3/12/10 Honors Program Student Honors Theses, 1987-2010 |
Box 1:
Number (#) | Author Last | Author First | Title | Year |
2 | Panzer | Dawn A. | Family Factors in Bulimia | 1987 |
3 | Washychyn | Jill | Instrumental and Expressive | 1987 |
4 | Keller | Kimberly A. | Relationship of Hostility to Familial Cancer | 1987 |
5 | Klinger | Debra S. | The Effects of Childhood Pet Ownership | 1987 |
6 | Panzarella | Ramona | Child-Pet Interactions | 1987 |
7 | Starkey | Lynne | An Analysis of Eight Projective Tests: Reported Validity and Reliability | 1988 |
8 | Zajac | Joe | Cancer Related Traits and Beliefs of College-Age Children of Parents With or Without a History of Cancer | 1988 |
9 | Pienmattei | Jackie | Children's Residential Rehabilitation Research Host Homes in Pennsylvania | 1988 |
10 | Price | Michelle R. | (Art Department: Personal Works of Art) [packet of various medias of artwork] | 1988 |
11 | Kenvin | Rebecca L. | The Juvenile Delinquent | 1988 |
12 | Lenker | Susan E. | An Art Environment | 1989 |
13 | Koch | Candace | Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy in LD Children's Group Experience | 1989 |
14 | Lafferty | April | Epibionts on the Rugose Coral Grewingka from the Tanners Creek Formation | 1989 |
15 | Motley | Sheila | Finite Element Analysis of Heat Flow | 1989 |
16 | Chasen | Lee | Pattern Duplication and Reflection: A Bouncing Ball Problem | 1989 |
17 | Chomiak | Alyssa | Relationship Between Type A Behavior and Health Attitudes in College Students | 1989 |
18 | Gilliard | Jennifer | Control, Beliefs/Behaviors, and Alcoholic Families in College-Age Women | 1989 |
19 | Roll | D. Arthur | Steel Rain: A 3-Act Play [play] | 1989 |
20 | Ruggeri | James | Support Software for the IBM Professional Graphics Controller | 1989 |
21 | Veazie | Justina H. | The Effect of the Print Medium on the Campaign for Nuclear Development | 1989 |
22 | Moncavage | Krisa K. | Bidirectional Support and Life Satisfaction | 1989 |
23 | Wargo | David A. | The Strategy of Non-Zero-Sum-Games | 1989 |
24 | Arbuzzese | Marcie | A History of Orangeville Pennsylvania | 1990 |
25 | Breech | Diane K. | A Life's View [play] | 1990 |
26 | Aunkst-Fisher | Beverly | Comparing Sentences to Poetry: Their Effects on the Processing of Metaphor | 1990 |
27 | Pickering | Travis Rayne | Critical Assessment of Richard Leakey's Hominid Phylogeny | 1990 |
28 | Seibert | Michelle | Differences in Reactions to Myocardial Infarctions Among Husbands and Wives of Patients | 1990 |
29 | Pedersen | Jennifer | Effects of Experimental History on Responding Under a Progressive-Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement | 1990 |
30 | Ohl | Rebecca S. | Nonverbal Communications | 1990 |
31 | Bates | Cynthia A. | PMS as an Excuse?: The Effects of Dispositional Self-Handicapping, Premenstrual Syndrome, and Success Contingency on Situational Self-Handicapping | 1990 |
32 | Bednarchik | Maria | The Effects of Self-Esteem on Dieting Behavior | 1990 |
33 | Turner | Deborah J. | The Role of Cognitions as a Mediator of Self-Efficiency, Message-Framing, and Inhibitional and Acquisitional Goals | 1990 |
34 | Ransier | Laurel Ann | An Experience in Creative Childhood Entertainment | 1991 |
35 | Szymczak | Alise C. | Finite Element Analysis | 1991 |
36 | Hummel | Richard | The Relationship Between Specific Birth Condition and Personality | 1991 |
37 | Butcher | Carolyn A. | Underlying Beliefs & Fears of Type A Behavior | 1991 |
38 | Bodine | Heather E. | Women in Traditional Seneca Indian Society | 1991 |
39 | Ecker | Kristin | Early Woodland Pottery of the Munson Spring Site, Ohio (Circa 1500 B.C. - 300 B.C.): Variation of an Interregional Theme | 1992 |
40 | Neufeld | Colleen | Health Attitude Survey | 1992 |
41 | Symons | Shannon M. | Perception of Illusory Contours | 1992 |
Box 2:
42 | Robbins | Cynthia L. | Providing a "Gifted" Education for All Students: What Principals and Teachers Think | 1992 |
43 | Shively | Andrew | Rationalizing the Irrational: The Evolution of Nineteenth Racial Theory | 1992 |
44 | Hertrich | Melissa | Review of Theoretical Perspectives and Developmental Factors Concerning Family Background and Perception of Illusory Contours | 1992 |
45 | Kovalovich | Karol K. | The Contribution of Voltaire to the Philosophy of Deism | 1992 |
46 | Kopervos | Aileen K. | The Crossing Paths of Law and Lit. | 1992 |
47 | Jemiola | Judith Ann | The Differential Effects of Sex Roles in Success Attributions | 1992 |
48 | Fordiani | Tricia A. | The Influence of Fairy Tales on the Socialization of Children | 1992 |
49 | Rowland | Michele L. | The Legislative Process in the United States Congress | 1992 |
50 | Simmons | Amy R. | The Rise of Hate Groups and the Contemporary Challenge of Diversity | 1992 |
51 | Kent | Sandra | Writing Methods | 1992 |
52 | McDonald | Stephanie Ann | Current Issues and Trends in Education: Implications for Future Teacher Preparation | 1993 |
53 | Wetzel | Patricia | Early Literacy for At Risk Children and the Effects of Parent Involvement | 1993 |
54 | Corley | Christopher R. | Erasmus, Luther, and the Catholic Controversialists: The Reformation Debate on Free Will | 1993 |
55 | Johnson | Sheri | Influence of Social Organizations and Community Service on Faith Development in Female College Seniors | 1993 |
56 | Smith | Matthew G. | Spirits in History: Ignatius and the Society of Jesus during the Catholic Reformation | 1993 |
57 | Livelsberger | Jennifer Beth | Stressors, Needs, and Resources of Families with Children using Assistive Device Technology: A Statewide Survey | 1993 |
58 | Skiendzielewski | Patricia | The Danville Head Start Study | 1993 |
59 | Derr | Sherri | The Relationship Between Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists' Perceptions of Changing Educational Requirements and Selected Demographic Variables | 1993 |
60 | Magdeburg | Victoria C. | Theories of Literature: Feminist Analysis and Rhetorical Reading Strategy of The Mill on the Floss | 1993 |
61 | Weir | Kimberly | An Analysis of the Somalian Crisis | 1994 |
62 | Atkins | Bridget | An Investigation of the Relationship Among Gender, Self-Efficiency, and Academic Achievement | 1994 |
63 | Kenney | Veronica | Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) | 1994 |
64 | Moser-Cashman | Jo Ann | Central Pennsylvania's Role in the Emancipation Process: A Study of the Underground Railroad in Lycoming County with a Portrait of the County's Conductors, Stations, and Aid to Runaway Slaves During the American Civil War Period | 1994 |
65 | Culbert | Jennifer | Children Pictured Through Time | 1994 |
66 | Ottey | Kelly A. | Factors Predicting Condom Use as in AIDS Prevention Technique in Adolescents | 1994 |
67 | Walters | Truly | For the Duration: Advertising and Women in World War Two | 1994 |
68 | Kraje | Cynthia | Heavy Metal Music: Positive vs. Negative Influences on the Youth [study on heavy metals meaningful role in various aspects of communication in society] | 1994 |
69 | Griffith | J. Scott | Identifying and Characterizing Potential "Suberinases" from Bark Fungi [research intended to "search for potential suberinases produces by bark inhabiting fungi"] | 1994 |
70 | Geitz | Melissa | Lipid Profiles in Postmenopausal Women: A Pilot Study ["compares baseline levels LCAT and cholesterol in premenopausal and postmenopausal women"] | 1994 |
71 | Scott | Thomas | Lyme Disease ["conglomerate of all the basic information necessary for someone in the medical community to gain an adequate understanding of the disease and be able to deal with it in a clinical setting"] | 1994 |
Box 3:
72 | O'Donnel | Margaret M. | Market Value Accounting: FASB 115 [ "volatility of income under new market value vs. old historical cost system"] | 1994 |
73 | Malick | Beth A. | Middle School Students' Attitudes Towards Educational Games [games and increasing technology related to them in the classroom] | 1994 |
74 | Yurchak | Katherine | Muncy, Pennsylvania: Today and Yesterday [history of Muncy, PA newspaper Now and Then] | 1994 |
75 | Pestrak | Jeffrey E. | Niche Overlap and the Seasonal Changes of Species Diversity in Pennsylvania Snakes | 1994 |
76 | Rogers | Christine | Selected Bibliography for Areas of Further Research on Vietnam Veterans | 1994 |
77 | Kinney | Heather | The Effects of Self-Handicapping, Self-Esteem, Imposter Feelings, and Locus of Control on Adjustment in Middle School Students | 1994 |
78 | Turbedsky | Kirsi F. | The Nature of Woody Suberins and their Biodegradability | 1994 |
79 | Farr | Erin | Three Dimensional Modeling Using PHIGS | 1994 |
80 | Aponik | Kimberly A. | Today's Debate: Is The Death Penalty A Deterrent | 1994 |
81 | Geczy | Michelle | Toppling the Ancien Regime: Noble Intransigence vs. Peasant Discontent in France, 1789 | 1994 |
82 | Frompovich | Brittany A. | [Musical Composition Book, Includes: Lyrics & Sheet Music] | 1994 |
83 | Yarrington | Kathryn E. | Block Codes with emphasis on the Data Encryption Standard [discusses ciphers and encryptions that cannot be read if/when intercepted by anyone other than intended receiver] | 1995 |
84 | Baird | Alyssa D. | Brand Images Differences and Determinants: A Study of Three Automobiles | 1995 |
85 | Kelley | Michael | Computer Simulation of the Bloomsburg Floodplain Aquifer | 1995 |
86 | Sabatino | Janet L. | Family Caregiver's Knowledge Related to Cancer Pain and It's Management | 1995 |
87 | Betres | Catherine L. | Informed Consent in Field Experiments ["ethical analysis of the current methods used in obtaining informed consent in psychological field experiments"] | 1995 |
88 | Jenkins | Karen | Photographing AIDS: Historical Influences and Contemporary Issues | 1995 |
89 | Lentz | Patricia | Sex-Role Behavior and Previous Evaluations of Intelligence Influence Later (Evolutions of Intelligence) | 1995 |
90 | Grbavac | Amy | The Effects of Model Usage and Acculturation on Asian-American Attitudes Towards Advertisement | 1995 |
91 | Vorhies | William | The History of Adult Attachment Style, The Physiology of Attraction and Their Relationship to the Propensity for Chemical Dependency in Teenage College Students | 1995 |
92 | Allbeck | Jan | The Path of Least Resistance | 1995 |
93 | Belicka | Lisa A. | The Rhetoric of Music Form in Copland's Appalachian Spring Suite and Mussorgsky's Great Gate of Kiev [musical communication] | 1995 |
94 | Zebrowski | Beth | The Use of Religion as a Coping Mechanism for Stress in College Students | 1995 |
95 | Mattocks | Sandra | A Study of the Correlation of Numeral-Writing Difficulty and Students Rank in Math Class [communication disorders] | 1996 |
96 | Mehring | Collette | A Study of the Effects of an Arthritis-Foundation Aquatics Program on Arthritic Persons' Self-Reported Functional Capacity | 1996 |
97 | Wilson | Amy | An Analysis of the Critical Variables Influencing the Self-Esteem of Urban Black Adolescents | 1996 |
98 | Hodder | Heidi Rose | Effect of Age on Plasma Lipid Profiles | 1996 |
99 | Hampton | Nathan | Effects of Manure, Compost, and Fertilizer Applications on Soil Quality Parameters | 1996 |
100 | Heil | Adrienne | Hidden-Hand Leadership & Presidential Politics: Dwight D. Eisenhower & The 1964 Presidential Campaign & Election | 1996 |
101 | Burrell | Philip | "Laboratory School of Reform:" The Struggle To Reshape Russian Education, 1985 - 1995 | 1996 |
102 | Gougon | Danielle | Looking Towards The Future: An Analysis of the Integration of Men into the Battered Women's Movement | 1996 |
103 | Scott | Lisa D. | Personality Variables & Adolescent Adjustment | 1996 |
104 | Boris | Rachel | Potential Areas of Research for Independent Study | 1996 |
106 | Procopio | Angelene | Race and Gender Issues | 1996 |
107 | Moore | Michelle | Relationship of Family Caregiver Characteristics to Concerns About Narcotic Addiction | 1996 |
108 | Ungard | Jesse T. | Response Inhibition Following Septal Lesions | 1996 |
109 | Baker | Stephanie | Teachers' Perceptions of A Bilingual, Bicultural Program in American Sign Language | 1996 |
110 | Groom | Heidi | The Effects of the Lecithin: Cholesterol Acyltransferase Activity on Plasma Cholesterol Levels in Women | 1996 |
111 | Sutton, Jr. | J.W. | Purgatory Café [play] | 1997 |
Box 4:
112 | Green | Amy | The Role of Intestinal Parasites in Bovine Management | 1996 |
113 | Bryan | Sean | The Sexual Phase Development of The Fungus Neurospora tetrasperma: A Genetic and Cytological Analysis | 1995 |
114 | Rebnegger | Karin | Toward An Understanding of Teotihuacan Influence in Mesoamerica | 1996 |
115 | Lesiba Mabokela | Lucky | Undoing the Unjust Past of Black Exclusion in the Accounting Profession: A South African Case Study | 1996 |
116 | Frace | Trudy | Where Did You Learn That? An Investigation of Sources of Knowledge and Myths Concerning Premenstrual Syndrome and Menopause | 1996 |
117 | Benkert | Brynne | An Exploration of the Art of the Third Reich and the Art of the Holocaust | 1997 |
118 | Bradshaw | Michael | Further Study of the Impact of Hydrophobicity on the Stoichiometry of Immobilized Indicator - Analyte Complexes | 1997 |
119 | Edwards | Mark | HOW SHOULD WE THEN THINK?: The Life of Evangelist Francis A. Shaeffer IV | 1997 |
120 | Gamler | Theresa L. | Leaching of Nitrate from Field Applications of Manure, Compost, and Chemical Fertilizer | 1997 |
121 | Banyas | Jennifer L. | Parental Attachment, Moral Development, and Religion | 1997 |
122 | Groff | Josh | Property Relations of the Formulation of the State Law Historical Examples: Feudal England - Revolutionary America | 1997 |
123 | Boyle | Michael J. | Subjects and Survival The Metaphysics of Persons | 1997 |
124 | Noll | Nicole | Teaching the Holocaust: Knowledge, Tolerance, and Teaching Methods | 1997 |
125 | Landis | Lauren G. | The Acute Effects of Upper Body Exercise on Cholesterol Levels in Premenopausal Women | 1997 |
126 | Evans | Nicole M. | The Impact of Physically Attractive Models in Advertising | 1997 |
127 | Cincilla | Lisa M. | The King's Bench Power of the Supreme Court [PA supreme court] | 1997 |
128 | Irwin | Sharon | A Survey of Attitudes Regarding the Punishment of Sex Offenders | 1997 |
129 | Goetz | Susan | Adolescent Self-Esteem and Adjustment | 1998 |
130 | Risso | Peter | An Ethnographic Study on Recycling in a Central Pennsylvania County | 1998 |
131 | Knapp | Michael | Claude Simon & Simultaneity: Reading the Experimental Novels | 1998 |
132 | Sweeney | John | Death Beliefs and Practices of the Yanomamo, Traditional Tibetans and North American Christians | 1998 |
133 | Zarecky | April M. | Depression and Adolescents [The Effects of Social Support System, Body Image, Age and Grade Level, Gender and Parental Involvement on Depression, Self Esteem and Psychological Well Being in Middle School Students | 1998 |
134 | Collins | Michael C. | Foreign and Domestic Branding: Effects of Product perceptions and attitudes of Consumers | 1998 |
135 | Brouse | Tawnya M. | Fungal Ecology in Woody Compost | 1998 |
136 | Laganella | Dana | Meta-Analysis of Research Conducted on the Glass Ceiling | 1998 |
137 | Heverling | Angela | Nationalism, Regionalism, and Identity within the European Union | 1998 |
138 | Steward | Christopher H. | Natural Law and Legal Positivism in Judicial Opinions Regarding Marriage | 1998 |
139 | Bashore | Sarah L. | Naturally Occurring Antimicrobial Products | 1998 |
140 | Susz | Janessa | Nonverbal Communication Behaviors During Selection Interviews Create Positive of Negative Perceptions, Which Influence Hiring Decisions Within Select Stores | 1998 |
141 | Marshall | Brenda | Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients: Role of Menopausal Status and Treatment Regimen | 1998 |
142 | Dyste | Erin | Sexually Transmitted Diseases [study of a select few STD's] | 1998 |
143 | McClanahan | Andrea | A Chocolate Smeared Women: A Criticism [A Sophistic / Feminist Rhetorical Critical Analysis of Performance Artist Karn Finely] | 1998 |
144 | Jara | David A. | The Effects of Body Image | 1998 |
145 | Gadomski | Jennifer | The Effects of Limestone Sand Dosing on the Benthic Macrovertebrate Community of Catawissa Creek | 1998 |
146 | Aldinger | Kristen L. | The Highly Sensitive Person Scale and Attachment Style [Relationship of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale and Attachment Style to Emotional Awareness and Intensity, Childhood Memories, and Emotional/Behavioral Tendencies in College Students] | 1998 |
147 | Kurnat | Emma L. | The Impact of Chronic Condition [The Impact of a Chronic Condition on the Families of Children with Asthma] | 1998 |
148 | Butcher | Christine | The Issues Surrounding Sexual Harassment | 1998 |
Box 5:
149 | Benfante | Lynn | The Study of Working Capital and How it Affects Changes in Stock Prices | 1998 |
150 | Borst IV | Charles A. | United States v. Civil Dissent [A Comparison in the Suppression of Civil Dissent in the United States During Times of War] | 1998 |
152 | Musselman | Zachary A. | A Test of a Common Super-Resolution Algorithm | 1999 |
153 | McKay | Amy E. | Changes in Plasma Lipid Profiles In Response to Upper Body Exercise: Role of Age | 1999 |
154 | Urban | Thelma | Collected Short Stories by Various Authors [students analysis of various short stories and concludes her analysis in the second section of her independent study] | 1999 |
155 | Colligon | Lynda | College Students and Noise-Induced Hearing Loss | 1999 |
156 | Persing | Carl R. | Development of the MSS [Department and Validation of a Multidimensional Self-Destructiveness Scale (MSS) to Assess Maladaptive and Risky Behaviors and Beliefs in Young Adults] | 1999 |
157 | Palmer | Jennifer | Did Sophie Ever Have A Choice? [A Study of William Styron's work Sophie's Choice] | 1999 |
158 | Nichols | Walter | Facial Feedback Hypothesis [An Examination of Individuals with Limited Facial Expressiveness] | 1999 |
159 | Ford | Meghan M. | Female Genital Circumcision and the "Cultural Versus Human Rights" Debate with a Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa | 1999 |
160 | Horne | Sandra | Gender Equity from the Perspective of Five University Women, Faculty and Administrators, 1974 - 1994: An Oral History Approach | 1999 |
161 | Kiesinger | Karson | Guardians of the Cause: Joseph Conrad's "Kurtz" and Norman Rush's "Nelson Denoon" | 1999 |
162 | Zakrzewski | Jerome | Men and Marines: A Cross Cultural Comparison of Male Initiation Rights | 1999 |
163 | Cook | Gabriel I. | Olfactory Stimulus as a Context Cue for Memory | 1999 |
164 | Roberts | Shawn P. | Post Merger Effect on Banks Stock Price | 1999 |
165 | Burns | Shannon | Puerto Rican/ Nuyorican Children's Literature Unit | 1999 |
166a | Housel | Stacey M. | Role of Animals in Therapeutic Settings | 1999 |
166b | Housel | Stacey M. | Equine Assisted Therapy as an Adjunct to Speech and Language Therapy for Autistic Individuals | 2000 |
167 | Gandenberger | Karyn M. | Sensationalism and the News: Have Supreme Court Decisions Changed the Rules? | 1999 |
168 | Penn | Charles C. | SNX-Modified β-Lactamase Encoding Regions Are Expressed in vivo in a Recombinant M13 Vector | 1999 |
169 | Carver | Angela | solving Rubik's Cube | 1999 |
170a | Bankes | Brook | The Adventures of Matin and Ferdie [English Version, short story manuscript] | 1999 |
170b/c | Bankes | Brook | Les Aventures de Martin et Ferdie [Spanish Version, short story in full book form; illustrations by Jerry Scott] | 1999 |
171 | Langberg | Joshua | The Family and Adolescent Adjustment [The Role of Family Conflict, Divorce, and Warmth/Control in Adolescent Adjustment] | 1999 |
172 | Marcovitz | Melisa | The Impact of Nationalized Health Care on Welfare Mothers | 1999 |
173 | Pollins | Seth | The Largeness of Life [collections of storied and poems all by noted author] | 1999 |
174 | Cerrito | Julie A. | The Role of Romantic Relation on Forgiveness in College-Age Adults | 1999 |
175 | O'Dell | Kathleen | W.B. Yeats' Internal Conflict: The Battle Between Anglo-Irish Values and the Love of an Irish Nationalist | 1999 |
176 | Wylie | Dawn M. | Women in the Pennsylvania Legislature and Their Impact on Public Policy Issues | 1999 |
177 | Schrock | Alexis | An Analysis of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States | [?] |
178 | Snook | Erin | Nonathletes and Athletes Eating Attitudes [An Investigation of the Prevalence of Disordered Eating and Body Image Problems Among Athlete and Non-Athlete College Students: A Preliminary Investigation] | 2000 |
179 | B'Oris | Jennifer | Civil War Unit [Grade 5/6 Civil War History Unit Plan] | [?] |
180 | Lockard | Elena | Effective Appeals for Philanthropic Giving to Colleges and Universities | 2000 |
182 | Getz | Mike | Study of the Flora of Jakey Hollow Natural Area | 2000 |
183 | Seiders | Dawn E. | The Effects of Biosolids Application on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Soil Quality | 2000 |
184 | Shelly | Gina M. | The Effects of Biosolids Application on Soil Biology | 2000 |
185 | Koklinski | Scott | Effects of Cognitive Dissonance on Religiosity ["" on Anxiety, Spirituality, and Religiosity] | 2000 |
186 | Peters | Christine E. | The Importance of Humor and Physical Attractiveness for Different Relationship Types | 2000 |
187 | Gaughan | Rory | The Indie Visible Life [screenplay] | 2000 |
Box 6:
188a | Purcell | Brandy | A Tree is Like Me [Interdisciplinary Unit for Grade 1, but can be adapted to 2 or 3 Grade] | 2000 |
188b | Purcell | Brandy | A Tree is Like Me [book, written and illustrated by Purcell, that accompanies the unit plan 188a] | 2000 |
188c | Purcell | Brandy | A Tree is Like Me [book, written and illustrated by Purcell, that accompanies the unit plan 188a] | 2000 |
189 | Platt | Brian F. | An Analysis of Changes in Trends in and the Scientific Accuracy of Reconstructions and Representations of Apatosaurus and Deinonychus Over Time | 2001 |
190 | Kodack | Karena | Analysis of Adoption Statistics | 2001 |
191a | Scheer | Melissa | Child Maltreatment Packet [gathered information on the subject that addresses a variety of questions that arise from the topic] | 2001 |
191b | Scheer | Melissa | Child Maltreatment Packet [gathered information on the subject that addresses a variety of questions that arise from the topic] | 2001 |
192 | Clark & Cochran | Allison D. & Winona | Demographic and Personality Characteristics Predictive of Road Rage | 2001 |
193 | Landis | Erika S. | Earth and Blood | 2001 |
194 | Zitter | Nicole | Investing in the Stock Market: Buy and Hold vs. Day Trading | 2001 |
195 | Kirkpatrick | Sean | Lessons in Apathy [a novella] | 2001 |
196 | Sutton | Kimberly | Personality as a Moderator of Goal Setting and Performance | [?] |
197 | Gradwell, Hill, & Kepler | Sheila E., Melinda L., & Cindy L. | Preparation of Photoluminescent Oligocarbosilanes via Hydrosilylation | 2001 |
198 | Eltringham | Amanda | Perceptions of Real and Illusory Contour Figures [Second Graders' and College Students' Perceptions of Real and Illusory Contour Poggendorff Figures] | 2001 |
199 | Bell | Eileen | The Effects of Loneliness, Self-Esteem, and Trust in People on Attachment Style and Partner Choice | 2001 |
200 | Bogush | Steven | The Effects of Marketing Norms on Small Business Success | 2001 |
201 | Kessler | Heidi | The Impact of Religion on U.S. Politics | 2001 |
202 | Lucadamo | Joe | The Voice: Staff Manual [manual for the future staff of The Voice] | 2001 |
203 | B'oris | Jennifer | "To Women, All Loyal, Hurry Come:" Women Nurses, Sanitary Commission Workers, and Volunteers at the Battle of Gettysburg | 2001 |
205 | Kalechitz | Leonard J. | [research that focuses on systems that allow for advanced uses of a computer] | [?] |
206 | Wehrer | Kristen M. | Perception of HIV/AIDS as Fatal or Chronic [A College Students Perspective on Susceptibility to HIV/AIDS: Will I Live or Will I Die?] | 2002 |
207 | Wilson | Chad | A Look at the Economic Health of France after the Introduction of the Euro as a Means of Answering the Question, "Has the European Economic and Monetary Union Accomplished its Goal of Improving the Member Stats' Economies?" | 2002 |
208 | McBride | Alison | Advertising, Cigarettes & Gender: The Effects of Virginia Slims | [?] |
209 | McDevitt | Kenneth | An Examination of the Working Relationship between Masaccio and Masolino | 2002 |
210 | Hartung | Stacey | Parental Divorce and Risk Taking Behavior [An Investigation of the Prevalence of Risk-Taking Behaviors in College Students as Related to Gender and Parental Divorce] | 2002 |
211 | Nichols | Leigh | Authentic Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology: Opportunities in the Classroom Setting | 2002 |
212 | Walsh | Melissa Gabrielle | Courage and Resilience in Children: Two Sides of the Same Coin | [?] |
213 | Sandom | Nicole | Cultural Considerations in Service Delivery in Speech-Language Pathology | 2002 |
214 | D' Argenio | Danielle D. | Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Issues Within the United States | 2002 |
216 | Sanger | Shari L. | Sources of Belief: Exploring College Students' Familiarity of Selected Urban Legends | 2002 |
217 | Hill | Melinda L. | Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Polysilanes and Polisiloxanes | 2002 |
218 | Bankes | Brian | The Complexity of Information Security | 2002 |
219 | Gower | Hollybeth | Relaxation and Meditation on Students [The Effects of Meditation Compared to Passive Relaxation Concerning Stress, Anxiety, Spirituality, and Control in College Undergraduates] | 2002 |
220a | Zimmerman | Annie | Watersheds and Wetlands: Fourth Grade Thematic Unit [unit plan] | 2002 |
220b | Zimmerman | Annie | Watersheds and Wetlands: Fourth Grade Thematic Unit [binder containing all colored and laminated information/binder version of 220a] | 2002 |
221 | Cope | Matthew D. | An Historical Discussion Concerning Christianity | 2003 |
222 | Ruddy | Jolon | Communication Changes in the Elderly Population | 2003 |
223 | Abbott | Loren M. | Competitiveness of Rhizobium Strains in Relation to Varying pH Levels | 2003 |
224 | Blass | Rich | Corporations and Globalization: Historical Perspectives in a Contemporary World | 2003 |
225 | Yergey | Christopher E. | One Hundred Years in Columbia County, Pennsylvania: A Study of Population Changes Using Geographic Information Systems | 2003 |
226 | Melnick | Rachel | The Effects of Exogenous Carbohydrates on Basidiospore Germination and Related Studies | 2003 |
227 | Sabol | Angela | The Effects of Insecticides on Pulse Rate, Tactile Response, and Morality in Lumbriculus variegatus | 2003 |
228 | Bray | Emily L. | An Evaluation of Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Manure: Biogas Production Quality and Quantity | 2004 |
229 | Minto | Hannah E. | Connecting With Classics [curriculum compiled by the author that is applicable from grades Kindergarten to Twelfth Grade] | 2004 |
230 | Stefursky | Lisa | "Describing Investing Methods with Emphasis on Personal and Economic Conditions" | 2004 |
231 | Nolte | Nicole | Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Success [Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Academic Achievement] | [?] |
232 | Parise | Katy L. | Heterozygosity-Fitness Correlations in a Population of Collard Lizards, Crotaphytus Collaris | 2004 |
233 | Woodby | Elisa J. | Sexual Assault and Generation Y | 2004 |
234 | Larson | Elizabeth A. | Simple Machines Made Simple | [?] |
235 | Hahlbohm | Kristen | The Effects of Phonological Awareness and Spelling Proficiency on Phonetic Transcription Skills of University Students | 2004 |
236a | Bigora | Keith M. | The Students' Perspective on Learning Mathematics: An Independent Study | 2004 |
Box 7:
236b | Bigora | Keith M. | The Students' Perspective on Learning Mathematics: An Independent Study | 2004 |
237 | Hafner | Katie L. | A Day With a Cloud [a manuscript for a storybook targeted from children aged pre-school up through first grade] | 2005 |
238a | Wanttaja | Ryan | A Philosophic Inquiry into the Ethics of Harry Potter | 2005 |
238b | Wanttaja | Ryan | A Philosophic Inquiry into the Ethics of Harry Potter | 2005 |
239a | Kostick | Kathleen | An Early Immersion into a Second Language: A Honors Independent Study | 2005 |
239b | Kostick | Kathleen | An Early Immersion into a Second Language: A Honors Independent Study | 2005 |
240a | Cabana | Sharon | Between Two Revolutions: Immigration Histories of Chinese Families in the Gulf Region of Mexico | 2005 |
240b | Cabana | Sharon | Between Two Revolutions: Immigration Histories of Chinese Families in the Gulf Region of Mexico | 2005 |
241a | Sabo | Justin | Freshman Standing [script] | 2005 |
241b | Sabo | Justin | Freshman Standing [script] | 2005 |
242a | Major | Stephen | A Series of Reproducible Laboratory Activities: Fun, Food, Fantasy...and Physics? | 2005 |
242b | Major | Stephen | A Series of Reproducible Laboratory Activities: Fun, Food, Fantasy...and Physics? | 2005 |
243 | Clay | Molly | Judith: A translation Endeavor | 2005 |
244a | Katzaman | Emily | Language: A Window into Temporal Orientation of Patients with Alzheimer's Dementia | 2005 |
244b | Katzaman | Emily | Language: A Window into Temporal Orientation of Patients with Alzheimer's Dementia | 2005 |
245 | Arnold | Brian | Internet Shopping and Today's Consumer HIS Study | 2002 |
256a | Bender | Rebecca | Teaching Language Through Culture [authors research and unit plan] | 2005 |
256b | Bender | Rebecca | Teaching Language Through Culture [authors research and unit plan] | 2005 |
247a | Zima | Michael | The Integration of Wireless Networking Technologies into a Food Service Environment | 2005 |
247b | Zima | Michael | The Integration of Wireless Networking Technologies into a Food Service Environment | 2005 |
248 | Hinton | Ryan | The New and Improved Campaign Tactics of the Democratic National Committee in the 1932 Presidential Reelection | 2005 |
249 | Warliga | Lauren | The Strange World of Hydrothermal Vents: Middle School Science Comprehensive Unit | 2005 |
250 | Eisner | Alexis | Women as National Leaders | 2005 |
251a | McDermott | Megan | A Study of Elementary Mathematics Textbooks | 2006 |
251b | McDermott | Megan | A Study of Elementary Mathematics Textbooks | 2006 |
252a | Koveleski | Kristen R. | Nickname Use, Team Identity, and Cohesiveness: A Study on Nickname Use, and Feelings of Team Social Identity and Cohesiveness among College Athletes | 2006 |
253 | Byrd | Michelle | A Translation of Dr. R. Orin Cornett's Beginning Lessons In Cued Speech in General American English into the International Phonetic Alphabet | 2006 |
254 | Gilmore | Scott | Accounting for the PCAOB: The Future of Financial Accounting | 2006 |
255 | Zangari | Tonia | An Evaluation of the Effects of Anaerobic Digestion on Odor and Coliform Counts in Swine Manure | 2006 |
256 | Bedford | Rachel | Career Awareness Unit | 2006 |
257 | Verosky | Pamela S. | Compassionate Caring in Bloomsburg University Nursing Students: Innate or Learned? | 2006 |
258a | Breneman | Michelle | Consumer Responsiveness to Factors of Hybrid Car Advertisements [specifically looking at Honda] | 2006 |
258b | Breneman | Michelle | Consumer Responsiveness to Factors of Hybrid Car Advertisements [binder version] | 2006 |
259 | Spease | Michelle | Developing an English Curriculum for Eighth Grade Students [an entire years curriculum ] | 2006 |
260 | Purington | Devon M. | Diagramming: An Effective Method for Teaching Grammar? | 2006 |
261 | Kenyon | Kelli | Emotional Reactions and Perceptions towards Patients with Aphasia | 2007/08 ? |
Box 8:
262 | Willour | Jamie | Evaluation of the Opinions of Radiologists and Radiologic Technologists Regarding the New Radiologist Assistant Profession | 2006 |
263 | Beshenich | Laura | Free Speech and the Crisis of Wartime | 2006 |
264 | Yeager | Jason | Java Assignment Manager | 2006 |
265 | Larrisey | Erin | Moral Reasoning and Temptation [Moral Reasoning, Gender, and Resistance to Temptation] | 2006 |
266 | Perott | Jennifer | Motivational Programs: Individual or Team Rewards for Team-Based Projects? | 2006 |
267a | Tofts | Kristine | Reproductive Success in Fertility Patients: Effects of Age, Cigarette Smoking, and Obesity | 2006 |
267b | Tofts | Kristine | Reproductive Success in Fertility Patients: Effects of Age, Cigarette Smoking, and Obesity | 2006 |
268 | Smith | Carri | Sexual Harassment and Teenagers | 2006 |
269 | Anderson | Samantha B. | The Role of Consumer Ethnocentrism in an Automobile Retail Market: Central or Peripheral Cue? | 2006 |
270 | Maylath | Lauren | A Comparative Analysis of ESL Programs and the Educational Systems of Various Hispanic Countries | 2007 |
271 | Adams | Stephanie | An Investigation of the Ramifications of Fals Recovered Memory Syndrome on the Legal System | 2007 |
272 | Matthews | Marissa J. | CMC in the Workplace [Computer-Mediated Communication in the Workplace: Employee Attitudes on Productivity, Information Overload, Uninhibited Behavior, and Media Richness] | 2007 |
273 | Stump | Tammy K. | Opinion Strength, Reasoning, and Moral Reasoning [Effect of Opinion Strength and Kohlbergian Moral Stage on Deductive Reasoning Skills] | 2007 |
274 | Hull | Jessica | Effectiveness of a Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS) and Classroom Design for Students with Disabilities | 2007 |
275 | Moore | William | Lifestyle Discrimination | [?] |
276 | Gockley | Beth | Native American Language Preservation and Revitalization | 2007 |
278 | Zipko | Paul | Tethered Satellites | 2007 |
279 | Vanderhoff | Renee | The Use of Power and Control in Serial Murder | 2007 |
280 | Gaino | Michael | The Utilization of a Flow Through Conductance Instrument at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures to Determine the Dissociation Constant and Equivalent Conductance at Infinite Dilution | 2007 |
281 | Menkin | Jessica | A Study and Application of Absurd Literature [authors novel in progress The Critique] | [?] |
282 | Mong | Lynette R. | Degrees of Freedom: A Memoir of Travel | 2007 |
284a | LoVallo | Amy | Finding Comfort in Words: A Brief Study on Writing Therapy with an Emphasis on Prison Writing and Individual Writing Groups | 2008 |
284b | LoVallo | Amy | Finding Comfort in Words: A Brief Study on Writing Therapy with an Emphasis on Prison Writing and Individual Writing Groups | 2008 |
285 | Grabert | Kelsey | God and Evolution: An Investigation into Contrasting Beginnings | [?] |
286 | Schuster | Stephanie | Picture Exchange Communication System and Autism [How the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Affects the Responses of Children with Autism] | [?] |
287 | Gonzalez | Jessica | Improving Communication Through Assistive Technology | 2008 |
288 | Bradbury | Meagan O. | Modalities of Education Regarding Electrical Stimulation Therapy for the Treatment of Dysphagia | [?] |
290a | Dameron | Maureen E. | Patterns of Infection Control Practices among Registered Nurses from Bloomsburg University | [?] |
290b | Dameron | Maureen E. | Patterns of Infection Control Practices among Registered Nurses from Bloomsburg University | [?] |
291a | Huff | Katherine E. | Staphylococcus Aureus Transmission by Nursing Students [Potential for Staphylococcus aureus transmission by Nursing Students: Evaluation of Nasal Carriage and Watchband Contamination] | 2008 |
291b | Huff | Katherine E. | Staphylococcus Aureus Transmission by Nursing Students [Potential for Staphylococcus aureus transmission by Nursing Students: Evaluation of Nasal Carriage and Watchband Contamination] | 2008 |
292 | Withers | Steve | Programming a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with an Interactive Calculus-based Program | 2008 |
293 | Topper | Joanne | Teachers' Knowledge of Health Concerns [in children] | [?] |
294 | Connoley | Gina | Teaching the Diagonal" Power of Matrix Training for Suffix Learning | [?] |
296 | Bond | Krista | Physical Activity with Academic Performance [The Correlation of Physical Activity of College Students with Academic Performance] | [?] |
297 | Yacovett | Allyson | The Duchess: A Rhetorical Analysis of a Pop Star | [?] |
298 | McClarren | Kylene | Voting Decisions of Bloomsburg University Students | [?] |
299 | Valencik | Ryan | A Forensic Analysis of Windows Media Player 11 | [?] |
300 | Blyler | Kay | Individual Disaster Preparedness [A Study on Individual Disaster Preparedness Among Church Goers in Dauphin County Pennsylvania] | [?] |
301 | Kida | Jillian | A Subpopulation of Poorly Aggressive Melanoma Cells Express High Levels of EphA2 and Have Increased Proliferative Capacity] | [?] |
302 | Simpson | Jennifer | Cultural Competency: An Investigation of Bloomsburg University Nursing Students | [?] |
303 | Vilcheck | Jeremy | Detection of Heat Shock Proteins in Aquatic Worms: Examination of the Stress Response in Lumbriculus variegatus | 2009 |
304 | Perott III | Joseph | Examining Perfect Totient Numbers | [?] |
305 | May | Jared P. | Gcn5-Independent Antagonism Between Azole Antifungals and the Histone Acetyltransferase Inhibitor Garcinol in Candida glabrata | [?] |
306 | Geyer | Marcy | Photography as Propaganda in the United Stated during World War II, Vietnam, and the second Iraq War | [?] |
308a | Yeager | Jessica | The Effectiveness of the Partner Four Communication Device: A Case Study | 2009 |
308b | Yeager | Jessica | The Effectiveness of the Partner Four Communication Device: A Case Study | 2009 |
308c | Yeager | Jessica | The Effectiveness of the Partner Four Communication Device: A Case Study | 2009 |
309 | Balz | Amanda | The Kent State Massacre and the Generational Divide of the 1960's | [?] |
313 | Ridgeley | Brooke A. | A Multigenerational Approach to Nutrition Education Programs | 2010 |
315 | Adrejack | Mary | Implementation of Web 2.0 Tools in the Business Education Classroom | 2010 |
316 | Kenyon | Scott | Influence and Effectiveness of Campaign Advertisements | 2010 |
No # | ||||
U1 | Bertschman | Dan | Development of a Non-polar Polymer Support for the Synthesis of Small Molecule Libraries | [?] |
U2 | Blahosky | Alexandra | Perceptions of Crime vs. Actual Crime Rates among a Sample of Hazleton Residents | [?] |
U3 | Budd | Steven | Mobile Device Internet Forensics | [?] |
U4 | Caiazzo | Brian A. | The Formation and Application of the Molf Integer Sieve | [?] |
U5 | Christopher | Rebecca | The Effects of Tannin on Weevil Larvae | 1996 |
U6 | Cressman | Mindy | Translating Latin American Legends Through the Eyes of Mexican and Puerto Rican Children | 2001 |
U7 | Islam | Nayeem | The Viability of Renewable Energy Options as an Instrument of Modern Day Micro-Financing Techniques | [?] |
U8 | Jones | Hannah Karena | Lost in Translation: Retelling the Tale of Joan of Arc | 2010 |
U9 | Kabata | David | Perithecial Development in the Fungus Neurospora Tetrasperma | 1996 |
U10 | Magness | Anne Marie | Ten Thousand Little Sounds [book] | [?] |
U11 | Morgan | Jeffrey | The Dialectics of Dialects: The Use and Instruction of Dialects in the Modern American Theatre | 1986 |
U12 | Saylor | Michelle R. | Preservice Teachers' Attitudes of Suspicion, Prejudice, and Racism as affected by Knowledge Acquisition and Multicultural Exposure | 1996 |
U13 | Ropars | Katlyn | Teachers Guide to Using Animals in the Classroom | 2007 |
U14 | Walsh | Melissa G. | Everyday Courage: I Have, I Am, I Can [book] | 2003 |
U15 | Emotional Intelligence and College Success [questionnaire] |
Updated 11/14/13