Liberal Arts
H. Benjamin Powell Papers,
Box 1:
Bob and Dean McNett Correspondence and Obituary, 1993-1995
Includes letters, notes, radio corral list
Copyright Permission
"A Guide for Noncommercial use from the Association of
American Publishers Copyright of Thesis", January 1969
Copyright of Thesis 1969
For his work titled "Coal, Philadelphia, And the Schuylkill"
Editorial Work (4 Folders)
Includes copies of each publication he edited for the
periodical "Pennsylvania History"
Pennsylvania History, October 1973
Pinchot, Prohibition, and Public
Utilities: The Pennsylvania Democratic Party and the Election of 1930 by Irwin
F. Greenberg
Jacobinism Crushed: An episode
Concerning Justice in Colonial Pennsylvania by Thomas Wendel
A Petition of Philadelphia Artists by
Thomas B. Brumbaugh
Philadelphia Merchants and the First
Continental Congress by Robert F. Oaks
Colonel Henry Bouquet's Ohio Expedition in the year 1764
by Paul K. Adams
Did a Cabal, Involving Conway, Exist to Supplant Washington?
by Gloria E. Brenneman
The Pennsylvania Sunday Blue Laws of 1779: A View of
Pennsylvania Society and Politics During the American Revolution by J. Thomas
The Location of the Platform from Which Lincoln Delivered the Gettysburg Address
by Frederick Tilberg
The Fries Rebellion: Social Violence and the Politics of the
New Nation by Peter Levine
The Democracy in a Dilemma: Dallas, Pennsylvania and the
Election of 1844 by John M. Belohlavek
Reviews of book published in 1971
The Natural Ice Industry of Philadelphia in the Nineteenth
Century by Vertie Knapp
The Battle to End Discrimination Against Negroes on
Philadelphia Streetcars, Part I by Philip S. Foner
Benjamin Franklin's View of the Negro and Slavery
by William E. Juhnke
Longwood Meeting: Public Forum for the American Democratic
Faith by Albert J. Wahl
The End of Colonialism in the Middle Atlantic Iron Industry
by Joseph E. Walker
The Battle to End Discrimination Against Negroes on
Philadelphia Streetcars, Part II by Philip S. Foner
The Background of Benjamin Franklin's Imperial Apostasy 1751-
1766 by Kirk Willis
Buchanan's Patronage Policy: President James
Buchanan and Rotation in Public Office by David Meerse
Professional Career and Accomplishments, 1968-1998
Includes his American Historical Association professional
register VITA form, newspaper articles about him, memorandums, invitations, and
letters of congratulations
Publications, 1971-1996
Coal and Pennsylvania's Transportation Policy, 1825-1828,
Establishing the Anthracite Boomtown of Mauch Chunk, 1814-1825: Selected Documents, 1974
The Pennsylvania Anthracite Industry, 1769-1976, 1980 (2 copies)
A History of McNett Country Music: Conversations with Bob and
Dean McNett, Summer 1988
"Radio Corral 1950-1980" in Carver Journal, 1996
The Country Music Education of Bob and Dean McNett
The Bob and Dean McNett Story with the Humor and
Personalities Involved in Their Country Music Business
Teaching and Research Files
Anthracite Chronology
APSCUF Contract, 1990-93
Includes proposed one year extension
of current collective bargaining agreement and copy of Powell's 1991 Federal
Taxable Wages
BSC Faculty (9 Folders), 1968-80
Includes newspaper clippings regarding BSC faculty
Country Music Concert, 1991
Includes Bloom Fest 1991 Schedule,
newspaper articles, letters, biography of Bill Monroe, memorandums
Literature Books
History of the American Economy, Fall
History of American Business
The Oxford History of the American
People, Volumes 1 and 2
Newspapers held by BSC Library, 1972
List of newspapers
Pennsylvania Historical Association Annual Meeting, 1989
Includes notices of meetings and letters
Penn State Press, 1993-97
Pennsylvania books catalog, 1995;
Assignment of copyright to publish "Philadelphia's First Fuel Crisis; Penn State
Press: History 1993-1994" catalog
Williamsport Sun Newspaper, 1952-56
Includes copies of pages from
1952, 1953, 1955, and 1956 with ads for the Radio Corral
Grade books and Syllabi (18
Books, 1 Folder), 1966-95
Grade books, 1966-95 [RESTRICTED]
Includes course and section number,
student's first and last name, grades throughout the year, and final grade
Syllabi, 1974
Includes course number, office hours,
course description, textbooks, grade calculation, and materials to be covered
Computer Diskettes (3 boxes)
Mac Files on 3.5" diskettes for Bob and Dean McNett Research and History Department Work
Box 2:
Audio Lecture Tapes
1. Entrepreneur
2. Transportation Projects
3. Old World Origins
4. Critical Changes in the Financial System
5. Development of Money and Banking 1781-1860
6. Development of New World Merchants
7. Key American Industries 1789-1860
8. Business in the Revolutionary Era 1776-1789
9. Domestic and Foreign Commerce 1783-1860
10. Twilight of the All Purpose Merchant 1790-1840
11. Development of Financial Services 1782-1860
12. Spread of the Factory System1860-1914
13. The Advent of Big Business 1860-1914
14. Labor in the Industrial Society1860-1914
15. The Development of Labor Unions 1860-1914
16. Building National Railroad and Communication Networks 1860-1914
17. The Financial System Under Stress 1860-1914
18. Development of Money and Banking 1860-1914
19. National and World Markets for Mass Production 1860-1914
20. Industrialization: Expansion and Extension 1860-1914
21. Creating Big Business in Steel Andrew Carnegie
22. Creating Big Business
23. The Business of Inventing Thomas Edison
24. Reacting to Industrialism 1870-1910
25. Acceptance of Big Business 1900-1920
26. Henry Ford and the Advent of the Auto Ind. 1863-1947
27. The Challenge of General Motors
28. Business in an Urban Age
2. Stages of American Capitalism
4. The Commercial Revolution in Europe 1300-1600
5. New World Beginnings
6. Beginnings of Industrial Revolution in America 1789-1860
7. The British Imperial System 1600-1776
8. Anthracite and the Industrial Revolution
9. Eli Whitney: Artist of His Country 1765-1825
10. Economic Growth and Social Welfare 1783-1860
11. Continental Expansion and the Modernization of Agriculture 1860-1914
12. Innovations in Transportation
13. American Canal System 1789-1860
14. Innovations in Distribution 1790-1860
15. Origins of Industrial Revolution in America 1760-1860
16. Early Industrial Growth 1783-1860
17. Cyrus McCormick Pioneer in Big Business
18. Creating the Railroad System 1825-1914
19. Reacting to American Railroads 1850-1914
20. Science Based Industries 1914-1989
21. Big Business in the 20th Century
22. Toward a Second Agricultural Revolution 1914-P
25. Domestic and Foreign Markets 1914-1985
28. Banking and the Federal Reserve System 1913-P
29. Development of Financial Services 1860-1985
34. Major Modern Industries: Steel and Oil
35. Major Modern Industries: Telecommunications and Automobiles
36. Major Modern Industries: Broadcasting and Computers
Unnumbered Lectures:
Anthracite and the Industrial Revolution (2 tapes)
Powell, Jacob Cist 1987
Revolution in Transportation and Communication 1789-1860
Microcassette Lecture Tapes
U.S. Economic History 20th Century,
November 1988
U.S. Economic History 20th Century,
December 1988
Kenn McNett Family Background, July
Bob McNett Square Dancing and Radio
Corral, July 1989
Bob McNett Songs, July 1989
Two additional unidentified tapes
Video Tape:
Rural Enterprise Development Corporation
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Updated 4/16/12