9/8/10 Liberal Arts
History Student Research Papers, 1939-2007 |
Box 1:
Alfred Keller: A Major Orangeville Influence/ Tara L. Yost, December 14, 1987.
An American in France: From a Manuscript by A. Draper Dewees/ Scott Musselman,
The American Revolutionary Soldier of Northumberland County: Class Status and
Economic Mobility/
John O'Brien, August 22, 1975.
An Analysis of the Community Leadership of John Gosse Freeze 1860-1880/ James H.
Neiswender, n.d.
Anthracite under the Blue Eagle/ Donald A. Ruud, January 5, 1968.
The Bell Tolls/ Keith Alan Seroka, May 12, 1989.
Benton versus Bloomsburg in County Sports: A Psychological Rivalry, 1920-1930/
Karl H. Zimmerman, December 16 1973.
The Bloomsburg Country Club: What did happen and what could have?/ Bill Brooks,
Bloomsburg's Reactions to the Floods of 1936 and 1972/ Emily Rupert, May 11,
Bloomsburg State Teachers College and the V-12 Program during World War II/
Megan Engle, 2001.
Bloomsburg's War At Home: Anti-War and Pro-War Protestors in the Town and State
of Bloomsburg Pennsylvania/ Jay William Llewellyn II, December 15, 2006.
The Circus in Bloomsburg from 1865-1900/ Max C. Miller, May 17, 1973.
Communist Influences in the Mexican Labor Movement/ Richard Parks, 1974.
Community-Normal Relations in the 1920s/ George Neuhauser, 1984.
Danville: 1887-1891/ Linda F. Mensch, December 12, 1972.
Depression in Bloomsburg: 1931-33/ Josephine M. Crossley, n.d.
The Development of Berwick's Public Schools/ Joyce MacDougall, n.d.
The Diaries of Mae Connor and Marjorie Megargle/ Justina H. Veazie, May 4, 1988.
Early Shamokin: Traders, Travelers, and Missionaries/ Michael Keller, May 10,
The Economic Development of Turbitt and Point Township of Northumberland County
Gary L. Snyder, December 13, 1968.
The Economic Evolution of Conyngham Township 1870-1900/ David B. Geltzer, August
Economic Evolution of Mifflin Township, 1870-1900/ Violet Kratzer, August 9,
An Economic and Political History of the West Branch Valley/ H. Grant Lunger,
Summer 1939.
An Economic Profile of Orangeville, PA 1930-34/ Dave Kennedy, December 16, 1988.
Economy of Orangeville, n.d.
The Farmer Invades Schuylkill County's Dark Ages/ Jean Louise Klinger, May 25,
Farming in Orangeville During the Thirties: More Than Just Survival/ Gregory A.
Tobias, May 6, 1988.
Federal Relief Programs: Orangeville 1930's/ Dale Shobert, December 14, 1987.
Flour Milling in Pennsylvania 1800-1900/ Bruce Kindt, January 6, 1972.
The Formation of a Vigilante Group in Girardville/ Joseph P. Griffiths, January
18, 1972.
The Ghost Town of Masten, Pennsylvania/ Gwenllian Klus, January 1972.
The G.I Bill at Bloomsburg State Teachers College and Harvard University: The
of Higher Education?/ Karen Brennan, May 6, 2007.
Going the Extra Yard/ Kevin Wallace, December 14, 1987.
Government in Mahanoy Basin 1860-1900/ Robert T. Fallan, May 10, 1972.
The Government that Governs Least, Governs Best/ Diane Rude, May 1, 1987.
The Great Gadfly Controversy/ Aileen Krauskopf, Spring 2005.
Haym Saloman/ Edith Tormay, c. 1950.
History of the Evangelical and Reformed Church of Orangeville/ James O'Toole,
May 4, 1987.
History of the Orangeville Evangelical and Reformed Church in the 1930's/
Michael J. Treacy,
December 14, 1987.
History of Schulykill County/ Margaret Kostenbauder, n.d.
An Image of England: The Failure of the Columbian/ Sue Sheaffer, January 14,
The Image of Japan in Montour County, 1870-1900/ Machiko Kamiya, August 13,
The Image of Pennsylvania's Economic Development as seen by Pennsylvania
1812-1825, n.d.
The Independent, Self-Sufficing Orangeville Farmer of the Thirties/ Tim Feusner,
May 10, 1988.
The Iron Industry/ Kenneth D. Wagner, May 15, 1953.
The Iron Industry of Columbia County/ Robert Hileman, May 13, 1948.
Box 2:
Leadership in Columbia County Prior to 1915/ Ellen M. Shultz, May 13, 1972.
The Life of an American Soldier near the end of and after World War I/ Max C.
Miller Jr., n.d.
Local Organizations: Hope for the Bloomsburg Needy in 1931/ Josephine M.
Crossley, January 1971.
Lumbering: Its Long Lasting Effect on Williamsport/ Jeffrey Gray, May 9, 1985.
Mahanoy City 1863-1874/ Robert T. Fallan, December 12, 1972.
Methodist Episcopalian Church 1930-1939: Needed Network or Soulless Structure/
Stacey Zettlemoyer, December 14, 1987.
Military Men of Pennsylvania/ Marion Wallace, August 6, 1943.
MMM (Magnificent Molly Maguires)/ Sandra J. Scott, January 18, 1971.
1930's: Negligible Damage to Orangeville's Quality of Life/ Michael Williams,
December 14, 1987.
North Branch Canal 1825-1840/ C. Tomlinson, May 20, 1969.
The Occupational and Social Mobility of Miners and Laborers in Conyngham
Township, 1870-1880/
Pattie Quinn, May 18, 1970.
Orangeville 1930's State and Local Welfare/ Mary Beth Gallagher, Fall 1987.
Orangeville in the 1930s - An Economic Profile of a Community Unhindered by the
John Bachman, Spring 1988.
Orangeville: 1935 A Map of the Borough: A Map of Change/ John Paul Thomas, May
10, 1988.
Orangeville and the 1936 Election/ Nicole M. Timoney, n.d.
Orangeville in the 1940's: A Community that Works Together Stays Together/
Ernst, May
12, 1989.
Orangeville Borough, PA: The Swing to Republicanism-1932/ James A. Perrotta,
December 17, 1988.
Orangeville: An Economic Profile of 1940/ Rakesh Sharma, April 28, 1989.
Orangeville: The Horse Business and Farming in the 1930's/ John Sweeney, n.d.
Orangeville Manufacturing Company/ Joseph Silimperi, Spring 1989.
Orangeville PA: The Affect of the Great Depression/ Matt Maturani, 1987.
Orangeville PA: The Effects of the Great Depression - Paper Synthesis/ Marcie Ambruzzese, 1989.
Orangeville in the Twenties and Thirties/ Richard Anderson, 1987.
Political Choices of Orangeville: 1935-1936/ Stephen Peters, Jr., December 14,
Political Preferences and Roles in Orangeville in 1930/ Jozsef Horvath, December
14, 1987.
Pottsville at Play in the 1840's/ Dale Eckert, n.d.
Presidential Voting Patterns in McAdoo, Pennsylvania (1936-1960)/
Ronald J.
Meleski, January
Profile of the Leadership Requirements in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania 1860-1876,
May 6, 1969.
Railroad Regulation in Pennsylvania 1870-1885/ John Stahl, January 17, 1970.
The Reading Iron Company, A Significant Part of Danville's Past/ Frank Wilson,
December 12,
The Reading Railroad and the Coal Industry/ Michael E. Corcoran, May 1972.
The Renaissance Hospital: Two Sides to the Story/ Joseph Jacko, May 4, 1984.
The Republican Influence on Orangeville: The 1940 Presidential Election/
J. Reagan, May
10, 1988.
The Republican Surge of Orangeville, Pennsylvania in the 1920's/
John T.
Piccioni, December
12, 1988.
In Search of Welfare and Assistance in Orangeville Borough/ Janko Williams, n.d.
Shamokin 1929-32: A Time of Hardship/ Frank Bruskey, May 8, 1974.
A Short History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna/ Hannah K. Rhawn,
Social Leadership in Pottsville 1850-1860/ Robert T. Fallan, December 21, 1972.
Stability of a Community during the "Great Depression" crisis: Orangeville, PA
Directory 1933-34/ Colleen Daly, Fall 1988.
Stephen Girard 1750-1831/Robert W. Hammers, July 25, 1949.
Strip Mining in Pennsylvania/ Joseph Grande, April 22, 1949.
Students Struggle for Change at Bloomsburg State College/ Brian O' Neill, c.
The Swing to Republicanism in Orangeville: 1940/ Kenny Moore, May 10, 1988.
The United Methodist Church and Its Involvement in Orangeville/ Owen Miers,
April 30, 1987.
Upper Susquehanna Valley in the Nineteenth Century Economic Development in
Between the Years 1838-1849/ Ronald L. Himes, August 6,
Volunteerism and the Churches of Orangeville: A Source of Hope and Help?/ Harold
M. Kahler,
May 6, 1988.
Voting Patterns of Orangeville, n.d.
William Henry Stiegel/ Vivian Carey, March 21, 1951.
William Jessup and Early Anti-Slavery Sentiment in Northeastern Pennsylvania,
Robert M. Cunningham, May 1971.
The WPA in Orangeville/ Bryan Balch, May 8, 1988.
Updated 8/26/13