-76
Faculty publications, 1989
Faculty searches, 1988
Faculty and Staff for Excellence, 1989-91
Faculty status, 1973-83
Faculty travel grants, 1985
Faculty workload analysis, 1977-91
Final exam week, 1971-87
Financial disclosure policy, 1981
First aid kits- library, 1982
Five year plan- library, 1983-90
Five year program review, 1991
Fixed term faculty appointments, 1982
Flood damage libraries, 1972-73
Food Service, 1991
Fradkin, Bernard, 1983
Free Remission Faculty, 1982-91
Freshman Parents' Day, 1969
Gaylord orders, 1988-90
Geisinger Health Plan, 1985-91
General education requirements, 1976-91
Gift books, 1975-91
Goals and objectives, 1977-82
Governance Committee, 1985-86
Grants, 1981-91
Green Thumb Program, 1978-91
Grievance, 1974-78
Grille Gate, 1983
Guides library, 1973-88
Handicapped Persons, 1978
Holds, 1983-87
Holiday office parties, 1973-79
Holiday schedules, 1970-91
Homecoming, 1973-87
Honorary degrees, 1983-89
Human relations area files, 1973-79
Human subjects research, 1991
I.D. card system, 1987-88
I.D. card policy, 1970-91
Ideas Series, 1983-89
Information Access Co., 1984-89
Box 4:
Initiatives- Bloomsburg University, 1991
Injuries- work related, 1981
Institute for Interactive Technologies, 1988
Institutional Services, 1971-83
Institute for Scientific Information, 1991
Instructional Services Newsletter, 1983
Interactive video orientation, 1986-87
Instructional technology master plan task force, 1974-79
Interlibrary cooperation, 1973-78
Interlibrary delivery service- PA, 1975-91
Interlibrary loan, 1969-91
Intermediate Units in PA, 1970-73
Internal Revenue Service, 1989-91
Internships, 1983-90
Interviews, 1975-76
Jazz Ambassadors, 1981
Job descriptions (library faculty), 1974-89
Job descriptions (non-instructional), 1973-90
Jones, Larry, 1980-86
Juvenile collection, 1980
Kehr College Union, 1973-91
Keys- library, 1973-85
Leave without pay request, 1988
LIAS- Penn State, 1986
Liaison program library faculty, 1988-90
Library advisory committee (2 folders), 1975-96
Library air ducts, 1987
Library annual report, 1979-91
Library automation advisory committee, 1987-91
Library closing procedures, 1967-88
Library council, 1976-82
Library building program (3 folders), 1975-91
Library decorum, 1991
Library director search and screen, 1986-87
Library fact sheet, 1987
Library faculty meetings (11 folders), 1980-91
Library faculty office space, 1978
Library floor plans, n.d.
Library handbook, 1967-69
Box 5:
Library hours, 1983-90
Library instruction (resources), 1976-90
Library Instructional Technology, 1974-78
Library Management, 1972-76
Library of Congress Classification, 1970
Library orientation exchange (Loex), 1978-80
Library plan (2 folders), 1982-86
Library policies, 1967-81
Library program evaluation, 1980
Library seating, 1970-75
Libraries- SSHE, 1991
Library signature cards, 1980
Library staffing requirements, 1978-82
Library statistics, 1972
Library Study Committee (3 folders), 1985-87
Planning documents, 1987
Report to the Provost, 1987
Library- Studies workbook, 1983-91
Library- Two Year Report, 1973-75
McCormick, President James H, 1973
McCormick Center for Human Services, 1975-84
Mail service, 1973-90
Maintenance requests, 1985
Major microforms, 1975
Management Development Program, 1978
Martin Report (consultant: Murray Martin), 1974
Meet & Discuss, 1990-91
Memos (6 folders), 1985-91
Mentor Program (B.U.), 1986
Metric conversion tables, 1977
Microcomputers, 1983
Microfilm readers, 1976-89
Microforms, 1975-88
Microforms Conference- New York City, 1975
Micrologue Set, 1973
Middle States Association of Colleges, 1984
Minolta fiche duplicator, 1987-89
Minolta reader printers, 1983-88
Mitchell, James (V.P. academic affairs), 1977-80
National Union Catalog, 1983
Newspaper indexes, 1976-85
Notes from the Provost, 1986-90
Nursing program, 1976-89
Obiter, 1975
OCLC costs and operation, 1975-90
Online search services, 1975-86
Organizational chart- Bloomsburg University, 1984
Orientation, 1968-87
Orientation materials, 1967-68
Out- service training, 1981-90
Overtime, 1991
Box 6:
PALINET, 1976-84
Pals task force (3 folders), 1988-91
Pamphlet file, 1975-90
Pantaleo, Daniel C., 1987
Parents' Weekend, 1971-91
PA State College & University Libraries Association, 1977
Parking Regulations, 1973-90
Patents, Copyrights , and royalties, 1986
Pennsylvania Federation of Teachers, 1985
Pennsylvania State Education Association, 1975-77
PA State Library, 1980-88
Periodical Stacks, 1979-84
Perpetual calendar, 1974
Personnel problems, 1974
Personnel: library, 1979
Library personnel chart, 1971-84
Night supervision applicants, 1983-85
Night supervision applicants (library assistant I), 1981-83
Performance evaluation, 1970-88
Personal leave (faculty), 1980-92
Readers' services: personnel records, 1969-73
Readers' services: schedules, 1982
Readers' service: personal leave, 1973-81
Readers' service: staff addresses, 1982-83
Readers' service: vacations, 1983-85
Carr, Deborah, 1974-76
Crossley, Josephine, 1974-91
Deterick, James, 1981
Deterick, James (timesheets), 1981
Endres, Maureen, 1982-91
Folk, Luann, 1981-85
Folk, Jolene, 1985
Frederick, Elizabeth, 1990
Getty, Alice, 1971-89
Graboski, Nancy, 1985
Hanson, Lou Ellen, 1990-91
Harter, Kathleen, 1974
Hartmann, Alexander, 1990-91
Hassler, Peggy, 1978-88
Heaps, Florine (Green Thumb), 1988
Henrie, Karen, 1987-88
Howell, Monica, 1976-91
Kalanick, Dorothy, 1990
Karns, Ruth, 1974-80
Kelley, Cindy, 1986
Lynch, Gail, 1981-88
Mosier, Patty, 1984
Norton, Beth Ann, 1982-87
Olsen, Janet, 1974
Pestel, Hildegarde, 1973-74
Pitcher, John, 1990
Rapp, Karla, 1987
Roach, Judith, 1983-90
Ryan, Williams, 1986-88
Shiner, Alex, 1983-91
Siatra, Elini, 1984-90
Smeal, Ruth, 1974-77
Stephens, Eldora, 1974
Vann, Dr. J. Daniel, 1984-89
Vieira, Nevza, 1989-90
Wagner, Frances, 1974-76
Watts, James, 1971-77
Weigel, Patricia, 1981-82
Box 7:
Pickett, Dr. Dayton, 1972
Pitcher memos, 1990-91
Policies, rules, and procedures (College), 1982-91
Porter, Deake G., 1970
Postal regulations, 1976
President's Cabinet, 1989
Professional development, 1978-91
Professional Standards Committee (APSCUF), 1973-85
Program development, 1982
Program/ service mix, 1990-91
Promotions: library faculty (2 folders), 1975-91
Provost's breakfast, 1990
Provost Lecture Series, 1991
Questionnaires, 1986-91
Questions and answers, n.d.
Reader printer: ultra microfiche, 1974-76
Readers' Service Committee- SLC, 1988-91
Readers' Services staff meeting (2 folders), 1973-87
Recommendation letters, 1975-90
Recon request service (commonwealth energy info center), 1978
Recycling, 1982-90
Reference/ bibliographies services librarian search, 1982
Reference Dept., 1971-91
Reference/documents librarian search (2 folders), 1978-79
Reference loans, 1973-89
Reference questions (2 folders), 1990-91
Released time proposals, 1988-91
Retrenchment, 1975-87
Retrospective Conversion, 1984-89
Rights to know acts & programs, 1987
ROTC courses, 1974-89
Sabbaticals: library faculty, 1982-91
Salaries: library, 1972-73
Scholars, 1987-91
Scholarships- Bloomsburg University, 1985-86
SCUD Board, 1978
Search and screen guidelines, 1987-91
Security, 1978-90
Security Patrols, 1972-74
Seniority lists: faculty, 1974-91
Serial system, 1985-86
Sexual harassment policy, 1980-88
Box 8:
Shelving, 1980-81
Shippensburg State College, 1968
Sick leave- faculty, 1981
Signs (2 folders), 1969-90
Smoking policy, 1990
Snowstorm policy, 1986-87
Soaring (non traditional students), 1985-88
Space problems, 1974-79
Special Collection Policy, 1974-91
SSHE forum, 1990
Stacks control, 1980
Staff Association Library, 1972-91
Staff meeting (non instructional) minutes, 1972-73
Staff meeting (faculty) minutes, 1972-73
Standard change makers, 1975-91
Standards- College Libraries, 1975
State System of Higher Education (SSHE), 1991
Forum, 1990
State System of Higher Education- Libraries Council (SSHELCO), 1987-90
Statistics bindery (2 folders), 1977-87
Statistics checkpoint 3 (2 folders), 1980-91
Statistics- circulation, 1973-92
comparative, 1972-86
interlibrary loan, 1975-92
dialog searches, 1983
Library, 1973-80
Statistic documents, 1979-88
Strategic direction statement, 1989
Structural changes- library, 1974-80
Student grievance policy, 1977
Student holiday party, 1987-89
SLC union list of periodicals, 1973-88
Student redistribution, 1980-82
Student rights, 1971-80
Suggestion box- library, 1974-75
Summer session (19 folders), 1973-91
Box 9:
Summer session- student employment, 1972
Summer sessions, 1971
Supply orders, 1985-91
Susquehanna library cooperative meetings, 1974-89
Susquehanna library co-op interlibrary cooperation, 1971-91
Task force: public service, 1974-90
Task force: library committee, 1973-74
Telefacsimile, 1987-91
Telephones, 1967-91
Telephone directories, 1972-82
Telephone toll calls, 1978-86
Television studio, 1974
Temporary Reference Librarian, 1990-91
Tenure, 1974-90
Tiffany windows, 1976-91
Title IX, 1972
Toll free telephone numbers, 1980
Travel, 1971-90
Travel request forms, n.d.
TWX, 1972-84
Ultra- microfiche, 1978-84
Undergraduate catalog, 1971-87
University catalog, 1989
University data book, 1986
University forum, 1986-90
University Library Committee, 1976-85
Vandalism (PA law), 1973-77
Venuto Report, 1982
Vann, Dr. J. Daniel (memos), 1988-91
Visitation policy- dormitories, 1975
VTEK- sight impaired, 1986-88
Waiver of fees (BSC dependents), 1982-88
Wellesley College, 1981
West Chester, 1975
West Chester library self-study report, 1991
William Decker Chamber Singers, 1988-89
Word processing support services, 1984
Writing and learning, 1991
Xerox 1000, n.d.
Xerox 4000 (3 folders), 1974-83
Xerox 720 MACH, 1971-72
Xerox machine 914, 1968-71
Updated 8/29/13