Box 1:
Academic Affairs, 1991-93
Academic Equipment, 1982-87
Acid Rain, 1984-86
Administration, 1991-94
Adopt a School, 1984
Affirmative Action sub-committee of meet and discuss, 1991
Air Products and Chemical, Inc, 1984-85
Alcohol Policy, 1988-92
Alliance for Human Resources and Economic Development, 1989-91
Alumni Room Account, 1985-90
"An End to a Beginning" (BSC to BUP) Hoffman Report, 1983
Annual Performance Appraisal of a C.E.O.- James H. McCormick, 1982
Arnhold and Associates (map co.), 1989-92
Athletic Scholarship Trust Fund, 1982-85
Ben Franklin Partnership, 1987
Benjamin Franklin Academic Prep School, 1992
Bercon, 1985
Berwick (borough of), 1983-86
Berwick Forge and fabrication, 1985
Bethlehem Steel Corp., 1984-85
Bird Sanctuary and Hoc Committee, 1983-84
Bloomin' Follies, 1990
Bloomsburg Carpet Industries, 1985
Bloomsburg Mills, 1983-84
Bloomsburg Fact Sheet, 1983-86
Bloomsburg University Foundation (2 folders), 1988-93
Brochures-BU, 1982-92
Brochures-PA, 1984-90
Buckalew, 1971-86
Buckingham Maintenance Center Dedication, 1986
Budgeting (U.R.), 1981-92
Business Advisory Board, 1982-87
Business & Industry Director of services for human services & economic
development, 1989-91
Business & Industry Visits, 1984-85
Business Council of Pennsylvania, 1982
Cad/Cam, 1990
Campus Beautification Committee, 1982-87
Campus Partners in Learning, 1989-92
Career Development Task Force, 1988-89
Carver Hall ("Steps of Carver"), 1992
Box 2:
Case Statements, 1982-84
Celebrity Artists Series, 1985-91
Central Park East High School, 1991
Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit, 1983-84
Children & Youth Services Committee, 1991-92
Choices for Pennsylvania, 1981-82
Collective Bargaining, 1984
College Newsletter, 1978
Columbia County Economic Development Council (2 folders), 1982-89
Commissions for the Universities, 1986
Commission of Presidents, 1982-85
Commonwealth Association of Students (CAS), 1983-87
Commonwealth Consultancy Program, 1989
Compact News, 1989-92
Context, 1991-92
Contract Negotiations, 1990
Convocation/ Dedications, 1983
Corman, Doyle J. (Senator), 1988
Corporate Institute, 1988-92
Corporate Institute Trainer, 1990
Council of Trustees (2 folders), 1988-93
Country Club Drive, 1985-90
Coyne, James J. (US House of Representatives), 1982
Culture & Society Task Force- Middle States, 1987-89
Box 3:
Data Book (University), 1986-87
Dedication- McCormick Human Services Center, 1983
Dedications, 1967-89
Development Council, 1984
Development Office, 1983-93
Divestiture, 1983-86
Documentary- "Everything You Do," 1990-91
Drug & Alcohol Task Force, 1988-89
Dykstra, Jerrit (Jerry), 1987
Economic Development (3 folders), 1983-92
Economic Development Task Force Material, 1987-89
Economic Impact, 1977-92
Employee Incentive Rec., 1982-83
Endowed Lecture Fund, 1958-91
Enrollment, 1981-91
Enrollment Management Office, 1983-91
Enrollment Management Five year action plan, 1987-88
Enrollment Management Task Force, 1985
Box 4:
Environmental Scanning, 1987-88
Equipment Needs, 1984-88
Ethnic Intimidation, 1988-90
Evaluation of SSHE Presidents, 1990
Evaluation Planning Office, 1985
Evaluation Research Office, 1984-85
Executive Visits (2 folders), 1982-84
Experiential Education, 1991-92
Expo Communications, Inc., 1983-85
Faculty- Emeriti, 1983-91
Federal Education Update, 1984-86
Fee Waivers, 1975-90
Fitz Dixon Slide Show, 1983
Flour Corporation, 1980-81
Fox Laminating Company, 1984-87
Friends of the Fourteen Pennsylvania Universities, 1991-92
Fund-Raising Feasibility Study Report, 1988
Gallagher Report Request, 1983
Girton Management Co., 1984
Goals and Objectives (9 folders), 1975-89
Goals and Objectives- Board of Trustees, 1982
Gould Electronics/Stanford, 1982
Gourman Report, 1983-85
Box 5:
Governance Structure, 1983-87
Governmental Relations, 1984-90
Governmental Relations Advisory Committee, 1985-90
Governor's Commission for Children & Families, 1991
Graduate Assistantships, 1982-92
Gramm-Rudman Amendment, 1985-86
Grapevine, 1988
Groundbreaking- Human Services Center, 1983
High Technology, 1982
Historic Zoning- Sign Ordinance, 1988
History Bloomsburg University, 1976-94
Holtxman, Marc, 1986
House Bill 9- Investment Priorities, 1986
House Bill 97- SSHE's ability to contract for services independent of GS, 1987
House Bill 190- Contracting with local fire, rescue, ambulance units, 1987
House Bill 209- Equipment Bill, 1986
House Bill 229- Public employee retirement act, 1981
House Bill 414- medical Insurance coverage, 1987
House Bill 432- Police forces-campus and municipal agreement, 1987
House Bill 729, 885, 974, 1868- Fire Co. legislation, 1967-78
House Bill 823- School Building Construction, 1985
House Bill 824- Collection of CAS fee, 1985
House Bill 860- Creditable Nonschool Services/leaves of absence, 1987
House Bill 906- Emergency Service Providers, 1985
House Bill 961- Part-time Student grant act, 1987
House Bill 1013- Printers no. 3840- minimum teacher salary, 1949
House Bill 1059- Prohibiting landfilling of whole waste tires, 1989
House Bill 1236- Exposure to Chemicals in the workplace, 1983-85
House Ways & Means Committee, 1985
Housing, 1977-85
Human Services Center, 1976-84
Husky Club, 1982-91
IIT- Three year plan, 1989-92
Box 6:
Incubators, 1983-85
Industrial Location Project, 1980-83
Informal Forum, 1987-88
Initiatives (3 folders), 1989-92
Institutional Membership List, 1982-89
Instructional Services, 1982-85
International Education, 1987-92
Internships, 1981-92
Interview Travel, 1981-84
Invitation Samples, 1990-91
Japan Tour '84- Madrigal Singers, 1984
Joint State Government Commission Reports, 1983-84
Joint Statement on Rights..., 1967-69
Kawneer Co, Inc., 1972-85
Kennedy Van Saun Corporation, 1984
Landlord Association, 1985
Laubach Centennial Celebration, 1984
Leadership Development Committee, 1991
Learning Resources Network (LRN), 1981-88
Legal Council, 1982-92
Legislative Newsletter, 1984-87
Legislative/SSHE budget briefings, 1987-91
Legislative Visits (their offices), 1987
Legislators- Federal, 1974-86
Lexan, n.d.
Library, 1986-90
Loeper, Joseph (Senator), 1987-88
Management Development/ Management Retreat, 1982-86
McDade, Joseph (House of Reps.), 1982-83
McGuire Memorandum, 1978-87
Media, 1981-91
Meetings- Town Council, 1990-92
Memoranda of Understanding, 1988-91
Middle States (4 folders), 1982-91
Milco Industries, Inc., 1984-85
Miller, Marvin, Jr. (House of Reps), 1978-87
Ministerium-Bloomsburg, n.d.
Minority Scholarships/ Awards, 1988
Mitchell, George, 1990-92
Mullen, Gail, 1993
Murtha, John (US House of Reps), 1982-83
Box 7:
Nieswender, 1983
New Library, 1987-90
New Releases (3 folders), 1989-92
Olympic Representatives, 1992
Operational Plan- Bloomsburg University, 1990-91
Organizational Structure, 1983
Outside Employment, 1979-82
Parents Advisory Committee, 1984
Parking, 1982-88
Peace Corps, 1989
Penn State Plan, 1987
Pennsylvania Academy for the Profession of Teaching, 1990-92
Pennsylvania Association of Colleges & Universities-Day in Washington, 1982
Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education, 1989-91
Pennsylvania Campus Compact
Articles (2 folders), 1987-91
Community Service Learning, 1990-92
COMUNWLTH Proposal, 1991-92
Correspondence (3 folders), 1987-92
Habitat, 1990-91
Into the Streets, 1991-92
Into the Streets- Cool Summit, 1991
Box 8:
Pennsylvania Conference of Graduate Opportunities, 1989-91
Pennsylvania Economic Development Partnership, 1987-91
Pennsylvania Humanities Council, 1988-89
Personnel, 1989-91
Planning, 1989-92
Planning Budget Committee (2 folders), 1983-91
Planning Commission, 1976-87
Planning Document, 1997
Planning, Research, & Information Management (2 folders), 1985-92
Planning Institutional Research & Information Management, 1989-90
Policies, Rules, and Procedures Manual, 1981-96
Poloron Products, Inc., 1984
Porter, Aaron (Responses), 1984
Position Papers- Education, 1986
President Ausprich Inauguration, 1986
President's Cabinet Minutes, 1988-92
President's Cabinet Retreats, 1986
Priority Projects, 1990-91
Professional Development, 1982-90
Promotional Materials, 1986
Box 9:
Publications- Assorted, 1989-92
Public Service (2 folders), 1980-94
Purchasing, 1983-88
Rat Incident, 1990-91
Records Management, 1985-91
Recruitment, 1979-85
Recycling, 1982-90
Related CCEDC/Economic Development Publications, 1975-84
Renter Housing Inspection, 1982
Reorganization, 1991-92
Retirees, 1983-91
RFP Committee for Minority Recruitment Development Program, 1989-91
SAINI, 1988-91
Salary Projections, 1979-91
School of Graduate Studies, 1988-92
Science Hall Renovations/ Rehabilitation/ Rededication, 1984-90
SEDA- COG, 1988-92
Senate Bill 895- Equip. for Human Services Center, Renov. of Science Hall,
Senate Finance Committee, 1985
Senate Resolution 145- On & Off Campus Housing, 1988
Serff Scholarship, 1984-91
Box 10:
Service Scene, 1989-92
Shuman, Clyde S. Scholarship Fund, 1971-86
Signs, 1976-89
Slide Library Bloomsburg University, 1983-90
Smoking Policy, 1990
South Centre Zoning, 1983
Space & Facilities Task Force, 1990-91
Special Events- Institutional Advancement, 1982-87
S.R. 82- Deductibility for State & Local Taxes, 1985
Stanitski, Conrad & Carl, 1985
State System of Higher Education, 1983-90
Advancement Officers, 1990-91
Allocation Formula, 1983-91
Budget, 1985-89
Testimony to Governor's
Commission..., 1985
Strategic Direction Statements, 1989-90
Strategic Planning- Town of Bloomsburg, 1984-92
Strike Plan, 1985
Stuban, Ted (House of Representatives), 1976-92
Box 11:
Student Development, 1981-92
Student Financial Aid, 1990-92
Student Protest, 1987
Students Making a Difference, 1990-91
Studies/Surveys/Reports, 1981-92
Sutliff Hall Renovations, 1984-88
Task Force on Academic Quality- SSHE, 1988
Task Force on Economic Development Matters, 1987-90
Technical Assistance Center, 1991
Telecommunications, 1987-92
Television Advisory Committee, 1986
Temporary Pool Sub-committee- M&D, 1991
Town Gown Committee (2 folders), 1980-90
Town of Bloomsburg, 1981-92
Box 12:
Transition to University Status- Ad Hoc Committee (2 folders), 1982-83
Transitional Plans, 1988-90
Travel, 1990-92
University Forum (Governance Structure), 1987-91
University Goals and Objectives, 1981-85
University Medallion Presentation, 1984
University Relations, 1989-90
Urban Education Initiatives, 1990-91
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, 1983-88
Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration, 1982-92
Volunteer Program Policy (SSHE), 1989-91
Volunteer Services Costs, 1990-91
Volunteer Services Office & Campus Comp. Steering Committee, 1988-91
White Paper, 1986
Williams, Pat (U.S. of Representatives), 1987
Women's Issues, 1991
Young Democrats, 1988-89
Box 13:
Accounting Department Review, 1994
AIDS Policy, 1987-90
Includes brochures for World AIDS Day, information on AIDS
and prevention, final report of the institutional AIDS Policy Committee
Dr. Jesse Bryan, 1939-2003
Includes funeral service booklet, letter of Faculty Emeritus
status, newspaper clippings, Honorary Alumnus status, and résumé
Campus-Wide Committee on Human Relations, 1996-98
Carver Hall, 1977-99
Memo about safety concerns, annual reports of celebrity
artist series and provost's lecture series, Carver Hall proposal.
Carver Hall Workforce Analysis, Space Allocation and Renovation, 1990-93
Memos, cost estimates, minutes, brochures with information on
Entech Engineering, Inc., bids, meeting agendas, floor plans, sample seating
arrangements from
seating companies, and a list of the
Carver Hall Renovation Committee
Carver Magazine, 1982-94
Memos, letters, requests for submissions, list of names on
Editorial Board of Carver, budgets, financial statements, printing order forms,
emails, and mailing lists
Columbia County Comprehensive Plan, Phase I (3 Folders), 1993-94
Columbia County Comprehensive Plan Materials, 1991-93
George J. 1975-78
Includes some of this work as the Sports Information Writer.
Also includes emails, memos, and letters.
Faculty and Staff Correspondence, 1992-2005
Farm Show, 2000
Flood Control Feasibility Study, 2000
Fundraising - General Endowed Lecture Fund, 1958-87
Includes a brief history of the fund and a response to Maya
Angelou's speech on campus
Governance Structure, 1987-89
Includes an issue of The Communiqué that contains a revised draft of the governance structure
Hank, Aaron, 1998
Includes ticket for his "Chasing the Dream" presentation in
1998 and notes from the planning meetings
Lanning, John, 1985-93
Library, 1976-94
Library site and Mark Schweiker room dedication brochures and
invitations, letters, memos, emails, floor plans, response to value engineering
report of the Andruss Library Self Study group, library
campaign and pledge commitment, congressional information services seminar,
policy for borrowing
library materials.
Library Steering Committee (2 Folders), 1992-94
Includes Program for Library buildings, space recommendations
and alternatives, Library Users Committee Recommendations, Library technology
minutes, agendas, memos, results of senior class of 1994 gift
Money Magazine Article, 1990-93
Article regarding Bloomsburg ranking in the top 15% of U.S.
News College
President's Office, 1987-99
Invitation to apply for position of Bloomsburg President,
opening of school convocation address, emails, letters from the President, and
President's Report
President's Statement, 1987-96
Includes President's budget statements and requests, letters
to the university, and Statement of Condition of the university
Priorities for Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education during the
1990's, 1991-92
Includes memos, letters, preliminary proposals for priorities
for the 1990
Rape, 1988-93
Brochures on rape, rape reports, newspaper clippings and
articles on rape incidents
Reports, 1985
Office of Institutional Research
Sexual Harassment, 1986-92
Policies, rules, and procedures, articles, and booklets on sexual harassment
Shanoski, Lorraine, and Theodore, 1996-2008
Speeches, 1982-95
Includes speeches for dedication ceremonies
University Center at Harrisburg, Inc., 1987-93
Update, 2004-2010
Includes three publications from Fall 2004-Spring 2006
World Wide Web, 1994-96
Policies and procedures, brochures, meeting agendas, and flow
Updated 2/26/13