Box 1:
AYI Newsletter, 1958-1971
Biographical Information, 1989
Bloomsburg State College Student User Manual
Class Lists, 1967-1969
Class Notes (8 folders), 1981
Compendium Newsletter, 1964
Correspondence (3 folders), 1958-1978
Bloomsburg State College, 1968-1978
Butler University, 1969-1974
Graduate School, 1958-1960
Data Analysis
Fibonacci & Lucas Numbers
Fibonacci Numbers Talk, 1961
Fibonacci Sequence
Graduate Course
History of Limits
Justification - Promotion to Steps G & H
Kappa Mu Epsilon
Mathematical Magazine, 1968-1969
Mathematical Methods Materials
Mathematical Papers, 1958
Math Talk Presentation
News & Pictures
Non-Standard Analysis
Notes on Popular Vote to Win Election
Numeration Systems
Porter Case, 1970
Publication - A Theorem on Perfect Numbers, 1971-1972
Pythagorean Numbers
Sabbatical, 1978-1979
Scientific American Articles, 1964-1971
Statistical Education Session, 1977
Statistics- Graduate
Statistics Papers
Solutions for Publications
Student Evaluations
A Student's Introduction to Modern Algebra, 1977
SUNY- Binghamton, 1979-1983
Swimming- Bloomsburg State College, 1973-1983
Theory of Equations
The Use of Noncentral F Approximations for Calculation of Power and Sample Size, 1978
Workbook in Elementary Statistics, 1956
Notebooks (8), 1961-1965
Advanced Calculus I and II
Calculus - differential
Calculus - integral
Games and Chance, 1964
Mathematical Statistics, 1961
Number Theory (2)
Probability Theory, 1965
Box 2:
Notebooks (22), 1963-1981
Math 241 Guenther
301D Statistics, 1977
301 Probability
301 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
302 Orba
302 Mathematical Statistics
315 Linear Transformations & Matrices
355 Linear Regression
355 Problems, 1981
356 Experimental Design
357 Linear Models
361 Probability Theory
363 Mathematical Statistics
379 Statistical Inference
Education 496, 1963
Statistics 621 Sampling Theory, 1975
631 Analysis Variance, 1977
632 Experimental Design, 1977
641D Regression Analysis, 1976
660 Nonparametric Statistics (2), 1978
Box 3:
Bloomsburg State College, 1968-1986
801 (5 folders)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Calculus II
CIS, 1982
Class Notes & Papers (2 folders)
Complex Variables
Continued Fractions
Curriculum, 1967-1970
Eclipse Calculations
Function Problems
Hartung's Number Theory
Number Theory (4 folders), 1968-1970
Real Variables
Statistical Model
Teaching of Mathematics (2 folders), 1968-1969
Unit Plans, 1968
Worksheets (2 folders)
Unit 9
Unit 10
Classes (28 folders), 1965-1981
Math 110, 1978-1981
114, 1980
116, 1965-1966
141 (2 folders)
221 (2 folders)
241 (2 folders)
311 (2 folders)
Box 4:
Math 341 (2 folders), 1967-1986
352, 1965-1970
354, 1981
355, 1980
Updated 3/4/04