Business Education Pi Omega Pi Alpha Delta Chapter
Files, 1933- |
Box 1:
Banners, n.d.
Citation by the House of Representatives, 1985
50th Anniversary, 1985
Booklets (3 copies)
Booklet Draft
History Portion of the Booklet
Program Copies and Napkins
Alumni Survey, 1941, 1953
Alumni Updates, 1988, 1991
Annual Reports (10 folders), 1946-1998
Awards and Certificates, 1976-1991
Banquet Programs, 1936-1941, 1970-1974
Business Education Material, 1950
Constitution and Bylaws, 1933-1994
Correspondence, 1939-1995
Historian's Chapter Histories, 1939-1960
Historian's Monthly Reports - Alpha Delta Chapter, 1949-1960
Initiation Reports, 1959-1984
Installation of Alpha Delta Chapter, 1933-1935
Letterhead, Stationary, Folders, Letterhead Stamp
Membership Lists, 1940s-1980s
Box 2:
National Materials
Awards Material, 1954-1973
Biennial Convention Material (4 folders), 1st-34th, 1927-1995
Biennial Convention Handbooks, 21st-34th, 1963-1995
Decals, n.d.
Directory, 1937, 1970, 1982
Handbook, 1977-1978
Here and There Newsletter, 1947-1964 (6 folders)
Historian's Reports, 1948-1964
News Letter, December 1939
Officer's Reports, 1939-1964
Project - Alpha Delta Chapter, 1974
Projects - Other Chapters, 1969-1990
Box 3:
National Materials, Continued
Publications from Other Chapters, 1936-1969
This is Your Society, 1979-1996
Yearbooks, 1954-1970
Newsletter - Alpha Delta Chapter, 1948, 1952
Pennsylvania Commercial Contest, 1938-1947
Petitions, other Fraternities, 1933-1951
Photo Album, 1983-1984
Photos, 1974-1988
Pledging (2 folders), 1958-1989
POP - chapter bulletin (5 folders), 1936-1960
Radio Broadcasts, 1951
Emory W. Rarig, Jr. Award, 1988
Emory W. Rarig, Jr. Retirement, 1988
Slide Presentation, n.d.
Songs, n.d.
Student Activities Manual, 1970
Treasurer's Materials - Budgets, Correspondence, Receipts, 1941-1956
Ritual Book
Account Book, 1935-1966
Minute Book, 1944-1953
Minute Book, 1953-1966
Updated 2/16/07