Subject File, 1963-1989 |
Box 1:
Academic Policies and Procedures, 1971-1988
Administration, 1966-1974
Advisement System, 1983
Affirmative Action Hiring, 1969-1980
Affirmative Action Plan, 1982-1987
Affirmative Action Resource Directories, 1976-1978
Announcements, 1983-1989
Arts and Sciences Council, 1972-1982
Box 2:
Arts and Sciences Council (5 folders), 1982-1989
Arts and Sciences Council-Policy and Procedures Committee, 1979-1983
Arts and Sciences Curriculum Changes, 1982-1989
Arts and Sciences- General Report by Dean, 1981-1986
Arts and Sciences-Program/Administration, 1968-1980
Arts and Sciences Student Council, 1981-1985
A-V Materials Related to English Study, 1966-1986
Box 3:
Career Concentrations, 1980-1982
Center for Academic Development, 1974-1979
Class Schedule, 1986-1989
College: Administrative Policies and Procedures, 1975-1986
College Structure: Faculty, Office Directory, Departments, and Organization, 1975-1989
College-wide Academics: Policies, Procedures, and Schedule, 1971-1977
Composition 102, 1971-1975
Composition Program, 1977-1988
Computers in Composition/Journalism, 1985-1986
Constitution: BSC Faculty Tenure Policy, 1966-1969
Continuing Education, 1973-1980
Cooperative Education Program, 1970-1974
Box 4:
Correspondence: Student Programs/Problems, 1978-1989
Council of Department Chairmen, 1971-1976
Course or Curriculum Changes Form, 1971-19883
Course Information, 1962-1979
Course Planning, 1964-1980
Courses Offered/Proposed, 1969-1986
Department Budgets, 1970-1979
Departmental Position Reports, 1969-1973
Description of BSC and Bloomsburg, 1972-1973
Exam Procedures: World Literature Mass Lecture, 1967-1970
Final Exam: Plans and Schedule, 1973-1989
Box 5:
General Education Requirements (2 folders), 1966-1982
Gilley, Leonard, 1967-1970
Graduate School Information
Graduate Faculty Meetings, 1966-1973
Graduate Programs: college-wide, 1962-1979
Graduate Programs (M.A. & M.Ed.), 1979-1982
Graduate Assistant Appointments, 1970-1982
MA Degree Interview from Packets (2 folders), 1972
MA in Communications, 1974-1984
Seminar Procedure and Notification of Eligibility, 1980-1981
Box 6:
Graduate School Information (cont...)
MA in Communications Proposals, 1979
Revisions of MA Communications Proposals for Graduate Council, 1977-1981
Master Copies: Publicity for MA in Communications, 1975-1980
Evaluation plan for MA in Communications, 1980-1983
Graduate Assistant Appointments: Communications, 1981-1985
Graduate Assistant Program Description, 1966-1984
MA in Communications Proposal, 1979-1983
Revision Copy of MA in Communications Proposal, 1979-1983
Graduate Faculty roster: Department of English Graduate Council, 1972-1986
Guide for Research Project, 1963-1968
Authorized procedures for Thesis Research Committee, 1968-1976
Box 7:
Honors Program, 1982-1988
Human Relations Plan Speakers (3 folders), 1976-1980
Warren Brown, Blyden Jackson, 1976-1977
Adrienne Kennedy, Cynthia Jo Rich, 1977-1979
Gladys M. Faye, 1979-1980
Humor and Miscellany, 1967-1988
Independent Study, 1975-1979
Journalism Institute: 1st through 6th annual (6 folders), 1971-1975
Liberal Arts: Application for Approval, 1963
Library (5 folders), 1965-1980
Order to be filled, 1965-1966
Periodicals in Library, 1966-1975
Survey of Journals, 1971-1972
Periodical Survey, Budget Crisis, 1979
Effects of Library Budget Cuts, 1979-1980
Library Series: Period 1 (Pre-1963 Professor Thompson's Student Days)
Box 8:
MA in English Proposal, 1963-1979
MA Communication; Secondary Education; Elementary Education, 1966-1977
Office Management: Humanities Division, 1968-1988
Orientation of English Majors, 1966-1968
Plagiarism Committee, 1970
Planning Commission, 1973-1974
Polish Pen Pals
Porter-Skehan Case, 1968-1988
Pre-Registration and Withdrawal Policy, 1977-1979
Professional Development, 1987-1989
Publicity: Academic Program, 1982-1989
Publicity: Summer Program, 1976-1989
Rehabilitation Act Section 504 re: Handicapped Persons, 1978-1981
Representative Assembly, 1978-1982
Box 9:
Research and Creative Writing Proposals, 1986-1987
Research Grants Committee, 1978-1983
Secondary Education: Communications Program, 1970-1980
Space and Facilities, 1976-1981
Promotions, etc., 1963-1971
Faculty Activity Reports, 1963-1973
Staff size and Staffing, 1968-1980
Faculty Evaluation Process, 1972-1983
Box 10:
Staff, cont...
Merit Increment, 1973-1974
Tenure Process, 1973-1976
Promotions, 1973-1980
Sabbatical Leave, 1973-1981
Professional Development Program, 1977-1980
Tenure Criteria, 1983-1984
Faculty Evaluation Procedures, 1979-1986
Faculty Evaluations: current year, 1983-1986
Evaluation Report Forms: cover sheet
Evaluation Report Forms: Chairman's Narrative
Box 11:
Student Evaluation of Faculty, 1972-1977
Student Secretaries, 1981-1989
Student Use of English Committee, 1974-1978
Syllabi (7 folders), 1960-1979
English 101/102, 1960-1978
English 209 (251), 1967-1971
English 302, 1969-1979
English 151, 1972-1976
English 120/121, 1975-1976
English 220/221, 1975-1976
English 201, 1977-1979
Ten-Year Master Plan, 1970-1980
Textbooks for Courses (2 folders), 1960-1980
Textbooks: Publisher Correspondence, 1981-1986
Box 12:
Transitory, 1970-1989
Tutoring, 1979
University Scholars Program, 1984-1989
V-P AA: Meetings with Chairman, 1985-1989
World Literature I: Mass Lecture, 1968-1970
Writing Lab, 1970-1987
Writing Proficiency Exam, 1970-1980
Updated 3/4/04