Introduction to Literature Authors' Correspondence, 1978-1999 |
Box 1:
4/9/80, John McPhee, "Coming into the Country," 2 pages handwritten, The New
Yorker, New York, NY
4/13/81, Norman Mailer, 1 page typed, Brooklyn, NY
6/27/83, Raymond Carver, 1 page handwritten
6/30/83, Susan Engberg, "In the Land of Plenty," 2 pages typed, Milwaukee, WI
7/1/83, Frank Phelan, 3 pages typed, Stanehill College, North Easton, MA
7/25/83, David Long, 2 pages typed, Kalispell, MT
9/1/83, Denise Cassens, 3 pages typed, Tallahassee, FL
9/1/83, David Hellerstein, M.D., "A Death in the Glitter Place," 2 pages typed,
New York Hospital Department of Psychiatry, New York, NY
3/31/85, Letter from Dr. Fuller to authors
4/24/85, Paul Rowles, "In the Red Room," 1 page typed, Tangier, Morocco
4/25/85, Susan Minot, "Therefore," 3 pages typed, New York, NY
4/26/85, Andre Dubus, 5 pages handwritten
3/8/87, Letter from Dr. Fuller to authors
3/16/87, Ann Beattie, "Janus," 3 pages typed
3/16/87, Kit McIlroy, "All My Relations," 3 pages typed, Tucson, AZ
3/28/87, Amy Hempel, 1 page typed
4/6/87, Kent Nelson, 2 pages typed, Exeter, NH
4/22/87, Charles Baxter, "Gryphon," 3 pages typed, Wayne State University,
Detroit, MI
4/24/87, David Michael Kaplan, "Doe Season," 4 pages typed
4/27/87, David Lipsky, 2 pages typed, Brown University, Providence, RI
8/28/87, Jessica Neely, "Skin Angels," 6 pages typed, Santa Clara University,
Santa Clara, CA
[1987], Mona Simpson, 2 pages typed, New York, NY
10/21/88, Letter from Dr. Fuller to authors
11/4/88, Sara Lewis, "Trouble People," 4 pages typed, Cambridge, MA
11/9/88, Charles Baxter, 1 page typed, Ann Arbor, MI
11/15/88, Gail Galloway Adams, "Inside Dope," 7 pages typed, West Virginia
University, Morgantown, WV
11/16/88, Todd Lieber, "Country Things," 1 page typed, Indianola, IA
12/1/[88], Rachel Pastan, "Underground," 1 page typed, University of Iowa
12/7/88, Robert Cohen, 1 page typed
1/26/89, Richard McCann, "My Mother's Clothes," 3 pages handwritten, The
American University, Washington D.C.
4/10/90, Mark Helprin, 1 page typed, The Wendy Weil Literary Agency, New York,
2/26/91 - 3/21-91, 6 letters to Margaret Atwood, "Rape Fantasies"
2/26/91 - 3/22/91, 2 letters to Jincy Kornhauser, "Melinda Falling"
2/26/91 - 3/21/91, 5 letters to Ms. Phillips, "Souvenir"
3/26/91, Janet Shaw, 2 pages typed
4/18/91, Thomas Beller, "A Different Kind of Imperfection," 3 pages typed
4/23/91, Tobias Wolff, 4 pages handwritten, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
4/27/91, Grahm Swift, "Learning to Swim," 2 pages typed, London
3/8/92, Charles Baxter, "The Disappeared," 1 page typed
3/11/92, David Jauss, "Glossolalia," 1 page typed, University of Arkansas at
Little Rock, Little Rock, AR
3/20/[92], Kate Braverman, "Tall Tales," 3 pages typed UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
4/12/92, Rick Bass, 2 pages typed 1 page handwritten, Troy, MT
5/2/92, Leonard Michaels, "Viva La Tropicana," 1 page typed
5/13/92, Susan Minot, 1 page handwritten
11/14/94, Harriet Doerr, 1 page typed
2/28/95 - 3/6/95, 3 letters to David Gates
3/14/95, Roxana Robinson, "Mr. Sumarsono," 2 pages typed
3/31/95, Chris Offutt, "Melungeons," 2 pages typed, Missoul, MT
4/12/95, Stuart Dybek, "We Didn't," 1 page typed, Kalamazoo, MI
4/15/95, Carolyn Ferrell, "Proper Library," 3 pages typed, New York, NY
4/17/95, Thom Jones, 1 page typed, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
4/22/95, Alice Elliot Dark, "In the Gloaming," 2 pages typed, Montclair, NJ
5/3/95, Nancy Krusoe, "Landscape and Dream," 1 page typed, 1 page handwritten,
Santa Monica, CA
10/24/95, Charlie D'Ambrosio, 4 pages typed
10/26/95, Jewel Morgan, "Age of Reason," 4 pages typed
10/29/95, Kim Edwards, "The Way it felt to be Falling," 4 pages typed
10/31/95, Lisa Sandlin, 2 pages typed, Santa Fe, NM
11/10/95, Andre Dubus III, "Tracks and Ties," 7 pages typed and Epoch Vol. 42
No. 2 with the original publication
11/15/95, Robert Love Taylor, "My Mother's Shoes," 2 pages typed, Mifflinburg,
11/16/95, Robin Hemley, "The Big Ear," 2 pages typed, Western Washington
University, Bellingham, WA
11/21/95, Jean Thompson, "Who Do You Love," 2 pages typed, University of
Illinois at Urbana - Champagne, Urbana, IL
[1995], Joy Williams, "Marabou," 2 pages typed
10/1/97, Rick Bass, "Fires," 9 pages handwritten annotations on letters sent to
him, Bozeman, MT
10/20/97, Dan Chaon, 2 pages typed, Cleveland Heights, OH
10/22/97, Stuart Dybek, "Paper Lantern," 1 page typed, Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo, MI
11/16/97, Jean Thompson, "All Shall Love Me and Despair," 2 pages handwritten
12/1/97, Deborah Gaylan, "The Incredible Appearing Man," 3 pages typed
2/28/98, Margaret B. Price, "Jericho," 2 pages typed
3/2/98, Andrew Foster Altschul, "The One Life," 3 page typed, San Diego, CA
3/11/98, Lindsay Fleming, "Lady Slipper," 2 pages typed
3/23/98, Wendy Button, "Climbers," 2 pages typed, Boston, MA
4/8/98, Denise Simard, 2 pages typed, 1 page handwritten, Oakland, CA
6/3/98, Stephen Dixon, 2 pages typed, Ruxton MD
7/22/98, Camie Kim, "Cartography," 2 pages typed
7/27/98, letter to John Barth, "On with the Story"
7/27/98, letter to Arthur Bradford, "Catface"
7/27/98, letter to Kiana Davenport, "The Lipstick Tree"
7/27/98, 2 letters to Mary Gordan, "City Life"
7/27/98, letter to Robert Morgan, "The Balm of the Gilead Tree,"
7/27/98, letter to Alice Munro, "The Love of a Good Woman"
7/27/98, letter to Patricia Elam Ruff, "The Taxi Ride"
8/10/98, Robert Morgan, "The Balm of the Gilead Tree," 2 pages typed, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY
9/9/98, Andre [Dubus], 1 page handwritten
10/20/98, Patricia Elam, "The Taxi Ride," 2 pages typed, Washington D.C.
12/2/98, Kim Garcia, "The Priest," 3 pages typed
12/5/98, Marjorie Priceman, "A Few Fish and Anonymous Spaniards," 2 pages typed
3/18/99, letter to Chris Adrian, "Every Night for a Thousand Years"
3/18/99, letter to Carol Anshaw, "Elvis has Left the Building"
3/17/99, letter to Craig Arnold, "Hot"
3/17/99 - 3/18/99, 3 letters to Poe Ballantine, "The Blue Devils of Blue River
3/2/99 - 3/18/99, 5 letters to Emily Carter, "Glory Goes and Gets Some"
3/18/99, letter to Kathryn Chetkovich, "Appetites"
3/17/99, 2 letters to Matthew Craine, "Penance"
3/15/99 - 3/20/99, 10 letters to Tim Gautreaux, "Welding with Children"
3/18/99, letter to Garrison Keillor, "The Best American Short Stories 1998"
3/17/99 - 3/18/99, 3 letters to Doran Larson, "Morphine"
3/15/99 - 3/18/99, 6 letters to Lorrie Morre, "People Like that are the Only
People Here"
3/2/99 - 3/18/99, 6 letters to Antonya Nelson, "Unified Front"
3/18/99, 2 letters to Diane Schoemperlen, "Body Language"
3/18/99, letter to Alan Shapiro, "The Coat"
3/18/99, letter to Akhil Sharma, "Cosmopolitan"
3/4/99 - 3/17/993, 5 letters to Maxine Swann, "Flower Children"
3/18/99, 3 letters to Meg Wolitzer, "Tea at the House"
3/10/99, Kiana Davenport, "The Lipstick Tree," 2 pages typed, Cambridge, MA
4/2/99, Poe Ballantine, "The Blue Devils of Blue River Avenue," 4 pages typed,
Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico
4/29/99, Doran Larson, "Morphine," 4 pages handwritten, Hamilton College
5/3/99, Meg Wolitzer, "Tea at the House," 3 pages typed
5/4/99, Kathryn Chetkovich, "Appetites," 1 page typed, Boulder Creek, CA
5/17/99, Matthew Crain, "Penance," 6 pages typed, San Francisco, CA
5/18/99, Lorrie Moore, "People Like That Are the Only People Here," 1 page
handwritten, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
[5/99], Emily Carter, "Glory Goes and Gets Some," 1 page typed
6/18/99 - 6/28/99, 5 letters to Karen Heuler, "Me and My Enemy"
6/21/99 - 6/28/99, 2 letters to Alice Munro, "The Children Stay"
6/18/99, letter to Josip Novakovich, "Crimson"
6/21/99 - 6/28/99, 2 letters to Akhil Sharma, "Cosmopolitan"
6/28/99, 2 letters to Don Zancanella, "Chimpanzees of Wyoming Territory"
10/5/99, letter to Saher Alam, "Amreeki"
10/5/99, letter to Christie Hodgen, "Three Parting Shots and a Forecast"
10/5/99, 4 letters to Adam Marshall Johnson, "The Death-Dealing Cassini
10/5/99, letter to Mr. Johnson, "Smoke"
10/5/99, 5 letters to Clark E. Knowles, "Little George"
10/5/99, letter to Hill Kronstadt, "White Space"
10/5/99, 3 letters to Dika Lam, "Judas Kiss"
10/5/99, 3 letters to Nicholas Montemarano, "Slumming"
10/5/99, letter to Peter Munoz, "The Latinnovator"
10/5/99, letter to Bich Minh Nguyen, "Imminence"
10/5/99, 3 letters to Lisa Stolley, "Your Own Personal Project"
10/5/99, 4 letters to Kim Thorsen, "Alien Bodies"
10/5/99, letter to Samrat Upadhyay, "Deepak Misra's Secretary"
10/16/99, Nicholas Montemarano, "Slumming," 4 pages typed, Northampton, MA
10/31/99, Samrat Upadhyay, "Deepak Misra's Secretary," 2 pages typed, Bladwin
Wallace College, Berea, OH
12/1/99, Saher Alam, "Amreeki," 2 pages typed, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
12/6/99, Dika Lam, "Judas Kiss," 2 pages typed
[1999], Clark E. Knowles, "Little George," 4 pages typed
Correspondence to Dr. Fuller:
Several of these letters refer to a panel discussion, The Written Word: A
Festival 4, held in March 1983.
9/30/78, E.L. Marshall
c. 1980, Ardis Kimzey
12/20/82, letter to Bobbie Ann Mason
1/24/83, John Balaban
1/27/83, Robert Taylor, Jr.
2/10/83, letter to John Balaban
2/10/83, letter to Bobbie Ann Mason
3/2/83, Bobbie Ann Mason
3/6/83, John Balaban
11/25/83, Edwin Moses
1/16/84, Robert Taylor, Jr.
5/14/84, David Hellerstein
1/9/90, Dick O'Keefe
1/10/90, Denise Duhamel
3/3/90, Denise Duhamel
3/3/90, John Balaban
10/25/91, Helinski
[1991], Deborah Savage
9/10/92, Rick Bass
9/25/92, Sandra Scoppettone
7/23/93, Lyle Slack
Updated 6/6/08