Student Activities Student Organizations File, 1951-1996 |
Box 1:
Committee on Student Organizations (23 folders), 1967-1990
Folders include the following items/material:
Aid for student administrators Treasurers Handbook
B.S.C. Procedural manual for student organizations
Classification of organizations: Extracurricular,
co-curricular, undecided
Constitution for the Bloomsburg Association for the Hearing
and Impaired
Constitution of Husky Singers
Constitution of the Accounting Club
Constitution of the Bloomsburg University Volleyball Club
Constitution of the Community Government Association
Constitution of the Hacky Sac Club
Constitution of the Obiter
Financial report of the social fraternity and sororities
Financial Statements
Fundraising events and proposals
Governing organizations: Name of president and box number
Greek manual
Guidelines for Organization of local Honor Society in Nursing
- Sigma Theta Tau
Honor Society bylaws
Husky Mascot position: Qualities required for position
Information regarding establishment of a chapter
Leadership development workshop
List of all organizations and date of Constitution
List of off-campus houses for fraternities and sororities and
phone numbers
Off-campus party policy
Philosophy for off-campus living
Policies regarding social fraternities and sororities at
Bloomsburg State College
Procedure for national affiliation
Procedures for dissolving and re-establishing a social
Student government allocations committee hearing policies and
Student Organizations: List of executive board members
Inactive Student Organizations (86 folders)
Folders include the organization's constitution, petitions for recognition,
newspaper articles,
memorandums, and letters:
Alliance of Student Voters, 1978-79
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, 1976-80
Amateur Radio Club, 1968
Arnold Air Society, 1986-90
Association of Resident Men, 1968-73
Association of Resident Students, 1978
Association of Women Students, 1971
B Club, 1968-69
Balalaika, 1968
Bloomsburg Acrobatic Team, 1971-75
Bloomsburg Society of Cinematographers, 1983
Bloomsburg University Bridge Club, 1968
Bloomsburg University 4-H Club, 1981
Bloomsburg University Women's Soccer Club, 1988
Campus Crusade for Christ, 1984
Campus Scouts, 1984-90
Chi Alpha, 1970
Christian Community Gathering, 1979
Circolo Italiano, 1977
Commuter’s Association, 1986-90
Contemporary Organization of Media Majors, 1989-92
Dance Troupe, 1980
Data Processing Management Association, 1984
Day Women's Association, 1964
Delta Phi Alpha Honor Society, 1951-94
Diplomatic Society on Human International Ties, 1979
Environmental Awareness Club, 1980
Fellowship among Christians through Service, 1992-93
Fiddler's Green, 1977
Frontline, 1994-96
Horticultural Club, 1975-76
Humanities Club, 1975
Interdisciplinary Council, c.1970
Kappa Gamma Iota, 1992-96
Kappa Iota Chi, 1994-96
Kappa Kappa Psi, 1971-78
Lambda Chi Alpha, 1968-92
Leadership Unlimited, 1992-94
Life of for Everyone (LIFE), 1988
Mass Communications Club, 1980
Mathematics Club, 1968
Medical Technology Club, 1980-92
National Residence Hall Honorary, 1988
Off-campus Housing Association, 1976-87
Orthodox Christian Fellowship, 1975
Outing Club, 1974
People Actively Creating Equality (PACE), 1989-92
Phi Sigma Xi, 1969
Photograph Club, 1979
Phi Epsilon Chi, 1969
Pi Kappa Epsilon, c.1968
Pittston Club, 1974
Pizazz, 1985
Power Lifting Club, 1975-94
Project Awareness, 1982-93
Project Retain, 1992-93
Radiologic Technology Club, 1989-92
Residence Hall Association, 1987
Rifle Club, 1969
Sailing Club, 1975
Science Club, 1955-69
Sigma Mu Sigma, 1978
Sigma Pi Epsilon Delta, 1988-92
Ski Racing Club, 1987
Society for the Advancement of Management, 1985
Student Alumni Council, 1979
Student Organizations of Adult Resources, 1984-90
Students against Multiple Sclerosis, 1988-92
Students for Criminal Justice, 1992
Students for Environmental Action, 1977
Students for Nuclear Awareness, 1984
Student's International Meditation Society, 1973
Students of Sociology/Social Welfare, 1969
Students Organized to Uphold Life, 1982
Theta Gamma Phi, 1969
Theta Zeta, 1985
Table Tennis Club, 1991-94
United Greek Association, 1993-95
United Women's Organization, 1979
Urban Education Organization, 1990-94
Way Campus Outreach, 1975
Water Polo Club, 1981
Women's Coalition, 1983
Wrist-Lockettes, 1972
Young Socialist Alliance, 1974
Updated 2/21/11