Box 1:
Published Writings:
"Accounting for the Depletion of Oil Lands" The Journal of Accountancy
Aug. 1936, (2 copies)
"After 40 Years in Pennsylvania State Colleges" APSCUF Journal Dec. 1968,
(4 copies)
"Army Education in Retrospect" Business Education Outlook 1946, (3
"Bookkeeping and Accounting, Present-Day Trends in Teaching" American
Business Education, Dec. 1953
"The Dilemma of Education in Democracy" The Business Education World,
Nov. 1947
"The First American Army University" Business Education Outlook, 1945 (2
"Grading Completed Practice Sets" The Balance Sheet, Nov. 1929
"The Human Side of Administration" American Business Education, Oct 1951
Manual and Key for Teachers, Business Law Cases and Tests, Prentice-Hall,
Inc., 1934
"Oil Lands - America's Great Wasting Asset" Accounting Ledger, Nov. 1940
"Placement Study of Graduates of a State Teachers College, 1931-1948"
Educational Administration and Supervision, Nov. 1949 (4 copies)
"Preparation for Teaching Practice Sets" The Balance Sheet, Sept. 1928
"Progress Points for Practice Sets" The Balance Sheet, Oct. 1929
"The Struggle for Survival" Benjamin Franklin Key, 1961 (3 copies)
Workbook and Tests for Burgess Business Law, n.d. (3 copies)
College Related Writings:
"Five Years are Finished... What of the Future" State Teachers College Bulletin,
Aug. 1945
"Have Pennsylvania Teachers Colleges Come of Age?" Commencement Address Jan.
1955 (3 copies)
"The Importance of a Personnel Policy in a College" Sept. 1968, (3 copies)
"An Open Letter to College Youth in War Time" State Teachers College Bulletin,
Aug. 1943
"Pennsylvania's Problems in Higher Education," 1963
"A Teachers College Comes of Age" State Teachers College Bulletin, Dec. 1947
"Thirty Years After" n.d. (3 copies)
"Three Years of Transition - 1940-1943," 1943
"Two Decades of Development 1955-1975," 1965
"The White Towers of Bloomsburg" Eighty-Five Years of Teacher Education and
Bloomsburg, 1954
"World Travel and World Affairs" n.d.
Box 2:
Personal Interest:
Acknowledgement: Research Report Taxation of Real Property in Pennsylvania,
"After 40 Years in Pennsylvania State Colleges" Responses, 1969
Bibliography of H. A. Andruss Writings (1929-67), 1967
Certificates, 1926-81
Christmas Poetry, 1947-60
Commencement Addresses - non BSC, 1964-66
Delta Pi Epsilon Membership Certificate, 1981
"The Development of Pennsylvania State Teachers Colleges as Institutions of
Higher Education,
(1927-1947)" Doctoral Dissertation, 1949
Lincoln, 1943-46
Post Cards, 1966-70
Retirement - Letters of Congratulations, 1969
Shrivenham American University, 1945
Speeches and Articles, 1961-68
Thanksgiving, n.d.
Trip to London, 1945
Water Color Prints, 1957
H. A. Andruss Library
Bloomsburg Public Library tribute
Carver Hall
Chatham College 50th Reunion
Oxford University
Pioneer Woman
Acacia Fraternity membership
BA degree Pennsylvania Women's College (now Chatham) 1924
BA degree University of Oklahoma
BSC Alumni Association Award and life membership
BSC Alumni Association tribute
BSC Board of Trustees tribute
BSC Faculty Association Testimonial
BSC Faculty Association tribute
Central PA Phi Beta Kappa charter
Certificate, September 26, 1951, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33rd
Degree and
Honorary Member of the Supreme Council
of the Scottish Rite Masonry, with other
certificates in map case
Colored sketch of building used by Shrivenham American University in U.K.
D.A.R. Certificate for Mrs. Nancy Portser Archibald
Gamma Rho Tau Membership
High School Diploma
Northwestern University MBA degree
PA House of Representatives citation
PA House of Representatives citation
PA Senate Resolution
PBEA "Principatui" certificate
Pennsylvania State College (PSU) D.Ed. degree, 1949
Phi Sigma Pi Fraternity
Plaque BSC Business Education Division Recognition 30th Anniversary of Founding
Print of Botanic Garden, Cambridge, U.K.
"A Saga of the Terranauts" from G. Edward Elwell
Universitas Hardis Knockorum
University of Oklahoma Army ROTC appointment
University of Oklahoma certificate
Water color, street scene, Mediterranean island
Updated 10/8/10