5/60/10 |
Box 1:
Akman, Mary, 1878-1879
Sketches and Drawing Book, loose leaf paper inserts, and
homework assignments found within the pages
Arthur, Helen, 1921
Annotated copy of SEEHEARWRITE "Guide to taking notes in Nature Study for 'Hunters of the Beautiful'" by D. S. Hartline, A. M., Head of Department of Biology,
State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. The guide was completed in the fall of 1921 and includes field trip notes on insects, the heavens, the weather, fungi, trees and animals.
The file also contains a card with the words to "Up On Normal Hill," the school alma mater, and "To Bloomsburg's Normal School."
Brace, Edith, 1924
B.S.N.S. Papers, commencement and banquet programs ('24),
mock trial exercise booklet, Wyoming High School Class of 1922 commencement announcement
Breisch, Florence, 1923
B.S.N.S. notebook, only first few pages filled with Bible
Briggs, Herman A., 1901
Book of autographs, letters, and newspaper clipping describing
his memorial service
Clapp, Gordon , 1961
Pilot Student Handbook
Corrigon, Mary, 1914
Photograph of Mary, college diploma, thank you letter from
the Office of the President at Bloomsburg University, High School Diploma (more
like a final report card)
Cromwell, Ken & Alice (Koch), 1961-1966
Track team photos, Student Teaching Manual, 1965
commencement program, Alice Koch personal papers (costs to attend, incoming
student pamphlets, etc),
Women's Service Sorority (badge, letter, & composite photo*),
Pilot (1962) * #13-319 in Oversize Photographs (RS 6/10/21)
Crow, Harvey, 1887-1888
Letter, report cards, and a certification for the approval
of Crow's continued education in the State School system
Derricott, William T., 1966
General History notes, final examinations, and course
Erdley, Florence, 1905-1906
State Normal School bills
Freas, Agnes Amelia, 1910
Photographs depicting campus life (all
scanned and in very vivid color)
Fry, Harriet E., 1902
Book with written notes and inserted pictures and
Girton, Robert, 1913
Class Schedule
Gogolach, Anna, 1926
Loose leaf notebook containing various English class
Gottlieb, Irving T., 1939
Correspondence with H.A. Andruss, Dr. Haas, and Thomas
North, and newspaper clippings
Herring, Laura D., 1909
History of Painting - notebook filled with cutouts of
paintings, includes notes scribbled next to them
Sculpture - notebook with cutouts of sculpture images, includes
notes and names written next to them
Notebook with cutout images of sculptures and paintings,
along with a report handwritten by Herring in the back of the book
Heydenreich, Dora, 1892
Autograph book and postage card
Hicks, Elsie, 1898-99
Department of Music Programs from B.S.N.S. and recital
invitations, photocopy of obituary
Hight, Robert, 1883
Autograph book
Hileman, Robert E., 1951
Term Paper: "The Iron Industry of Columbia County" -
English II (1948)
Horst, Kathleen, 1969
Frosh orientation calendar, Class Schedule, Maroon & Gold articles from '66 (which discusses the building that would be named
Elwell Hall) and '68
(in which it notes Horst's help with the Bloomsburg
Bloodmobile), directions on how to create a test, criteria for a good
curriculum, etc. (personal class papers),
history notebook
Hosler, Doris Keller, 1948
Remembrances to the Obiter, discussing specifically
Russell Zimmerman
Jones, John T., 1888
Letter from John to his father, also an image of an
unidentified family (husband, wife, and young child)
Jones, Verna, 1936
Kappa Delta Pi (Education Honor Society) Constitution and
Law book, newspaper clippings concerning Verna Jones, her husband
(Dan Jones),
the Alumni Association, H.A. Andruss, and Vincent Price,
and letters from both former Pres. H.A. Andruss and Pres. J. McCormick
Jury, Mark, 1942
Newsletter article from "The Nutshell" in Middletown, OH where it
notes Jury becoming the new Assistant Executive
Kingsbury, Marjorie, 1916
First page of a written examination, posing the prompt of,
"State the causes of the American Revolution" ('15)
Kocher, Harriet, 1939
Senior commencement information (banquets, programs,
etc.), Obiter (1939), "POP" (Pi Omega Pi) Centennial Issue, The Alumni
Quarterly ('66),
'67 Morning Press articles on B.S.T.C. and the dedication
of Haas Center and H.A. Andruss Library
Ksanznak, Larry, 1953
Writing by Ksanznak, "Memories of Bloomsburg State Teachers
College" (05/19/2010)
Lazarus, Edwin, 1907
Student-made scrapbook filled with programs and pamphlets
from the School and also newspaper clippings and personal papers
Lord, Helen, 1917
First page of Arithmetic examination
Madden, Olive , 1921
"Guide to taking notes in Nature Study for 'Hunters of the
Beautiful'," by D.S. Hartline (Head of B.S.N.S. Biology Department)
Meneeley, Gertrude, 1909
Print-outs of photographs taken from Meneeley's
scrapbook from both her time at Bloomsburg and the 50th Reunion of the class of
Moore, Mary, 1899
Photocopied Philadelphia Inquirer article, paper that
states that Moore's daughter's, Mary Taubel Rieder, estate will fund a
Bloomsburg University scholarship
in honor of her mother, two letters of recommendation for
Moore for future employment, and Moore's certification to continue onto her
final year at B.S.N.S.
Parsell, Althea, 1946
Programs concerning her vocal performances (mezzo soprano)
and newspaper clippings
Petrullo, Caroline, 1929
Floorplan of Waller Hall and numerous receipts
noting both B.S.N.S. and B.S.T.C.
Pursel, Beatrice, 1918
Book Room Account information noting the cost of various
items needed for attendance to B.S.N.S., and a photocopy of the cover of the
commencement invitation
Box 2:
Raup, Elizabeth, 1929
Three autograph books that date from 1926-1929
Robbins, Susan B., 1967
Health class grades, health semester schedule, and health
notes and formal dance "couple" photographs with two different couples
Ruggles, Lea B., 1894
Drawing book filled with a variety of different sketches
Salem, Clinton, 1888
Autograph book
Sharpless, Pauline, 1911
Examination and class notes
Shuman, Charles, 1913
Biology class notebook and a photocopy from the Jan. 1914
B.S.N.S. Quarterly in which it mentions his death due to cerebro-spinal
meningitis at the age
of 19, and a copy of "Month by Month Studies in Drawing (signed
C.A. Shuman '13)
Shuman, Harriet, 1917
Arithmetic examination
Box 3:
Smith, Ruth, 1927
Bloomsburg Ice Cream Parlor Menu (BUSH's), correspondence
between Smith & the Alumni Association concerning her memorabilia, teaching
from B.S.N.S., and a teaching contract from the Scranton
School District
Sober, Louie, 1884
Autograph book
Sypniewski, Helen, 1918
Her 1918 Obiter with clippings on classmates; flyer and program for Senior Class Night, June 18, 1918; and certificate from the
Bloomsburg State College Alumni Association for attending her 60th class reunion, April 29, 1978
Sypniewski, Valeria, 1922
Her 1922 Obiter; senior dance program; Decoration Day program, May 30, 1922; songs sung at the alumni dinner, May 22, 1937; and alumni lists for the Class of 1922, April 1967 and February 1977
Thomas, Daniel, 1930-31
A collection of photocopied newspaper clippings all concerning
the Bloomsburg football team, noting Thomas
White, Wilhemine, 1920
Commencement week programs and photographs, torn out
scrapbook pages with personal photographs (May Day included) and photocopied images
of the
torn out pages
Young, Harry W., 1905
B.S.N.S. Grammar examination
Updated 3/24/14