Box #1:
Contract Dates
Activities and Accomplishments of the General State Authority, 1935-1938
Electrical Construction of the Gymnasium, Junior High, Boy's Dormitory, Shop & Storage Buildings, and Boiler Plant Addition, 1937
General Construction of the Gymnasium, Junior High, Boy's Dormitory, Shop & Storage Buildings, and Boiler Plant Addition, 1937
Plumbing and Draining Construction of the Gymnasium, Junior High, Boy's Dormitory, Shop & Storage Buildings, and Boiler Plant Addition, 1937
Electrical Construction of Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting Systems, 1938
Electrical Construction of Fire Alarm and Emergency Lighting Systems, 1939
Repairs to Passenger Elevator #1- Waller Hall, 1940
Recreation Field chain link fence, concrete curb and sidewalk, and demolition of chimney, 1941
Alterations and Additions to Noetling, 1941
Resurfacing and Refinishing Gymnasium, 1942
Waller Hall Alterations, 1943
Exterior Painting of Carver Hall, Waller Hall, Science Hall and North Hall, 1943
Alterations to Waller Hall - Plumbing and Heating, 1943
Alterations to Kitchen and Dining Room and Installation of Cafeteria Equipment, 1943
Replastering and Miscellaneous Repairs - North Hall, 1943
Renewal of Main Power and Lighting Feeders for Waller Hall, 1944
General Construction: Mechanical and Electrical Work for Alterations to Toilet Rooms, 1944
Repairs to Furnace Lining and Renewal of Water Column Piping, 1946
Renovation of Toilet and Wash Rooms in North Hall - plumbing and heating, 1947
General Construction for Renovations to Old Gym, North Hall and Library Room, 1947
Alterations and Repairs to Noetling, 1948 (517.1)
Changes in Refrigeration System, 1948 (713)
New Roofs for Science Hall and porches for North Hall and President's Residence, 1950 (1066)
Electrical and Signal Distribution and Campus Lighting, 1952 (1384-4)
General Renovations and Repairs for Carver and Waller Hall, 1953 (1496-1)
General Renovations and Repairs for Carver and Waller Hall - electrical work, 1953 (1496-4)
Renovation of Various Buildings - General Construction, 1954 (1672-1)
Renovation of Various Buildings - Heating and Ventilation, 1954 (1672-2)
Renovation of Various Buildings - Electrical Work, 1954 (1672-4)
Box #2:
Commons Electrical Work, 1955 (401-2.4)
Library Equipment - Renovation of Dining Room and Library, 1957 (2156-6)
Electrical work - New classroom building and extension of utilities, 1958 (401-3 & 401- 5)
Electrical Construction - Men's Dorm, 1958 (401-4.4)
Facilities for Special Education - Heating and Ventilation, 1959 (498-7.2)
Miscellaneous Repairs for Exterior Pointing, Caulking, and Painting at Science Building, 1960 (3695-7)
General Facilities for Special Education - Navy Hall, 1960 (498-7.1)
Plumbing Facilities for Special Education - Navy Hall, 1960 (498-7.3)
Electrical Facilities for Special Education - Navy Hall, 1960 (498-7.4)
General Construction of Two Dormitories, 1962 (401-7.1)
General Construction of Two Dormitories - Heating and Ventilation, 1962 (401-7.2)
General Construction Phase II - Addition to Boiler House, 1962 (401-6.4)
Miscellaneous Construction of Sound Proof Room, 1963 (PI-4413-5)
Installing the Air Conditioning System - Library Area and Waller Hall, 1963 (PI-4639 -2)
General Library Construction, 1964 (401-10.1)
General Library Construction - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, 1964 (401 -10.2)
General Library Construction - Plumbing and Draining, 1964 (401-10.3)
General Library Construction - Electrical Work, 1964 (401-10.4)
Air Conditioning - Carver Hall, 1965 (PI-5627-2.4)
Plumbing Construction for Extension of Utilities, 1965 (401-11.3)
General Construction of the Auditorium, 1965 (401-8.1)
Heating and Ventilating Construction of the Auditorium, 1965 (401-8.2)
Plumbing and Draining Construction of the Auditorium, 1965 (401-8.3)
Electrical Construction of the Auditorium, 1965 (401-8.4)
Updated 11/29/04