Subject File,
Box 1:
Andruss (President), 1967-1973
Buckingham (Director of Development and Public Relations), 1966-1972
Carlson (Dean of Graduate Studies/Acting President), 1966-1969
Creasy (Assistant to the President), 1966-1969
Drake (Dean of Arts and Sciences), 1968-1972
Edwards (Dean, School of Professional Studies), 1967-1972
Hoch (Dean of Instruction), 1966-1970
Hunsinger (Dean of Students), 1967-1971
Martin (Business Manager), 1966-1971
Nossen (President), 1969-1972
Pickett (Vice-President and Dean of Faculties), 1972-1973
President's Council, 1966-1969
Ruckle (Chief Security Officer), 1967-1972
Administrative Staff Meetings, 1970-1972
Box 2:
Alumni Association, 1969-1971
Andruss Collection, 1968-1969
APSCUF, 1971-1972
Art Department (Percival Roberts), 1968-1971
Blind, 1968-1969
Book Selection Policy, 1969-1972
Classification - LC, 1967-1971
Columbia County Historical Society, 1966-1971
Columbia County Law Library, 1971
Academic Affairs, 1969-1971
Academic Council, 1970
Administrative Reorganization for the Seventies, 1970
Affirmative Action, 1972-1973
Assessment and Planning (Library), 1972
Data Processing, 1967-1969
Library (5 folders), 1967-1971
Complaint (Student), 1969
Computer, 1969-1971
Cooperative Education Programs, 1970
Cooperating Teachers and Principals, 1969
Cultural Areas Specialization (PA State College), 1972
Curriculum Materials Center, 1966-1973
Documents, 1967-1973
Dormitory Libraries, 1968-1970
Dress Code (staff), 1970
Fact Sheet of Andruss Library, 1968-1971
Faculty Information Sheet (J.B. Watts), 1966-1970
Five-Year Plan - Pennsylvania Library Development, 1971
Flood, Rep. Daniel/E. Fenstermaker, 1966-1973
Formulae for Budgeting, Staffing, etc, 1970
Gifts (4 folders), 1966-1973
Governor's Review, 1972
Grants, 1971-1972
Harvey A. Andruss Library Dedication, 1967
Box 3:
I.D. Cards (Faculty Spouses), 1971
Inauguration of President Nossen, 1970
Keefer Collection, 1969-1973
LC Classification Conversion, 1970
Labor and Industrial Archives, 1973
Learning Resources Center, 1972-1973
Faculty Status, 1972
State College Standards, 1967
Library Director's Memorandum (3 folders), 1966-1972
Library Matters, 1969
Library Organization and Policy, 1968
Library Sub-Committee, 1968
Library Master Plan: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1973
Listening Facilities, 1969-1973
Master Plan: Pennsylvania Higher Education, 1969-1973
Middle States Data, 1968-1970
Middle States Progress Report, 1969-1972
Miller Memorandum, 1972-1973
NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teachers Education), 1967-1972
Pennsylvania State College Librarians (3 folders), 1967-1973
Policy and Procedures
Breaks, 1972
Building Closing, 1967
Christmas Recess, 1972
Collections, departmental
Evaluation of library faculty by peers, 1972
Faculty duty/ intermission, 1967
Merit increments, faculty, 1973
Papers (5 folders), 1966-1971)
Public service and public image, 1966
Signs, 1970
Vandalism, 1973
Voluntary work, 1966
Work week hours - faculty, 1967
Work week hours - non-instructional, 1968
Position Reclassification, 1971-1972
Position Report of Affairs (3 folders), 1969-1971
Box 4:
Position Report of Affairs (2 folders), 1972-1973
Public Administration Services Study, 1969
Public Administration Services Study - State College Responses, 1969
Public Services, 1966-1970
Publicity, 1966-1972
Questions and Answers, 1971
Questionnaires, 1971-1973
Reference Collection, 1972
Security, 1967-1973
Self-Study, 1968
Serials Shelving, 1969
Smoking, 1967
Shockley, Barbara, 1970-1971
Chang, Susanna, 1969-1972
Grillo, Anthony, 1968-1973
Keefer, Elinor, 1966-1973
Kuo, Ming Ming, 1967-1969
Myers, Diane, 1972-1973
Maxwell, Lola, 1966-1967
Pestel, Hildegard, 1972-1974
Staff (faculty)
Compensatory time, 1972-1973
Evaluations, 1972-1973
Grievances, 1972-1973
Merit Increments, 1973
Promotions, 1973
Job Description, 1969-1973
Staff Meetings (Faculty minutes), 1968-1973
Staff Meetings (Non-Instructional minutes), 1972-1973
Staff Memorandum (2 folders), 1970-1973
Staff, Professional, 1967-1971
Staff, Reclassification, 1970-1972
Statistical Data, 1963-1968
Statistics, 1965-1972
ACE (American Council of Education) Report, 1971
Acquisitions, 1961-1966
Art, 1968-1969
Biological Sciences, 1968-1969
BSC Theses, 1967-1970
Book Stock (7 folders), 1964-1973
Budget, 1960-1968
Circulation, 1967-1973
Comparative, 1965-1972
HEGIS (Higher Education General Information Survey), 1971
Holdings, 1965-1972
Library, 1967-1971
Student Patrol in Library, 1972-1973
Student Carrels (Hartline), 1971
Susquehanna Library Comparative, 1972-1973
TWX, 1972-1973
Vandalism, 1970-1973
Box 5:
AAAC (Academic Affairs Advisory Council)(3 folders), 1981-1990
AACSB Accreditation Council, 1976-1983
Access Pennsylvania Project, 1988-1989
ACE/HEMI, 1982-1983
Act 182/188 Transition Team Report, 1983
Articles, 1983-1995
BUCC, 1998-2000
Building Problems- deflection, 1973-1980
Career Development Center Follow-up Reports, 1983-1997
Center for Business and Economic Information and Services, 1987-1988
Chinese Display, 1987-1988
College Library Committee (3 folders), 1973-1983
Comprehensive Plan for Library Service in Pennsylvania, 1978-1983
Coordinating Committee on Academic Affairs (2 folders), 1981-1983
COPSCAULD, 1976-1983
Box 6:
Barton, Edwin, 1982-1983
Faculty, 1981-1982
General (2 folders), 1976-1990
Council of Pennsylvania Library Networks
Council of Pennsylvania State Library Directors, 1980
Course Proposals, 1986-1988
Curriculum Materials Center, 1976-1993
Deflection, 1973-1979
Desegregation plan, 1976-1979
Developments, the BU Foundation, 1987-1990
Displays (includes photos), 1976-1980
Documents - Librarian Minutes, 1984
Exhibits- Carnegie, 1988-1989
Fiche to Fiche Copier, 1986
Five-Year Plan (2 folders), 1991-1997
Floor Plans, 1989-1992
Gallagher Report, 1982-1983
General Admissions Committee, 1989-1994
Governance, 1986-1990
Grade Study, 1987-1989
Graduate Council Minutes, 1988-1996
Grants Office Newsletter, 1993-1994
Kehr Union Expansion and Renovation, 1989-1991
Labauch Drive Entrance Closing, 1989-1990
Library Addition Plans, 1985-1988
Middle School Task Force, 1988
Minority Retention Plan, 1982-1983
Newsletter- Association of State College and University Trustees , 1982-1983
Newspaper Project, 1985
News Releases (2 folders), 1995-1998
Notes from the Provost, 1986-1990
President's Cabinet Memo, 1989-1994
President's Forum, 1995
President's Goals and Objectives, 1983-1997
President's Letters and Reports, 1987-1997
Publicity, 1970-1977
Research Programs, 1996-1998
Search and Screen Procedures Manual, 1982
Updated 3/9/04