Dean's Office NCATE Accreditation Files, 1966-2009 |
Box 1:
PDE Review (Curriculum Revision Report), 1966-67
Report to NCATE on Bloomsburg State College, March 9-12, 1969
A Report to NCATE - Volume I - Basic Aspects of the Institution, Jan. 1969 (2
A Report to NCATE - Volume II - Undergraduate Programs of Teacher Education,
Jan. 1969 (2 copies)
A Report to NCATE - Volume III - Graduate Programs of Teacher Education, Jan.
A Review of Teacher Education Programs (Reading), April 26-28, 1977
A Review of Teacher Education Programs - Volume I, April 26-28, 1977
A Review of Teacher Education Programs - Volume II, April 26-28, 1977
A Review of Teacher Education Programs - Volume III, April 26-28, 1977 (2
A Review of Teacher Education Programs (Communication Disorders), April 26-28,
Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction - American Education Studies
Assn., 1977
NCATE - Visiting Team Report for Bloomsburg State College, March 12-14, 1979
NCATE - Advanced Programs with Folios in Teacher Education - Bloomsburg State
March 12-14, 1979 (2 Copies)
NCATE - Basic Programs in Teacher Education, March 12-14, 1979 (2 Copies)
Box 2:
NCATE - Faculty Data Sheets - Bloomsburg State College, March 12-14, 1979 (2
NCATE - Program Folios in Basic Teacher Education - Bloomsburg State College,
March 12-14, 1979 (2 Copies)
Review: Approved Programs in Teacher Education (2 Copies)
Review: Approved Programs in Teacher Education Part II (2 Copies)
Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Education - NCATE, January 1, 1979
NCATE - Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (Blue Booklet),
July 1982
NCATE - Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Education - Newly Revised
(Blue Booklet), 1982
Teacher Education Council Minutes, 1983-97
Bloomsburg State College - School of Business - Minutes of June 14, 1983 Meeting
on PDE and NCATE Evaluation Visits, June 21, 1983
Planning for Change in Teacher Education, April 5-9, March 1984
PDE Review, 1984
Report on Actions to Date for the Interim NCATE Accreditation Visiting Team,
January 1984
Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee Minutes, 1985-97
Business Education - Program Approval Self Study Vol. II-A, April 1984
Dental Hygienist - Program Approval Self Study Vol. II-B, April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Early Childhood Education Vol. II-C, April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Elementary Education Vol. II-D, April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Education of the Hearing Impaired Vol. II-E, April
Program Approval Self Study - Mentally and Physically Handicapped Vol. II-F,
April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Reading Specialist & Reading Supervisor Vol. II-G,
April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Secondary Education: Communications & English Vol.
II-H, April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Secondary Education: Foreign Language Vol. II-I,
April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Secondary Education: Mathematics & Science Vol.
II-J, April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Secondary Education: Social Studies Vol. II-K,
April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Speech Correction Vol. II-L, April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Supervisory Program in Comm., ECE, Elem. Ed,
Foreign Lang. Mathematics, School Health Sciences, Science, Soc. Studies, and
Special Ed. Vol. II-M, April 1984
Program Approval Study Appendices Vol. II-B, April 1984
Program Approval Self Study - Faculty Data Sheets Vol. III, April 1984
NCATE - 32nd Annual List of Accredited Programs, 1985-86
Response to Local Committee Reports for a Major Review of Approved Teacher
Education Programs at Bloomsburg University - Spring 1984, Jan. 1985
School of Education - Curriculum Manual, 1986
Box 3:
Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education: Standards for Accreditation
School of Education - Curriculum Manual, May 1987
Modifications to Teacher Education Programs in Response to New Standards of the
PDE & NCATE, August 1987
Modifications to Teacher Education Programs in Response to New Standards of the
PDE & NCATE, August 1987
NCATE Preconditions Report - College of Professional Studies, School of
Education, May 1989
Communication Disorders & Special Education at Bloomsburg University - A Self
Study - Section I - Overview Scope, August 1989
Communication Disorders & Special Education at Bloomsburg University - A Self
Study - Section II: Undergraduate Program in Special Education, Area of
Emphasis: Mentally/Physically Handicapped, August 1989
Communication Disorders & Special Education at Bloomsburg University - A Self
Study - Section III - Graduate Part I, Communication Disorders & Special
Education, August 1989
Communication Disorders & Special Education at Bloomsburg University - A Self
Study - Section III - Graduate Part II, Syllabi, August 1989
Communication Disorders & Special Education at Bloomsburg University - A Self
Study - Section IV - Faculty Vitae, August 1989
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - International Reading Association, August 1989
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - National Council for the Social Studies, Volume I,
August 1989
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - National Council for the Social Studies, Volume III,
August 1989
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - National Science Teachers Association, August 1989
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - National Council of Teachers of English, August 1989
College of Professional Studies Council Minutes, 1987-97
School of Education Curriculum Manual PDE Team Room Copy, 1987-97
Box 4:
College of Professional Studies Curriculum Committee Minutes, 1988-97
Graduate Council Minutes, 1990-97
Curriculum and Foundation Minutes, 1990-97 (2 Copies)
Dean's Council Minutes, 1990-97
Department of Communication Disorders - Special Education - Program Curriculum
Committee Minutes, 1994-97
Communication Disorders and Special Education Minutes, 1990-97 (2 Copies)
Curriculum Committee Minutes, 1996
Business Education and Office Administration Minutes, 1990-97 (2 Copies)
Faculty Professional Development, 1990-95
Teacher Education Program Follow-up Surveys, 1992
Miscellaneous (PDE Review), 1997-2001
NCATE 2001 - Data Collection, Placed in Exhibit Room during Site Visit of NCATE,
April 7-11, 2001
NCATE 2001 - Standards NCATE Meetings Outside Agencies Vol. I, April 7-11, 2001
NCATE 2001 - Standards NCATE Meetings Outside Agencies Vol. II, April 7-11, 2001
Box 5:
NCATE 1997 and 2001, Continuing Accreditation Report and Accompanying Conceptual
Framework, April 7-11, 2001
Program Approval Self Study Vol. IV-A - Secondary Education: Science, Biology
and Chemistry, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Business Education and Office Administration Vol.
IV-B, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Early Childhood Education Vol. IV-C, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Elementary Education Vol. IV-D, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Secondary Education: English and Communications
Vol. IV-E, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Foreign Language (French and Spanish) Vol. IV-F,
October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Secondary Education: English and Communications
Vol. IV-G, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Special Education: Hearing Impaired Vol. IV-H,
October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Secondary Education: Mathematics & Physics Vol.
IV-I, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Special Education: Mentally & Physically
Handicapped Vol. IV-J, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Reading Specialist Vol. IV-K, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Comprehensive Social Studies Vol. IV-L, October
Program Approval Self Study - Speech and Language Impaired Vol. IV-M, October
Program Approval Self Study - Supervisory Certificates Vol. IV-N, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Supervisory Certificates Vol. IV-N, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Dental Hygienist Vol. IV-O, October 1990
Program Approval Self Study - Teaching Intern Certificate Vol. IV-P, October
Rejoinder to First Critique - Secondary Education - Mathematics, May 1990
Rejoinder to First Critique - National Council of Teachers of English -
Secondary Education: English, May 1990
Rejoinder to First Critique - National Science Teachers Association - Secondary
Education: Science, May 1990
Rejoinder to First Critique: National Council for the Social Studies - Secondary
Social Studies, May 1990
Rejoinder to First Critique, Advanced - International Reading Association:
Supervisory, May 1990
Report of the Institutional Self-Study for the Accreditation of the Professional
Education Unit at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, September 1990 (2
Report of the Institutional Self-Study for NCATE at Bloomsburg University of
Pennsylvania, September 1990 (2 Copies)
NCATE: Institutional Report and Appendices, September 1990
Program Descriptions, 1990 (2 Copies)
Overview and General Standards Program Approval Self Study Vol. I (2 Copies)
Generic Role Competencies for Teacher Education Programs Vol. II
Faculty Data Sheets Program Approval Self Study Vol. III
Box 6:
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
September 1995
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - Basic Elementary Education Program, Association for
Childhood Education International, September 1995
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Department of Education: Roster of Evaluators,
Response to a Major Review of Teacher Certification Programs at Bloomsburg
University, November 15-17, 1995/July 22, 1996
NCATE - National Council of Teacher of Mathematics, September 1995
NCATE - Curriculum Folio - Basic Elementary Education Program Association for
Childhood Education International, September 1995
Program Approval Self-Study: Generic Role Competencies for Teacher Education
Volume II, November 1995 (2 Copies)
Program Approval Self-Study: Overview and General Standards Volume 1, November
1995 (2 Copies)
Grants 1996-2001, Placed in Exhibit Room during Site Visit of NCATE, Vol. I,
April 7-11, 2001
Grant Proposals, 1996
Continuing Accreditation Report - Submitted to NCATE, February 1997
Board of Examiners Report - NCATE - Continuing Accreditation Visit to Bloomsburg
University, April 5-9, 1997 (2 Copies)
Standards Procedures & Policies for the Accreditation of Professional Education
Units (NCATE), 1997
Diversity: Public School Enrollment by Race - Where BU Students were Placed,
A Guide to College Programs in Teacher Preparation (NCATE), c. 1999
College of Professional Studies Curriculum Manual: Teacher Preparation Standards
Professional Guidelines and Documents, 2000-2001
Student Teaching Handbook - School of Education, September 2000
Student Teaching Handbook - Department of Exceptionalities, September 2000
Team Report of a Major Program Review at Bloomsburg University (PDE Review),
November 14-16, 2001
Team Report of a Major Program Review at Bloomsburg University (PDE Review)
Archival Copy, November 14-16, 2001
Team Report of a Major Program Review at Bloomsburg University (PDE Review)
Official Copy, November 14-16, 2001
Student Teaching Handbook - School of Education, September 2001
College of Professional Studies: Plan 2001-2002, March 9, 2001
Rejoinder to Team Report of a Major Program Review, March 11, 2002
Rejoinder to Team Report of a Major Program Review, March 11, 2002
Program: Comprehensive Social Studies 7-12 Syllabi (Used for PDE Review),
November 14-16, 2001
Box 7:
Professional Development Schools - Central Columbia Vol. I (PDE Review),
November 14-16, 2001 (2 Copies)
Miscellaneous 1997-2001, April 7-11, 2001
Faculty Schedules and Courses, Fall 2001
Observations from a Team Report of a Major Programs Review, November 14-16, 2001
General Standards, c. 2001
Program: Communication - Speech 7-12 Syllabi (PDE Review), November 14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies Program Approval Visit Vol. I, November 14-16,
2001 (2 Copies)
College of Professional Studies Program Approval Visit Vol. II, November 14-16,
2001 (2 Copies)
College of Professional Studies Program Approval Visit Vol. III, November 14-16,
2001 (2 Copies)
College of Professional Studies Program Approval Visit Vol. IV, November 14-16,
2001 (2 Copies)
Box 8:
College of Professional Studies Pennsylvania Department of Education Team
Report, November 14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies - Meetings: Cooperating Teachers and School
Superintendents, November 14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies: University Supervisors Meetings 1992-1999 and
1999-2001 Volume I, November 14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies: University Supervisors Meetings 1992-1999 and
1999-2001 Volume II, November 14-16, 2001
Program: Communication - Media 7-12 Syllabi: Official File Copy (PDE Review)
November 14-16, 2001
Program: Biology 7-12 Syllabi (PDE Review), November 14-16, 2001
Department of Educational Studies and Secondary Education Vol. I (PDE Review),
November 14-16, 2001
Department of Educational Studies and Secondary Education Vol. II (PDE Review),
November 14-16, 2001
Department of Educational Studies and Secondary Education Vol. III (PDE Review),
November 14-16, 2001
Certification (PDE Review), November 14-16, 2001
Program: Foreign Languages K-12 Syllabi Vol. I (PDE Review), November 14-16,
Program: Foreign Languages K-12 Syllabi Vol. II (PDE Review), November 14-16,
Program: English 7-12 Syllabi (PDE Review), November 14-16, 2001
Program: Mathematics 7-12 Syllabi (PDE Review), November 14-16, 2001
Program: Earth and Space Science 7-12 Syllabi (PDE Review), November 14-16, 2001
Box 9:
College of Professional Studies - Minutes of Curriculum Committees of BUCC, CPS,
Departments, November 14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies - Department Minutes, November 14-16, 2001
Overview and General Standards, November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Supervisor Curriculum and Instruction (K-12) Supervisor Single Area
Programs, November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Science-Biology (7-12) Program, November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study School Nurse Certification Program, November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Mathematics (7-12) Program, November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Reading Specialist K-12 Program, November 14-16, 2001
Follow-Up Studies Vol. I, April 7-11, 2001
Follow-Up Studies Vol. II, April 7-11, 2001
Follow-Up Studies Vol. III, April 7-11, 2001
Faculty Data Sheets Vol. I, April 7-11, 2001
Faculty Data Sheets Vol. II, April 7-11, 2001
Grants 1996-2001 (NCATE & PDE), April 7-11, 2001
PRAXIS Institutional Summary Reports 1996-97 (NCATE & PDE), April 7-11, 2001
PRAXIS Institutional Summary Reports 1996-97, April 7-11, 2001
PRAXIS Institutional Summary Reports 1997-98 (NCATE & PDE), April 7-11, 2001
PRAXIS Institutional Summary Reports 1998-99 (NCATE & PDE), April 7-11, 2001
PRAXIS Institutional Summary Reports 1999-2000 (NCATE & PDE), April 7-11, 2001
Box 10:
The Urban Seminar - A Defining Moment (DVD, 13 Minutes), c. 2004
Self-Study Elementary Education Program (Submitted to PDE), November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study - Teacher Intern Program (Submitted to PDE) November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Sciences; General Science (7-12), Earth & Space Science (7-12)
Programs (Submitted to PDE), November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Special Education: Cognitive, Behavior, Physical/Health Disabilities
Program Supervisor Special Education K-12, November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Science-Physics (7-12) Science-Chemistry (7-12) Programs, November
14-16, 2001 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Business, Computer, and Information Technology Program, November
14-16, 2001
Self-Study Sciences: General Science (7-12) Earth and Space Science (7-12)
November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Citizenship Education (7-12) Program, November 14-16, 2001
Self-Study Education of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Option II Program, November
14-16, 2001
Self-Study English (7-12) Program, November 14-16, 2001 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Communications (7-12) Program, November 14-16, 2001 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Foreign Languages (K-12) German French Spanish Programs, November
14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies - Minutes: Department of Curriculum and
Foundations 1997-1999, November 14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies - Minutes of College of Professional Studies
Council, Deans' Council, Graduate Council, November 14-16, 2001
College of Professional Studies - Minutes: Arts and Sciences, Teacher Education,
and Meeting
Agendas, 1996-2001, November 14-16, 2001
Budget, April 7-11, 2001
Data Report, April 7-11, 2001
NCATE and PDE 2002-2005: PDE Materials Business Education (BE) and Business
Information Systems (BIS) Department, 2002-2005
Professional Educator Program Approval Guide for Institutions of Higher
Education in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, June 2002
Diversifying the Faculty: A Guidebook for Search Committees, 2002
Handbook for Continuing Accreditation Visits (NCATE), February 2001
Table of Contents
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Self Evaluation Report, Executive Summary,
May 2004
Bloomsburg University College of Business: Application for Initial Accreditation
of the College of Business by the AACSB International, Vol. I, May 2004
A Major Review, Professional Educator Certification Programs, November 6-8, 2005
Interoffice Memorandum, September 22, 2005
General Standards and Specific Program Guidelines for State Approval of
Professional Educator Programs, 2004
General Standards and Specific Program Guidelines for State Approval of
Professional Educator Programs, 2004
NCATE - Continuing Accreditation Report, 2005 (2 Copies)
NCATE - Overview and General Standards, November 6-8, 2005
Overview and General Standards, November 6-8, 2005
NCATE - Continuing Accreditation Report, November 6-8, 2005
Box 11:
NCATE Budget, 2002-05
NCATE Teacher Education Chairs and Liaisons, 2002-05
NCATE Minutes of Curriculum Committee BUCC, CPS, and Graduate Council, 2002-05
NCATE Minutes of Teacher Education Council, 2002-05
NCATE Minutes of College of Professional Studies Departments, 2002-05
NCATE and PDE - Minutes of Business Education and Office Information Systems,
November 5-9, 2005
Self-Study Supervisor Special Education K-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2
Self-Study Supervisor Curriculum and Instruction K-12 Program, November 6-8,
2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Foreign Language K-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Specialist School Nurse K-12 Certification Program, November 6-8,
2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Business, Computer, and Information Technology Program, November 6-8,
2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Instructional Technology Specialist Certificate Program, November
6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Science General Science 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Mathematics 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Elementary Education K-6 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Citizenship Education 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Science-Physics 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Teacher Intern Certificate Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Special Education Speech/Language Impaired N-12 Option II Program,
November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Music Education K-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Early Childhood Education N-K-3 and N-K-3/K-6 Program, November 6-8,
2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Reading Specialist K-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study English 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Science Earth and Space Science 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2
Self-Study Science-Chemistry 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Science-Biology, November 6-8, 2005 (2 Copies)
Self-Study Communication 7-12 Program, November 6-8, 2005
Self- Study Special Education Hearing Impaired N-12 Program Option II, November
6-8, 2005
Updated 5/17/13