James McCormick
Box 1:
The 15th Decade Report, 1980
Academic Departments - Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Education, Foreign
History, Music, Nursing, 1974-81
Act 188 - Formation of the State System of Higher Education, 1983
Administration and Administrators, 1977-80
Affirmative Action Committee, 1983
Air Force ROTC, 1976-78
Alumni, 1976-83
Annual Performance Appraisal of Dr. McCormick, 1983
Athletic Advisory Committee, 1978-80
Awards Convocation, 1973-82
Board of Governors, 1983
Board of State College and University Directors, 1978
Board of Trustees, 1973
Budget Hearings, 1976, 1978
Center for Teaching and Learning, 1979
Certification, 1976-83
Class of 1974
Collective Bargaining in Pennsylvania, 1973
College Union Program Board, 1973-77
Columbia County Historical Society, 1975-78
Complement Report, 1976-77
Construction, 1973-83
Correspondence, 1973-81
Delta Mu Delta Membership Certificate, 1981
Development, c.1975
Ethnic Heritage Studies Center, 1975
Full Time Faculty List, 1973
Governor's Office, 1979-82
Holiday Greeting Cards, 1973-82
Housing Office, Off-Campus Housing Resources, 1976
Instructional Technology Master Plan, 1974-79
Keystone State University Bill, 1977-82
Legislature, 1973-76
Library, 1976-80
Evelyn Mayer, 1981
McCormick Report (1973-81), 1981
Memorial Donations, 1975-79
Middle States Evaluation, 1979-81
Monthly Progress Reports - Boyd Buckingham, Vice-President for Administration,
Office of Institutional Planning, 1976-78
Monthly Reports - Elton Hunsinger, 1975-79
D.S. Pickett, Vice-President and Dean of Faculty, 1975-76
Student Life, 1974-78
Vice-President of Academic Affairs, 1976-77
Mount Carmel Memorial Scholarship Fund, 1977-79
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education Evaluation, 1979
Organizational Effectiveness in Higher Education - a Study by Kim Cameron,
Organizational Structure Booklets
Initial Draft, February 1974 (3 copies)
Revised, September 1974 (4 copies)
August 1976 (3 copies)
Box 2:
January 1978 (4 copies)
Organizational Structure Booklet Materials (5 folders), 1976-79
The Organizational Structure of BSC - Mortimer Consulting Report, 1973-74
Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities, 1973
Pennsylvania State College System - New Missions, 1974
Presidential Long-Range Planning Commission, 1974
Press Coverage, 1974-83
Progress Reports from the Affirmative Action/Desegregation Officer, 1976-78
Professional Development, c. 1978, 1982
Representative Assembly, 1977
Retrenchment, 1973-79
"Right to Know Law" Buckley Amendment, 1973-80
ROTC, 1974-75
Salary Study - State College and University Administration, 1976
Search and Screen Committee - Executive Assistant to the President, 1973-75
Recruitment and Orientation Specialist, 1977
Search and Screen Policy, 1980
Speeches, 1973-80
State Board of Education, 1974-83
State System of Higher Education, 1981
Chancellor, 1983
Strike Plan, 1982
Student Recruitment and Retention Task Force (2 folders), 1977-80
Summer School, 1977
Supplemental Budgetary Data, 1973
Task Force IV, Development of Graduate Programs, 1973-74
Testimonial Dinner - McCormick Scholarship (3 folders), 1984
Three Year Action Plan, 1975-78
Vice-Presidents Evaluations, 1979
Waiver of Fees, 1973-83
Updated 11/15/10