3/11/17 |
Information cards, correspondence and newspaper clippings of alumni, students, faculty and staff of the Bloomsburg State Normal School who served in the United States military during World War I, compiled by Registrar Francis Jenkins.
Box 1:
Student Files, A-J
Adams, Gabriel L., graduated 1913, military service Company M 314 Infantry
Information card and newspaper clipping
Albert, Bruce R., graduated 1906
Information card
Allen, Rebecca, graduated 1890
Information card and newspaper clipping
Andres, Jean
Information card and newspaper clippings
Anstock, Warren, graduated 1906
Information card and newspaper clippimgs
Baer, Benjamin B., graduated 1916
Becker, Jacob J., graduted 1911, military service Sergeant Company E. 34th Engineers
Bennett, Mark, grduated 1920, military service 79th Division Headquarters Company 314 Infantry
Information card
Bierman, Henry, graduated 1882
Information card and newspaper clipping
Blakeslee, Clarissa, graduated 1913
Newspaper clipping
Boust, Merril C., graduated 1911
Boyer, Clay G., graduated 1914
Information card
Boyle, Hugh E., graduated 1917
Information card and letters
Brill, William G., graduated 1916, military service Headquarters Company 28th Division
Newspaper clipping
Brink, Jay F., graduated 1917, military service Sergeant 18th Company
Information card and letter
Brobst, Clarence M., graduated 1916, military service Corporal 28th Division
Information card
Brobst, Jay R.
Newspaper clippings
Brunstetter, Guy H., graduated 1917
Information card
Burlingame, Alva E., graduated 1915
Information card
Button, Stuart C., graduated 1917
Information card and letter
Castellani, Peter C. F., graduated 1919
Information card
Conyngham, William J., graduated 1914
Information card
Cool, Harold N., graduated 1912, military service Company 346
Cotner, Frank B., graduated 1913
Information card
Cressler, John W., graduated 1909
Information card
Cronin, George D.
Newspaper clipping
Crouse, Foster C., graduated 1912, military service 14th Observation Battery
DeMaree, Albert, graduated 1913
Denison, Nellie M., graduated
Derr, George H., graduated 1917
Information card
Dollman, Harry, graduated 1904, military service 107 M.G. Branch
Information card
Dollman, Warren A., graduated 1915
Information card and newspaper clipping
Duy, Albert W. Jr., graduated 1912
Information card
Eckman, Boone
Information card
Edwards, Idwal H., graduated 1914
Information card
Englehart, Homer
Information card and newspaper clipping
Feinour, John J.
Fenstemaker, Howard F., graduated 1912, military service Corporal 2nd Censor and Press Company
Information card and newspaper clippimg
Fry, Ralph D.
Getty, Raymond F., graduated 1917
Information card
Gorham, Anthony
Information card
Gress, George C., graduated 1914
Information card
Griffiths, Percy W., graduated 1914 and 1916
Gruber, Amos B., graduated 1913
Gulliver, Merlin S., graduated 1911
Information card
Hagenbuch, Gilbert, graduated 1915
Information card
Hagenbuch, Rae, graduated 1903
Newspaper clippings
Hartman, Earl B., graduated 1916, military service 79th Division
Information card
Hartman, M.L.
Newspaper clippings
Heller, Edwin, graduated 1917
Information card and envelope
Helwig, Ray W., graduated 1904
Information card
Hendershot, Charles N., graduated 1914
Newspaper clipping
Hidlay, Eugene C.,
Newspaper clipping
Hoagland, Scott
Newspaper clipping
Hodder, John H., graduated 1915
Information card, letter and newspaper clippings
Holuce, Fred
Information card
Holmes, Olstead
Newspaper clipping
Howard, George H.
Information card, letters, and newspaper clipping
Hower, Clair, 1920
Information card
Hubler, Harry C., graduated 1894
Newspaper clipping
Ikeler, Donald F., graduated 1911
Information card
Ikeler, Kenneth C., graduated 1909
Newspaper clipping
Jacob, Margaret R.
Information card
Johnson, Robert L., graduated 1909
Newspaper clipping
Jones, Arthur
Joyce, Walter L., graduated 1917
Box 2:
Student Files, K-Z
Keeler, Fred
Information card and newspaper clipping
Kegerreis, Aldus E.
Letter, Postcard
Kelchner, Gardiner
Information card
Kelley, Bernard J., graduated 1913
Killgore, Reese S., graduated 1917
Information card
Kindig, Bruce, graduated 1917
Information card
Koontz, Roy H., graduated 1915
Information card
Kunkle, John R., graduated 1911
Newspaper clippings
Kuster, Kimber C., graduated 1913, military service Sergeant 79th Division 314th Infantry
Information card and newspaper clipping
Laub, Rupert
Newspaper clipping
Lear, Harry K., graduated 1916
Newspaper clipping
Leidich, Ray D., graduated 1916, military service 28th Division
Information card
Leidy, North M.
Information card and newspaper clipping
Little, Josiah T.
Newspaper clipping
Longstreet, Samuel P.
McHenry, Donald B., graduated 1911
Information card and newspaper clipping
McHenry, Ward K., graduated 1916 and 1933
Information card
McKelvy, Margaret S.
Information card
Mears, Kinney
Information card
Meenahan, Frank J., graduated 1916
Information card
Mensch, Harold
Newspaper clipping
Millard, Edwin C.
Newspaper clipping
Miller, David B., graduated 1918
Newspaper clipping
Miller, Weston R., graduated 1912
Newspaper clipping
Milnes, Paul P., graduated 1915
Newspaper clipping
Montgomery, William C., graduated 1915
Newspaper clipping and letter
Morgan, Arthur C., graduated 1919
Information card, letters and newspaper clipping
Moyer, Harold S., graduated 1909
Information card
Moyer, William V., graduated 1907
Information card
Mulligan, Daniel F.
Information card and letter
Nelson, Elna H., graduated 1911
Information card
Neuberger, Geo M., graduated 1900
Newspaper clipping
Noack, Maxwell R., graduated 1916
Information card
Page, Walter
Letter and newspaper clippings
Peck, Arthur E.
Potter, Charles W., graduated 1910
Newspaper clipping
Ramage, Russel, graduated 1917
Information card and postcard
Reece, John G.
Information card
Rhodes, Walter M., graduated 1921
Information card
Rickert, Glennis R., graduated 1915
Information card, leter and newspaper clippings
Rinker, Harry E. Jr.
Newspaper clipping
Rishton, Myron P., graduated 1913
Information card
Robbins, Earl, graduated 1915
Newspaper clippings
Robbins, Shirley J., graduated 1915
Information card and newspaper clipping
Robinson, Irwin
Letter and newspaper clipping
Rutter, James B.
Newspaper clipping
Serene, Owen
Newspaper clipping
Shearer, Bruce M., graduated 1918
Information card
Shobert, Warren W.
Newspaper clippings
Shuman, John H., graduated 1915
Newspaper clipping
Smith, Theodore P., graduated 1917
Information card and newspaper clipping
Smoczinski, Edward
Newspaper clipping
Straub, Max A.
Newspaper clippings and postcard
Swartwood, Burrel J.
Information card
Symbal, Albert F., graduated 1915
Taber, Robert R.
Information card
Taylor, William D., graduated 1916
Information card
Tobias, Raymond B., graduated 1900
Turner, Thomas, graduated 1906
Newspaper clipping
Tustin, Joseph
Newspaper clipping
United War Work Campaign
Vavola, John B., graduated 1917
Wagenseller, James K.
Newspaper clipping
Walsh, Thomas J.
War Work Activities
Wayne, Eugene L.
Information card
Weiss, William P., graduated 1911
Marriage announcement
West, Karl
White, Joseph, graduated 1907
Wiant, Emerson D.
Information card and letter
Williams, David, graduated 1900
Newspaper clipping
Williams, Thomas E., graduated 1915, military service 28th Division
Information card
Witchey, Fred
Information card
Wolf, J.R.V.
Newspaper clipping
Womeldorf, Paul D., graduated 1912
Information card, newspaper clipping and postcard
Woodward, Edwin
Information card and letter
Wright, Jay L.
Updated 6/16/15