7/2/6 Graduate Studies Institute for Interactive Technologies Subject File, 1982-1998
Box 1:
Reports and Workshops
Report on Feasibility study on advanced technology program
development, 1983
Authorware Professional: An overview and discussion, 1992
One-day workshop on Interactive Video: Design and Authoring
Techniques, 1992
Three-day workshop on Interactive Video (3), 1992
Three-day workshop on Advanced Interactive Video, 1992
Three-day workshop: Introduction to Interactive Video, 1993
One-day workshop on Interactive Video: Design and Authoring
Techniques, 1993
Five-year Review - Master of Science in Instructional
Technologies and Institute for Interactive Technologies, 1994
Three-day workshop: Introduction to Interactive Video, 1994
Computer-assisted Instructional Module - Hypertext Markup
Language, 1997
Designing and Managing Interactive Video Projects
Stages for Creating Computer-based Interactive Video
Company Proposals, 1997-1998
Technology Feasibility Study Correspondence, 1982-1984
I.S.D. Correspondence (2 folders), 1986-1988
I.I.T. Correspondence (3 folders), 1988-1994
Expanded IIT Proposal, 1990-1991
Proposal for Technology classroom (MHSC 1229), 1991
SSHE Priorities for the 1990s, 1993-1994
Updated 10/13/10