Harvey A. Andruss Library
General Library Research Tutorial

This is a tutorial which will give you a general introduction to the research tools of Andruss Library. This tutorial will also test you on your library research skills. Please answer the following questions then click the "Submit" button to proceed with the General Library Research Tutorial.

1. Please type your first name.  

Sample of a Bloomsburg University ID Card

2. Please type your last name.  

3. Please select the name of your Instructor. If you are NOT a Bloomsburg University student, please login
as "Guest."  

4. Please enter the "LIB#" which appears on the front
of your Bloomsburg University ID card. An example of
a Bloomsburg University ID card and "LIB #" appear
to the right.
If you have logged in as Guest, please use the library number of 12345678901234.

5. Have you received a formal Library Instruction session taught by a Reference Librarian at Bloomsburg University, or have you ever sought assistance from a Reference Librarian at Bloomsburg University?