Box 1:
Academic Council (2 Folders), 1961-70
Administrative Reorganization, 1969-70
Careers/Speeches, 1957
Certification/Course Approval (2 Folders), 1942-53
College Admissions Speeches/Material 1954-57
Commencement, 1966-71
Curriculum Revision Report, 1966-67
Department of Public Instruction - Report on General Education, 1966-68
Faculty, 1927-50
Faculty/Faculty Directory/Faculty Assignments, 1955-62
General Correspondence (3 Folders), June 1957-June 1958
General Memoranda from President's Office (3 Folders), 1950-53
Inaugurations of Presidents, 1966-70
Individualized Instruction, 1968
Individual Faculty/Staff (28 Folders), 1935-60
Barton, Edwin C., 1954-55
Brong, Cordelia, 1952
Buchheit, George C., 1943-47
Dame, Frank J., 1946-48
Englehart, Nevin T., 1937-50
Fisher, John J., 1943-51
Gehrig, Earl A., 1943-53
Hallisy, Richard, 1948-54
Johnston, Alicia, 1944-53
Kehr, Marguerite W., 1943-51
Keller, George, 1943-54
Koch, John C., 1944-47
Moore, Harriet M., 1943-51
Nelson, E. H., 1941-46
Ranson, Ethel, 1943-54
Reams, E.A., 1943-52
Redman, Robert, 1947-51
Rich, Bertha, 1935-46
Russell, Harrison H., 1937-50
Scott, Anna G., 1946-55
Shelly, Harold S., 1949-60
Shortess, S.I., 1940-52
Smith, Ralph Fisher, 1951-55
Waldron, Margaret E., 1946-55
Weir, Clara B., 1952-55
Wilson, S.L., 1943-51
Wisher, Peter, 1946-49
Woolworth, Grace H., 1941-56
Information Sheets, Jan. 1970-May 1970
Infractions Social Regulations, 1957-67
Instructional Budget, 1968-69
Insurance Policy, 1958-70
Institute for Social Studies Teachers, Jan. 1970-Aug. 1970
International Education, 1968-Aug. 1970
Intergroup Education Project, 1966-67
Intoxication Testing Program, 1969
Inventories, 1966-73
Inventory of Instructional Aids and Materials - Department of Geography, 1967
Inventory - Equipment, 1966
Office Equipment, 1960-61
Box 2:
Joint Effort Teleprocessing, 1968
Learning and Research Center, 1966-Aug. 1970
Legal Liabilities - Deans and Administrative Officers, 1966
Liberal Arts Curriculums, 1962
Summary of the Qualifications of Members of the Faculty
Available for Assignment to Liberal Arts Courses
Application for Approval to Offer Liberal Arts Curriculums
Library Standards, 1963-70
Marine Consortium, 1968-69
Maroon and Gold, 1963-69
Medical Technology, 1968-Aug. 1970
Memoranda (11 Folders), 1950-70
From President's Office (2 Folders), 1955-70
To Faculty (5 Folders), 1950-68
To and From Dean Hoch, 1954-70
To Individual Faculty (3 Folders), 1953-57
Micro-Teach Sessions, 1969
Middle States (3 Folders), 1960-69
Reaccreditation and Self Survey, 1960-69
Visit (2 Folders), 1966-69
Midterm Grades, 1968-Aug. 1970
Military Credits, 1968
Missouri Case, 1967-68
Mobile Television Production, 1969-Aug. 1970
Mock Convention, 1968
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education - N.C.A.T.E., 1969
N.C.A.T.E. Visit,
Box 3:
National Defense Education Act - N.D.E.A. (3 Folders), 1964-69
Documents, 1965-67
History - 1968 Proposal, 1964-69
Institutes - Geography, 1965-66
National Science Foundation, 1961-68
New Programs, 1968-70
Newsletters, 1966-68
Nursing Degree Program, 1963-70
Organizational Chart, 1959-70
Pass-Fail System, 1968-70
Pennsylvania Department of Education, 1967-70
Personnel Policy, Aug. 1970
Overweight Students, 1960
Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission, 1968
Planning - Campus, 1962-69
Position Report of Affairs, 1969-May 1970
Presidential Medallion, 1967
Procedure for State Approval of New Programs, 1968
Project Sesame, 1967-69
Public Administration Services, 1969
Public Service Institution, 1964-70
Records Management Program, 1967
Research for Better Schools, Inc., 1966-67
R.O.T.C., 1967-70
School Law, 1966
Selective Service System, 1964-70
Shockley, Barbara, 1958-69
Correspondence and Memos, 1965-70
Documents, 1958-70
Hearing File, 1966-70
Hearing Transcript (2 Books), 1967
State Owned Vehicles, 1963-69
State Travel Regulations, 1967-69
Student Policies, 1966-70
Student Ratings of Teachers, 1966
Summer Freshmen Study, 1968
Telephone Directory, 1969-July 1070
Test Security, 1965-69
Testing Procedures, 1965-67
Textbooks, 1966-69
Transfer Students, 1968-69
Vietnam Moratorium, 1969
Updated 9/24/12