Harvey Andruss
Box 1:
Academic and Departmental
Academic Council, 1959-69
Art Dept., 1962-69
A-V Materials Center, 1961-65
Biology Dept., 1966-69
Business Administration Dept., 1965
Business Education Dept. (2 folders), 1950-69
Communication Disorders, 1968-69
Department Chairs, 1962-64
Department Chairs and Divisional Directors, 1963-66
Department Meetings (Summary), 1961-67
Economics Dept., 1968-69
Education and Psychology Dept., 1962-66
Education Dept., 1966-69
Elementary Education Dept., 1962-69
Elementary Student Teaching Supervisions, 1962-69
English Dept., 1962-69
Evening Division, 1966-67
Foreign Language Dept., 1962-69
Geography Dept., 1962-69
Graduate Council (6 folders), 1954-69
Health and Physical Education Dept., 1962-69
History Dept., 1965-69
Liberal Arts Curriculum (3 folders), 1962-64
Box 2:
Library Dept., 1962-69
Mathematics Dept., 1962-69
Mental Retardation Dept., 1969
Music Dept., 1963-69
Office of Research and Evaluation, 1969
Physical Science Dept., 1966-69
Psychology Dept., 1966-69
Social Science Dept., 1962-69
Special Education Dept., 1939-69
Speech Dept., 1962-69
Student Teaching Directors (2 folders), 1963-69
Teacher Education (2 folders), 1966
Alumni Relations
All Pennsylvania College Alumni Association, 1950-66
Alumni Chapters
Columbia County, 1941-65
Dauphin County, 1939-54
Delaware District, 1956-59
District of Columbia, 1948-65
Lackawanna County, 1942-56
Lancaster and York Counties, 1946-59
Luzerne County, 1941-56
Montour County, 1940-65
New York and vicinity, 1950-65
Northampton County, 1944
Northumberland County, 1939-1961
Philadelphia, 1939-67
Schuylkill County, 1947-56
Union County, 1941-59
Wyoming County, 1939-54
Alumni Loan Fund, 1940-51
Alumni Quarterly, 1961-69
President's Page, 1965-66
Alumni Scholarships, 1947-64
Alumni Service Award, 1957
BSTC/BSC Alumni Association, 1939-69
Business Education Alumni, 1959
Box 3:
Council of the Alumni Associations of State Colleges of Pennsylvania (2
folders), 1958-63
Dr. Haas Memorial Fund, 1968-69
Dyar Haddad (Class of 1952), 1953-54
Joint Responsibilities of BSTC and the Alumni Association, 1956-58
Materials Used at the Alumni Meeting Held 6/19/61, 1961
President's Letters to Alumni, 1960-1969
Clyde S. Shuman Scholarship Fund, 1961-67
Anna Lowry Wells Scholarship, 1960-63
Board of Trustees
"College and University Trustees and Trusteeship," 1966
Correspondence and Policies, 1966-69
Digest of the Administrative Code, 1945, 1957
Meeting Dockets, 1939-41
"Bloomsburg State College" by Boyd Buckingham in Pennsylvania Education, 1969
Estate of Miriam C. Russell, 1959-61
General Correspondence, 1939-69
Organizational Charts, 1963-64
Public Relations, 1948-49
Writings and Papers, 1961-68
Academic Achievement Subcommittee, 1968-69
Academic Affairs Committee, 1967-69
Administrative Affairs Committee, 1967-68
Administrative Handbook Committee, 1965-66
All Sports Banquet Committee, 1958-69
Alumni Activities Subcommittee, 1967-69
Athletic Committee - Correspondence, 1953-68
Athletic Committee - Minutes (3 folders), 1955-69
Athletic Records, 1946-67
Audio-Visual Education Committee (2 folders), 1954-69
Big Name Entertainment Committee, 1963-68
Business Education Contest Committee, 1963-67
Committee on Committees, 1967-68
Community Government Association Awards Committee, 1964-66
Concert and Lecture Series Subcommittee, 1968-69
Convocation Subcommittee, 1968-69
Curriculum Subcommittee, 1968-69
Education Conference Subcommittee, 1967
Faculty Committees, 1965-69
Admissions Committee (2 folders), 1963-69
Assembly Committee, 1963-69
Box 4:
Awards and Scholarships Committee (2 folders), 1955-64
Commencement Activities Committee, 1952-67
Committee Reports, 1965-67
Fraternity Committee, 1961-67
Freshmen Week Activities and Orientation Committee, 1961-67
International Student Relations Committee, 1963-69
Library Policy Committee, 1950-69
Publications Committee, 1947-68
Interim Committee, 1965
Liberal Arts Humanities Area Committee, 1963
Parking Committee, 1967-69
Presidents Council (2 folders), 1966-68
Social Living Committee, 1954-59
Spring Arts Festival Committee, 1961-68
Student Affairs Committee, 1967-69
Financial Aid Subcommittee, 1967-69
Organizations Subcommittee, 1967-69
Orientation Subcommittee, 1968-69
Publications Subcommittee, 1967-69
Textbook Subcommittee, 1968-69
Who's Who Committee (2 folders), 1947-69
Bloomsburg Fair, 1941-68
Bloomsburg Town, 1966
Bloomsburg Town Municipal Authority, 1968-69
Bloomsburg Water Company, 1965-68
Geisinger Medical Center, 1964
20th Anniversary as President - Testimonial Dinner, 1960
25th Anniversary as President - Testimonial Dinner, 1964
85th Anniversary of Teacher Education at Bloomsburg, 1954
125th Anniversary of the College, 1964
125th Anniversary Convocation, 1964
Annual Education Conference, 1948-66
Baccalaureate Exercises, 1966, 1969
Blood Donor Program, 1950-68
Invitation Announcements/Cards, 1961-67
Pi Omega Pi - Phi Beta Lambda Testimonial Dinner for Dr. Andruss, 1969
Box 5:
Classroom Teachers' Day, 1953
August Commencement, 1963-68
Commencement Week Activities, 1947-61
May Commencement, 1965-69
Reactions to 1968 Commencement, 1968
Homecoming, 1961-68
Homecoming Day Circular, 1943-61
Honors Assembly, 1960-66
Honors Convocation, 1966
Honors Convocation - Presidential Medallion Presentation, 1967
Scholarship Assembly, 1964-68
September Convocation, 1963-67
Faculty and Staff
Activities Report (2 folders), 1956-66
Association, 1961-69
Dinner, 1956-65
Football Coach, 1945-46
Meetings (4 folders), 1963-70
Meetings Attendance (2 folders), 1963-69
Memorandums (9 folders), 1955-69
New Faculty Meetings, 1962-68
Salaries, (5 folders), 1951-58
Box 6:
Salaries (5 folders), 1958-65
Non-Instructional Salaries (2 folders), 1951-59
Accounting Study - Community Activities, 1964-65
Athletic Events - Financial Statements (2 folders), 1955-69
Audit Report of the Community Activities Fund, 1940-43
Bank Balances - Monthly Report (2 folders), 1959-67
College Store/Husky Lounge - Cash Statements (4 folders), 1956-79
Community Activities - Monthly Status of Accounts (3 folders), 1955-65
Fee Waiver, 1968-69
Student Fees, 1967-38
Box 7:
Physical Plant
Building Programs and Policies, 1957
Campus Plan (5 folders), 1957-68
John A. Schell, 1957
Price and Dickey, 1967
Capital Budget (2 folders), 1961-64
Capital Budget Requests (2 folders), 1966-69
Construction Plans, 1965-69
Cornerstone Laying Ceremony - Sutliff/North, 1959
Demolition of Buildings, 1958-67
Department of Highways - Road Reconstruction, 1940-63
Dillon Estate, 1965
History of Bloomsburg Campus Planning, 1966
Lightstreet Road Widening, 1967-68
Men's Dormitory (2 folders), 1957-61
New Building Programs, 1958-66
Private Dormitory - Clarion S.C., 1968
Property Acquisitions
Bloomsburg Country Club, 1959-67
Heiss, 1958-59
Magee, 1962-68
Mitchell, 1966-67
Various (2 folders), 1954-72
Property Leasing - Boyer, 1966
Renovation of Various Buildings, 1953-55
Renovation of Waller and Noetling Halls, 1951-59
Space Utilization Study, 1964-67
Standard Manual for the Department of Public Instruction I +II (no date)
Standard Manual for the Department of Public Instruction Buildings, 1964
Student Center (Kehr Union), 1967
Students and Structures: An Account of the Master Plan for the Development of
the Fourteen State Colleges, 1963
Box 8:
Air Force ROTC, 1951
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (2 folders), 1939-67
Appropriations, 1960-68
College Facts Chart, 1966
Committee to Rescue the States Vital Programs, 1967
Consortium Plan for the Preparation of Supervisors and Principals, 1969
Designation of Emergency Interim Successors to State Offices, 1960-64
Eastern Regional Institute for Education, 1966
Enrollment of State Teachers Colleges, 1935-45
Federal - Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1939-58
Federal - Various (Rep. Flood), 1967-68
Federal Security Agency (2 folders), 1941-51
General Assembly Members Visit - Problems and Proposals for Progress, 1965
Governor Wm. Scranton - Forward for the People... 4 State Colleges, 1965
Governor's Committee on Education (2 folders), 1960-61
Governor's Office, 1940-60
Institutional Memberships, 1941-67
Middle States Association (7 folders), 1950-69
Middle States Association/NCATE (2 folders), 1960-62
National Commission of Accrediting (2 folders), 1951-67
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (4 folders), 1951-69
Box 9:
Naval Flight Instructor School - Federal, 1940-44
Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities (2 folders), 1947-69
Pennsylvania Department of Justice, 1940-61
Pennsylvania State Colleges - Athletic Conference, 1962-67
Pennsylvania State Legislation (3 folders), 1963-69
Presidents, Board of
"A Guide to the Policies," 1965
Committee on Budget and Fees (State Colleges), 1965-68
Journals of Meetings (17 folders), 1939-55
Box 10:
Journals of Meetings (9 folders), 1956-64
Miscellaneous, 1950-68
Policy Decisions, 1958-65
Public Instruction, Department of (2 folders), 1948-67
Administrative Increments, 1958-66
Bureau of Research (2 folders), 1962-66
Bureau of Teacher Education and Certification
Certification Standards, 1939-55
Correspondence, 1942-45
Placement Statistics, 1939-55
Summer Enrollment - 1939-54
Miscellaneous, 1958-67
Reclassification of Faculty Rank, 1960-65
Total Program Evaluation, 1966
Report to Superintendent of Public Instruction on Negro Enrollment (Gray
Report), 1963
State Board of Education, 1966-68
Elements of a Master Plan for Higher Education, 1965
State Council of Education, 1950-67
State Council of Higher Education, 1965
State Government Survey - Chesterman Committee, 1953
United States Armed Forces, 1947-51
Box 11:
Student Interest
Classes of 1944-45 to 1954-69 (25 folders), 1944-69
Class Memorials, 1940-66
College Council, 1967-69
Community Government Association - Past Presidents, 1966
Correspondence, 1967-69
Dean of Instruction - Dean North Memos, 1951-53
Extra-Curricular Organizations, 1952-67
Faculty Sponsors and Treasurers of Extra-Curricular Groups, 1953-59
Freshman Parents' Day, 1959-68
Gadfly Inquiry - Larry Phillips and Lyle Slack
Committee on Professional Affairs re: Gadfly, 1968
Excerpts from College and University Business re: Student Publications, 1968
Faculty Petitions, 1968
Inquiry, 1986
Materials from Lyle Slack Hearing, 1986
Phillips, Larry, 1968
Publications under the Editorship of Lyle Slack, 1968
President's Statement at Commencement, 1968
Slack, Lyle, 1967-68
Hearing, 1968
Identification Card Replacement Fee, 1968
Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms of Students, 1967-69
Mock Republican National Convention, 1967-68
Servicemen and Women, 1942-45
Student Activity Fee - Attorney General's Opinion, 1963
Student Affairs Committee, 1967-69
Student Faculty Judiciary, 1967-69
Student Studies
"Economic Background of Students," 1965
"Placement of Graduates," 1959
Updated 11/15/10