Harry Ausprich
Box 1:
Sent check and Registration form
Hotel information
Orders and invoices
Buffet dinner planning and reservations
Class signups
Registration form sent to...
October 17, 1989 sessions
October 18, 1989 sessions
October 17th and 18th information
Symposium video
PHC Grant Proposal (2 folders)
Correspondence (14 folders)
Eric Barron
Wallace Broecker
M. Scott Carpenter
Robert Corell
Arthur Davis
Dead Correspondence
John Dutton
Edwin Erickson
Gary Hartshorn
Paul Kanjorski
David Meyers
Stephen Schneider
Richard Williams
Grant Proposals
Congressional Legislation
Media coverage/ publicity
Sesquicentennial Convocation
Symposium brochure
Planning meetings
Speaker receipts
Proceedings Publication
Telephone list of contacts
Environmental Dimensions of Energy panel
Waste and Water Quality panel
What Can Education Do panel
Information packet materials
Mailing Lists
Information packets (2 folders)
Updated 3/9/04