Ben Franklin Training School Parent Teacher Association Programs and Files, 1937-1966 |
Box 1:
D.A.R. (Daughters of the American
Revolution), 1938-57
Programs and newspaper articles reporting on the annual
D.A.R. History Awards
Files (4 Folders), 1937-52, 1961-66
Committee reports
Reports of attendance and collections
Suggested Bylaws
Petition for improvement of Spruce Street
Treasurer's Reports
List of officers and committees
List of members
Responses to invites for "Founder's Day"
Western Union Telegram
National Congress Bulletins
Memos for Parents
List of each student's name organized by grade
Care package order form
Some grade rosters include name, date of birth, parent's name and
address, and telephone number
Sales report for class group pictures and the laboratory
Programs (9 Booklets), 1944-66
Booklets for the academic year including lists of officers,
committees and chairs; children's programs and themes; meeting schedules; and
study group locations and topics. Additional program booklets found in PTA
Scrapbooks - 11/2/3
Columbia County Council of PTA Programs (8 Booklets), 1946-66
The booklets include officer lists, programs for the year
with theme, poems and prayers
Updated 9/27/12