Communications |
Academics Accounting, 1994 Anthropology, 1970s-1994 Art, 1960s-1998 Audiology/Speech Pathology (Communication Disorders), 1960s-1996 Aviation classes, 1944-1948 Biology, 1937-1994 Business, 1939-1991 Chemistry, 1966-1995 Cooperative Program, 1988 Departmental Instruction, 1990 Economics, 1980-1994 Education: student teaching, 1920s-1995 Elementary Education, 1947-1994 English, 1960s-1993 Exercise Science (Health and Physical Education), 1941-1994 Field Trips, 1900-1989 Finance and Legal Studies, 1990 Foreign Languages, 1962-1987 Geography and Earth Sciences, 1967-1980s History, 1968-1978 Industrial Arts, 1900s-1920s Instructional Technology, 1986-1995 Lab Photos, 1960s-1991 Miscellaneous Academics, 1970-1991 Marketing, 1994 Mass Communications, 1989-1990 Math, Computer Science, Statistics, 1960s-1995 Music, 1974-1994 Nursing, 1970s-1994 Philosophy, 1980s Physical Training, 1970s-1982 Physics, 1963-1980s Professional Studies, 1990-1994 Psychology, 1970s-1993 Reading, 1970s-1980s Secondary Education, 1959-1963 Social Studies, 1941 Sociology, 1970s-1988 Special Education, 1959-1984 Speech, 1967-1979 Upward Bound, 1982-1994 Administration Miscellaneous administration, 1940s-1995 Secretaries, 1950s-1969 Security Forces, 1960s-1991 BU Foundation, 1970-1972 Administration groups and offices Administration events, miscellaneous, 1960s-1990 Employee Picnic, 1952-1988 Administration group photos, 1950-1992 Admissions office, 1983-1987 AV (audiovisual) services, 1970s Career Development Center, 1964-1994 Child Care Center, 1980s Computer services, 1960-1980 Counseling/Human Development, 1970s-1982 Development, 1999-2001 Financial Aid office, 1970s-1978 Health services, 1970s-1985 Institutional Advancement office, 1980s-1995 Learning Resource Center, 1970-1980s Physical Plant, 1960s-1987 Radio Station, 1960s-1993 Registrar's office, 1960s-1967 State System of Higher Education, 1995-2001 Student Life, 1989-1992 Television-Radio Services, 1960s-1993 Administration Portraits: A-Z, 1866- Alumni A-Z, 1897- Miscellaneous, 1960s-1980s Alumni Association, 1930s-1977 Alumni Day, 1928-1979 Artifacts, 1947-1990 Reunions, 1894-2001 Athletics Athletic Hall of Fame, 1982-1990 Athletic Awards and Honors, 1929-1996 Athletic Coaches/ Directors (portraits), 1946-1996 Husky Mascot, 1950-1994 Sports Spectators, 1930s-1987 Women's Athletics, 1928-1988 Baseball Team photos, 1890s-1994 Practice, 1974 Games, 1930-1994 Identified Players, 1902-1994 Unidentified Players, 1964-1978 Coaches, 1980-1993 Men's Basketball Team photos, 1894-2003 Awards, Tournaments, Champs, 1939-1981 Players unidentified, 1912-1982 Players identified, 1912-1979 Basketball Coaches, 1913-1994 Games, 1948-1994 Women's Basketball Players identified, 1974-1989 Team Photos, 1897-1994 Games, 1960-1994 Practice, 1940s-1979 Coaches, 1960s-1991 Cheerleading, 1935-1993 Cross Country Co-Ed team, 1976-1981 Men's, 1930-1990s Women's, 1964-1993 Field Hockey Games, 1960s-1994 Players, 1975-1994 Team photos, 1974-1993 Practice, 1970s-1985 Coaches, 1974-1993 Champs, 1981-1982 Football Games, 1915-2006 Players identified, 1946-1987 Players unidentified, 1940s-1982 Coaches, 1940-1993 Trainers, 1964-1986 Rallies, 1930-1953 Fundraising, 1999 Team photos, 1892-1994 Practice, 1940-1982 Reunions, 2001 Golf, 1964-1990s Gymnastics, 1902-1978 Lacrosse Men's, 1982-1994 Women's, 1970s-1994 Rugby, 1994 Soccer Men's, 1944-1994 Women's, 1993-1994 Softball Games, 1970s-1994 Players, 1970s-1994 Team Photos, 1977-1994 Coach, 1978-1995 Miscellaneous, 1970s-1991 Men's Swimming Meets, 1960-1994 Coaches, 1961-1985 Team photos, 1944-2003 Players identified, 1962-1994 Players unidentified, 1970s-1984 Practice, 1974-1978 Women's Swimming Players, 1940s-1994 Coaches, 1970s-1990s Tennis Men's, 1920s-1994 Women's, 1920s-1994 Coaches, 1975-1990s Men's Track & Field Meets, pre 1900s-1987 Players identified, 1965-1985 Players unidentified, 1978-1981 Team photos, 1911-1983 Coaches, 1970s-1983 Women's Track & Field, 1978-1987 Wrestling Matches, 1955-1994 Team Members identified, 1955-1994 Coaches, 1962-1987 Practice, 1965-1982 Team Photos, 1929-1994 Miscellaneous, 1962-1994 Buildings Alumni House, 1988 Boyer Building, 1968 Boyd Buckingham Maintenance Center, 1988 Bakeless, 1968-1988 Bakeless Gateway, 1960-1969 Ben Franklin, 1930-1996 Bookstore College Commons, 1956-1960s Temporary Union, 1971-1972 University Bookstore, 1970s-1994 Buckalew Place, 1931-1988 Caretaker's Cottage, 1950s Carver Hall, 1900-1994 Centennial Gym, 1939-1987 Columbia Residence Hall, 1969-1994 Dillon House, 1964-1970 Elwell Residence Hall, 1965-1988 Haas Center, 1960-1994 Mitrani Hall/Louise and Marco Mitrani, 1970s-1985 Hartline Science Center, 1960s-1993 Heating Plant, 1960s-1964 Kehr Union, 1970s-1995 Luzerne Residence Hall, 1960s-1990 Lycoming Residence Hall, 1975-1995 May Building, 1988 McCormick Center, 1981-1993 Andruss Library Old and new, 1916-2000 Archives, 1980s-2000 Staff, 1967-1984 Montgomery Apartments, 1988-1994 Montour Residence Hall, 1963-1993 Navy Hall, 1941-1989 Nelson Field House, 1972-1990 Noetling, 1931-1967 Noetling demolition, 1967-1968 Old North, 1900-1966 Northumberland Residence Hall, 1958-1990 Old Science, 1900-1993 Rec Center, 1994-1999 Recreational Field Project, 1934-1935 Redman Stadium, 1974-1977 Schuylkill Residence Hall, 1963-1991 Scranton Commons, 1968-1994 Simon Hall, 1930s-1989 Student Services Center (Old Library), 1990s-2000 Sutliff Hall, 1958-1993 Waller Administration Building, 1970s-1991 Waller Hall, 1875-1973 Annex, 1910-1972 College Bookstore, 1960s-1971 Courtyard, 1945-1969 Gymnasium, 1906-1971 Husky Lounge, 1953-1971 Long Porch, 1920s-1973 Senior Walk, 1928-1965 Specific Campus Areas Campus art, 1980s-1994 Carpenter shop, 1978 Catholic Campus Ministry, 1958 Climbing Wall, 1990s Construction, 1960s-1994 Footbridge/Catwalk, 1980s-1993 Greenhouse, 1958-1982 Grove, 1931-1979 Lagoon, 1921-1950s Laubauch Drive, 1987 Litwhiler Field, 1980s Magee Center, 1980s Monty's, 1991 Parking areas, 1930s-1994 Pergola, 1920s-1990s Rock Garden, 1980s-1982 Storage Barn, 1950s-1958 Tennis Courts, 1921-1987 Tri-Level, 1970s-1980s University Police Station, 1995 World War I Memorial, 1920s-1967 Aerial Campus Views Lower campus, 1938-1985 Upper campus, 1969-1985 Campus Grounds, 1869-1993 Campus Scenes, 1910-1988 Campus Plans, 1970 Classrooms/ Classes, pre 1900-1986 Commencement, 1922-2000 Events Anniversaries, 1954-1989 125th anniversary, 1964 Art shows, 1966-1995 Awards, 1960-1997 Blood drives, 1960-1993 Centennial Day, 1939 Christmas, 1947-1986 Community Appreciation Day, 1988-1995 Conferences, 1936-1995 Convocation for University Status, 1983 Dances, 1908-1993 Demonstrations, 1965-1980 Dinners, luncheons, receptions, 1946-1994 Fashion shows, 1960s Freshman Orientation/Customs, 1950s-1979 Guest Performers (non-musical), 1921-1993 Guest Speakers, 1950-1994 Guest Visitors (Government), 1950-1994 Health Symposium, 1963-1994 Ivy Day, 1960 Job Fairs, 1988 Martin Luther King Jr. events, 1993-1995 May Day, 1910s-1962 Miscellaneous events, 1939-1996 Musical Performances, 1955-1995 Parents Weekend, 1976-1994 Presidential Inaugurations, 1970-1995 Provost Lecture Series, 1980s-1996 Registration, 1947-1978 Renaissance Jamboree, 1970s-1990 Senior Banquet, 1978-1986 Sesquicentennial, 1989 Siblings Weekend, 1970s-1994 Simulated Political Conventions, 1968-1984 Trips, 1898-1910 Faculty Identified, 1880-2000 Unidentified, 1887-1995 Faculty Association, 1948-1984 Faculty Wives/Women's Club, 1990-2004 Groups, 1960s-1994 Picnic, 1952-1988 Spouses, 1890s-1947 Awards, 1975-1980 Social Fraternities Alpha Chi Rho, 1994 Beta Sigma Delta, 1967-1981 Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1993 Delta Omega Chi, 1981 Delta Pi, 1968-1982 Gamma Epsilon Omicron, 1993 Gamma Theta Upsilon, 1935-1954 Kappa Alpha Psi, 1982-1993 Lambda Chi Alpha, 1970s-1983 Sigma Iota Omega, 1963-1983 TKE, 1970s-1982 Zeta Psi, 1987-1994 Service Fraternities Alpha Phi Omega, 1960s-1993 Social Sororities Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1980s-1982 Alpha Kappa Alpha, 1981-1982 Alpha Sigma Tau, 1981-1994 Chi Sigma Rho, 1970s-1981 Chi Theta Pi, 1993 Delta Epsilon Beta, 1968-1994 Lambda Alpha Mu, 1970s-1981 Phi Delta, 1980s Phi Iota Chi, 1970s-1982 Phi Sigma Sigma, 1994 Sigma Sigma Sigma, 1970s-1993 Tau Sigma Pi, 1970s Theta Tau Omega, 1970s-1994 Honor Societies Alpha Phi Gamma-Society for Collegiate Journalists, 1979 Alpha Psi Omega-National dramatic Honors Society, 1935-1981 Delta Pi Epsilon, 1981-1983 Delta Mu Delta-Business, 1993 Kappa Delta Pi- Co-ed, 1935-1982 Kappa Kappa Psi, 1970s Kappa Mu Epsilon- Mathematics, 1970s Phi Alpha Theta, 1970s Phi Kappa Phi, 1981 Phi Sigma Pi, 1950s-1982 Pi Kappa Delta, 1970s Pi Omega Pi, 1960s-1989 Sigma Alpha Eta, 1961 Sigma Tau Delta-English, 1970s-1994 Tau Beta Sigma, 1994 Greek Week, 1968-1970s Intrafraternity Council, 1967-1979 Intersorority Council, 1970s-1982 Miscellaneous fraternities, 1960s-1982 Miscellaneous sororities, 1960s-1993 Homecoming, 1937-1996 Music Music students, 1930s-1993 Music events, 1900s-1980s Gospel Choir, 1993 Madrigal singers, 1963-1980s Concert Choir, 1955-1995 Men's Glee Club, 1930-1935 Men's Choral Ensemble, 1929-1984 Women's Choral Ensemble, 1921-1980 Mixed Chorus, 1939-1976 Husky Singers, 1970s-1987 A Capella Choir, 1937-1939 Faculty/directors, 1939-1980s Maroon & Gold Marching Band, 1920s-1993 Studio Band, 1960s-1993 Concert Band, 1941-1985 Majorettes & Color Guard, 1939-1981 Maroon & Gold Orchestra, 1900-1993 Naval Training Units, 1947-1989 Presidents Miscellaneous President Portraits, 1870-1960s David J. Waller, 1877-1978 Francis B. Haas, 1930s-1970s Harvey Andruss, 1938-1983 Robert J. Nossen, 1969-1971 Charles Carlson, 1970s-1986 James McCormick, 1970s-1996 Larry Jones, 1980s-1984 Harry Ausprich, 1980s-1993 Curtis English, 1977-1994 Jessica Kozloff, 1994-1995 Stained Glass Windows Spence windows, 1966-1999 Tiffany Arch, 1966-1999 Tiffany Virtue, 1966-1999 Tiffany Truth, 1966-1999 Tiffany windows, 1966-2001 Tiffany and Spence windows, 1979-1996 Student Government - CGA, 1929-1993 Student Activities, 1896-1993 Student Life Studying, 1960s-1993 Sleeping, 1978-1993 Partying, 1968-1986 In the library, 1960s-1994 In class, 1912-1994 In the snow, 1963-1994 Eating, 1960s-1990 With family, 1915 On campus, 1940s-1994 Off campus, 1970s-1994 Dorm life, 1907-1994 Moving in/Moving out, 1960s-1991 Unidentified Individual Students, 1940-1994 Unidentified Groups of Students, 1894-1994 Student Organizations Bowling Club, 1970s-1994 Chess Club, 1960s-1980s Governing Bodies, 1978 IMAGE, 1967-1994 Literary Societies (Callie and Philo), 1911-1918 Maroon and Gold, 1929-1968 Obiter, 1929-1994 Phi Beta Lambda, 1970s-1988 Political Organizations, 1970s-1980s Student Publications, 1962-1970 Quest, 1970-1982 Religious Organizations, 1970s-1993 ROTC, 1970-1986 Sports, 1940s-1994 Ski Club, 1967-1981 The Voice, 1979-1996 YMCA/YWCA, 1913-1935 Miscellaneous, 1913-1995 Student Portraits Identified, 1880-1990s Unidentified, 1890s-1994 Students Graduate students, 1960s Identified groups of students, 1894-1988 Unidentified groups of students, 1894-1994 Class photos, 1866-1964 Theatre Productions, 1890-1995 Town of Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Fair, 1967-1993 Bloomsburg Hospital, 1980s Bloomsburg Bank-Columbia Trust, 1986 Bloomsburg Country Club Bloomsburg Fire department/ Police Department, 1980-1984 Bloomsburg Middle School, 1988 Bloomsburg Mills, 1982 Bus stop, Capitol Theatre, Monument, 1970s-1993 Women's Center, 1985 Flood, 1972 Harry's Grille, 1990 Hotel Magee, Little Dutch Inn, Neufers Inn, 1970-1994 Main Street stores, 1930s-1994 Off Campus Housing, 1970s-1994 Reconstruction, 1994 University Relations, 1963 Miscellaneous town photos, 1868-1994 Training School Noetling, 1902-1929 Ben Franklin, 1930-1967 Trustees, 1932-1994
Updated 4/6/12