3/1/15 Academic Affairs Vice President and Provost
Box 1:
Articles of Operation, 1982
Official certificates of "Bloomsburg University Carver Prizes
in Composition"
Appointments, 1994-99
Letters of appointments of term from Dr. Kozloff
Editor's Correspondence and Documents on Creation of Journal, 1981-1997
Includes memorandums, plan for development of journal,
agendas for editorial board, letters, newspaper article on Dr. Kozloff, editor
position announcements,
"The Carver Prizes in Composition" rules along with an
unofficial entry form
Editor Search, 1997
Draft position announcements and letters
Editorial Board: Working Notes, 1997-99
Calls for submissions, price quotes, invoices
Manuscripts Rejected or Re-writes requested, 1995-97
Also includes letters, submissions for possible cover art,
and comments on submissions
Production, 1995-97
Specifications of Carver, budget requests, letters, receipts
for printing of Carver
Proofs and Correspondence, 1997
Articles of operation for Carver, drafts, letters,
memorandums, and a draft for the Spring 1997 Carver Journal
Box 2:
Carver Materials, 1999-2000
Correspondence, price quotes, invoices, ISSN application,
position announcement, photograph of Dr. Kozloff, and a Carver journal
Submissions (6 Folders), 1998
All folders include multiple hard copies with corrections on
them, along with comment forms
Boyer-Kollas - "Beauty"
Dunbar - 3 Poems
O'Brien - "Matter"
Powers - "Deafness"
Redfern - "Guess"
Sihsha Yenika - Academic
Submissions (2 Folders), 1999
"Resurrecting Grandpa"
"Secret Service: A Discussion of
"Gillete's Play and his acting"
"County Borders"
Updated 9/24/12