Box 1:
125th Anniversary, 1964
Artists and Lecturers, 1964
Beta Sigma Delta Raid- Underage Drinking/Student Riot, 1987
Bicentennial, 1974-76
Bloomsburg Foundation, 1970-73
Andruss Library (2 folders), 1966-73
Aumiller Plaza, 1979-80
Bakeless Center, 1970-72
Carver Hall, 1980-82
Centennial Gym, 1959-73
College Store, 1973
Columbia Residence Hall, 1969-83
East Hall, West Hall, 1964
Francis B. Haas Auditorium, Harvey A. Andruss Library, 1967
Elwell Residence Hall, Hartline Science Center, 1969
Waller Administration Building, Nelson Field House, Kehr Union, 1973
Haas Auditorium (2 folders), 1961-80
Hartline Science Center, 1970-77
Kehr Union, 1971-90
Lycoming Residence Hall, 1972-76
McCormick Center, 1974-85
Montgomery Place Apartments, 1985-88
Montour Hall (East), Schuylkill Hall
(West), 1964-65
Old Science, 1987
Pedestrian Overpass, 1985
Redman Stadium, 1971-75
Scranton Commons, 1967-69
Sutliff Hall, 1959-88
Waller Administration Building (2
folders), 1968-73
Buildings Survey, 1965-66
Campus Construction Projects, 1968-72
Campus Plan, 1967-69
College Council, 1967-70
Colloquium, 1965-67
Community Activities Budget, 1968-71
Committee on Committees, 1966-67
Construction Projects, 1962-67
Correspondence, 1971-73
Council of Trustees
Jennifer Adams, 1996
Elbem H. Alkire, Jr., 1987-95
James T. Atherton, 1991
Ramona H. Alley, 1983-85
Steven Barth, 1998-99
Richard Bierschmitt, 2001
William E. Booth, 1972
Robert W. Buehner, Jr., 1980-87
Daniel Burkholder, 1975
Karen Cameron, 1987
David J. Cope, 1995
LaRoy Davis, 1980-95
Joseph Dixon, 1975
John Dorin, 1983-98
Dr. Gail Edwards, 1994
Janis R. Ellis, 1975
Frank Fay, 1979-85
Lynda Fedor, 1985
Tom Gordon, 1980-85
James R. Gross (2 folders), 1990-94
John J. Haggerty, 1992-94
Elton Hunsinger, 1981-85
Howard B. Johnson, 1992-93
Joan Keller, 1975-85
A. William Kelly, 1995-96
Leo Kubitsky, 1981-88
Marie Conley Lammando, 1999
Anna Mae Lehr, 1990-98
Gerald E. Malinowski, 1983-92
Joseph Mowad, 1994-96
John McDaniel, 1993-94
Joseph Nespoli, 1978-92
Kevin O'Connor, 1976-92
David Petrosky, 1995
Aaron Porter, 1982-85
Presidents / Chairs List, 1994
Stanley G. Rakowsky, 1983-94
Ted Stuban, 1997
Lucy Szabo, 1979-85
Dr. Edwin Weisbond, 1972-85
Richard F. Wesner, 1983-95
Gail Zurick, 1988-93
William Zurick, 1979
Crisis Communication Management at Bloomsburg University (2 folders), 1992-93
Main Report
Cross Burning
Black Caucus
Presidential Letters
Internal Newsletter
Communication with Students
These folders contain press clippings, letters to students, internal
correspondence, information that was posted on campus, and a report concerning
the University's responses to several crises that occurred between February 1992
and May 1993. Several rapes and assaults were reported on campus and in
off-campus apartments. Michael Boykin, husband of the BU police chief, was
arrested for allegedly raping a female co-worker. Several racial issues also
disrupted campus: two university employees received letters from the Ku Klux
Klan; a white male confronted a black female student with racial slurs; a small
wooden cross was burned on the steps of Carver Hall; and a university trustee
who is black publicly accused the University of racism in the handling of the
Michael Boykin case in which both Boykin and the alleged victim were black. In
response to the incidents, the University implemented several safety programs
including adding emergency call boxes, additional lighting on campus, and a
shuttle bus service between the upper and lower campuses.
Department of Public Instruction, 1965-67
Department of Public Relations - Monthly Reports from Boyd Buckingham, Director,
Education Related Writings, 1935-57
Eggers, Edwin, Graduate Student, 1983
Box 2:
Barbara Behr, 1985
Wendy Lou Elcesser, 1985
Andrew Emerson, 1984
Donald Enders, 1968-76
Ernest Englehardt, 1970-75
Governor's School for the Arts, 1989
G.S.A. Building Insurance, 1969-73
G.S.A Project Status Reports, 1969-73
Hoffman Report - McCormick Years, 1982
Homecoming, 1967
Hopkins, Arthur, Athletic Trainer, 1983-98
Husky Statue, 1984
Inauguration of the G.S.A. Building Projects, 1938
Incidents (3 folders), 1993-94
Theta Chi - Women's Center Benefit -
Sesame Street Block Party
Michael Boykin
Safety and Security
Race Relations
George Mitchell
Dr. Saini and Dr. Champoux
Dr. Qureshi
These folders contain newspaper clippings that cover several incidents that
occurred in 1993 and 1994. Members of the Theta Chi fraternity threw a
fundraising party for the Women's Center. The fundraiser turned into a "block
party" at the Sesame Street housing complex with students drinking heavily and
sliding through the mud. Michael Boykin, a grounds worker and husband of the new
BU police chief, was accused of raping a co-worker. He was acquitted, but
launched lawsuits on a dozen agencies and individuals claiming that his case was
handled with a racial bias. That year, Bloomsburg was terrorized by a serial
rapist who was also black. DNA evidence linked Jimmy Lee Lindsey to three
Bloomsburg rapes. These folders contain clippings of several other stories of
racial tensions, other prejudices, and the steps that the University and
community took to promote diversity. George Mitchell was unfairly dismissed from
his job as the affirmative action director after allegedly sexually harassing a
foreign exchange student. He was rehired and given another position, but sued
the university in an attempt to get his old job back. Professors TejBahn Saini,
Ronald Champoux, Salim Qureshi, and Mary Ericksen were involved in other
Learning and Research Center, 1970-71
Legislation, 1954-56, 1983
Maintenance and Development Projects, 1985-86
Middle States Evaluation, 1968-69
Middle States Evaluation Team, 1968
Morning Press, 1960-63
Pennsylvania State Education Association, 1958-67
Position Reports, 1969-74
Francis B. Haas
Biographical Material, c. 1970
Correspondence, 1934-1935
Presentation of Portrait, 1971
Harvey A. Andruss
Biographical Material, c. 1967-69
Campus Development Plan Presentations, 1958
General (4 folders), 1953-56, 1962-70
Press Releases, 1961-75
Robert Nossen
Athletic Department, 1971
Controversy, 1969-72
Correspondence, 1969-72
Inauguration (2 folders), 1969-70
Press Materials, 1969-72, 1997
Speeches, 1970-72
Vitae, 1972
James McCormick
Athletics, 1973-77
General, 1973-85
Press Clippings, 1973-89
Press Releases, 1973-84
Resume, 1974-78
Speeches, 1974-88
Swearing In Ceremony, 1973
Larry Jones, 1983-90
Harry Ausprich
Correspondence, 1985-93
Inauguration, 1986
Presidential Stationary, c. 1986
Press Clippings, 1985-93
Press Releases, 1985-93
Box 3:
Resume, 1985-93
Speeches, 1985-91
Curtis English
Correspondence, 1993
Interim President Reception, 1993
Opening Day Speech, 1993
Presidential Search, 1993
President's Statement: 1994-1995 Operating Budget, 1993
Press Materials, 1993, 1999
Resume, 1993
Jessica Kozloff
Inauguration, 1994-95
Press Materials, 1994-2000
Resume/Biographical Information, 1993-99
Welcome Reception, 1994
Principals and Presidents of BSC, c. 1970
Regional Economic Seminar, 1967
Robert B. Redman Memorial Trophy (Class of 1950), 1961
Sesquicentennial Celebration Clippings, 1989
Drs. Skehan and Porter, 1970
William Boyd Sutliff - Presentation of Portrait, 1960
Desmond Tutu - Commencement Speech Press Clippings, 1996
Two Decades of Development (1955-1975), 1966
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties, Dr. John A. Hoch, 1964-72
Updated 6/18/09