Box 1:
Academic Affairs
Committee on Academic Affairs, 1996
Pennsylvania Department of Education-Review of College of
Professional Studies, 1995
Academic Awards (2 folders), 1997-2002
Alumni Board, 1998-2002
Alumni Satisfaction Survey, 1998
American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), 1997
Annual Institutional Meeting, 1999
Arts and Sciences, College of, 1995-96
Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF)
Contract (2 folders), 1996
Negotiations (2 folders), 1996-97
Negotiations (3 folders), 1999
Attorney General Opinions, 1995
Bloomsburg Area Chamber of Commerce, 1994-96
Bloomsburg, Town of, 1995-96
Boy Scouts of America, 1994-96
Budget-President's Office, 1995-96
Budget Projections, 2002
Campus Communications, 1994-2007
Campus Master Plan (2 folders), 1999
Update, 2002
Capital Budget (3 folders), 1997-2000
Capital Budget Revisions, 1999
Capital Campaign Feasibility Study, 1997
Carver Editorial Board, 1994-95
Certification, 1994
China, People's Republic of, 1995-96
College Sampler Program, 1994-95
Computer Services, 1995
Concrescence, 2000
Conflict of Interest Policy-Interim Policy, 1995
Construction-Student Housing, 1999
Continuous Improvement (STRIVE), 1999-2003
Convergence Report/POPS, 1999-2001
Drug and Alcohol Policy, 1995
Eberly Awards, 1998-2002
Enrollment (4 folders), 1994-97
Executive Assistant to the President Search, 1995-96
Faculty/Staff/Management Dependent Tuition Waivers, 1995-2003
Faculty Roster, 1998
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, As Amended-Revised, 1995
Fees, 1999-2000
Box 2:
Fire of 2000
Calls, E-mails, Faxes Received
Condolences Book
E-mail Message to Everyone Sent by President/Provost, etc.
Letter to Parents
Letters from the President
Letters to the President
Media-Press Enterprise, March 20, 2000
Media-Press Enterprise, March 21, 2000
Memorial Service
Newspapers (Press-Enterprise, The Voice)
President's Remarks to Students
Press Releases
Safety Initiatives Following the Fire
Student Housing Fire Survival
Student Information
Yasenchak, Mr. Lewis
General Budget, 1995-96
General Fund Budget (3 folders), 1996-99
Greek Life, 1996-97
Human Relations and Labor Relations, 1996
Harrisburg City School District 1994-95
Inauguration Ceremony, 1995
Presidential Ball, 1995
Programs, 1995
Sue Hicks File, 1995
Inaugurations, 1999-2003
Institutional Studies/Research, 1995
Inventory Control, 1994-2002
Invitations and Cards, 1995
Mace, 1999
Memorial Service, 2001
Middle States, 1994-95
Mitchell House, 1997
Box 3:
NACUBO, 1997
National Tragedy, 2001
Neighborhood Forum Newsletter, 1999
Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU) (2 folders),
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and National Resources, 2002
Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC)
Athletic-Congratulations, 2000-02
Board of Trustees, 1995
Correspondence and Reports, 1994-99
Gender Equity in Athletics, 1999
Scholar-Athlete Recognition Luncheon, 1999-2000
Pennsylvania State Postsecondary Review Entity (PA SPRE), 1995
Pennsylvania State University, 1995
Performance Evaluations, 1994-96
Performance Outcomes Plan, June 22, 2000
Personnel, 1995-96
President's Statement on the Condition of the University, 1995, 1999
Reports/Plans, 2002
ROTC, 1994-96
Sabbatical Leave, 1996
Marilyn Muehlhof Endowed Scholarship, 1999
Mitrani Scholarships, 1995
Scholarships (Faculty), 1994
Search and Screen, Director of Social Equity, 1994-95
State System of Higher Education (SSHE) (2 folders), 1994-98
Academic Affairs, 1994-97
Advancement, 1994-96
Allocation Formula, 2001
APSCUF (2 folders), 1994-97
Board of Governors (2 folders), 1994-2003
Scholarship, 1995
Budget, 1994-95
Box 4:
Capabilities Brochure, 1994
Chancellor, 1994-97
Chancellor, Office of, 1995-96
Change Initiatives, 1998
Commission for the Universities, 1994-95
Continuous Improvement, 1995
Contract Negotiations, 1995-96
Employees and Labor, 1995-97
Enrollment, 1995-96
Executive Deputy, 1994-96
Finance and Administration, 1994-99
Governmental Relations, 1994-95
Harrisburg Internship Semester, 1994-96
Internal Review Group, 1994-96
Joint Health Care Task Force, 1995
Lawless-Requests for Information, 1995
Legal Counseling (2 folders), 1994-95
Promotion Policies and Procedures, 1995
Social Equity (System Director For), 1994-98
Teaching and Learning (A Study of Climate for), 1995
Technology and Information Infrastructure, 1995
Cheyney, 1994-98
East Stroudsburg, 1994-98
Edinboro, 1994-98
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1994-98
Kutztown, 1994-98
Lock Haven, 1994-98
Mansfield, 1994-98
Shippensburg, 1994-98
Slippery Rock, 1994-98
West Chester, 1995
University Center, 1994-98
Strategic Goals and Objectives, 2001-06
Strategic Planning Study Groups (2 folders), 1995
Student Employment, 1996-98
Student Recreation Center, 1994-96
Student Satisfaction Survey, 1997
Student Services Center Steering Committee, 1996
Student Trustee Quarterly Report, 2000
Tuition Waivers, 1995
Washington Center Internship, 1995
Updated 6/14/13