Box 1:
- Contents of collection
- Costume clipping of various countries
- Costume clippings of medieval-19th century period
- Costume clippings of Egyptian-Byzantine Art
- Costume Clippings of Fashion 1880s-1890s
- Japanese Postcards-color prints
- Tinted pictures of costumes
- Programs of Ruth Hutton Ancker's Exhibition At Bloomsburg State College
- Correspondence - BSC President's Office, 1971-1980
Library, 1973-1981
Box 2:
Volume 1
- Biography by W. Mason Ancker, husband
- Early Work: Charm Magazine, 1924
Palm Beach and Spring Fashions Brochure, 1925
Lord and Taylor Brochure, 1927
Robert and Jacques, Inc. Brochure
Volume 2: Teaching Design, 1936-1939
- Instructor in Fashion Illustration and Design
- Photo, Copper Union Art School, 1936
- Newspaper Articles on Fashion, 1928-1936
- Correspondence from Eastern District High School, 1936
- Correspondence from American Dress Designer's League, 1936
- Boston Evening Transcript articles, 1936
- Various Newspaper Articles, 1936-1939
- Correspondence from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1939
- Student Fashion Show: Program and Photos, 1939
Volume 3: Teaching Design, 1939-1947
- Photo in front of Copper Union
- Correspondence from former student
- Student Fashion Show Brochure, 1939
- List of Newspaper or Journal Dispatches
- New York Sun article re: Copper Union Fashion Show, 1939
- Correspondence re: fashion show
- Fashion Show Photos, 1939
- Newspaper articles forecasting fashion
- Student's fashion design on mannequin
- Articles re: flag motifs on dresses, 1940
- Article re: recognition of talent at Copper Union, 1940
- Article re: Wartime Fashions, 1942 by Hutton
- Article re: opposition to clothing adaptations of the flag (Hutton is quoted)
- Article re: practical wartime clothes, 1942 by Hutton
- Correspondence from Simplicity Pattern Company, 1940
- Article re: wartime fashion trends, 1942
- Article re: return of 20's fashion (by Hutton, now Ruth H. Ancker), 1947
Volume 4: Costuming Modern Dance Theatre
- Foreword by Hutton re: interest in dance
- Photos of dancers
- Brochure from Barbara Mettler, School of Dance
- Theatre Notes
- Photos of Barbara Mettler dancing
- Photo of Hutton, 1940
- Article, "What is Rhythm" by Mettler, from Educational Dance, 1942
- Correspondence from Mettler re: modern dance and costumes, 1940
- Notes re: modern dance
- Notes re: specific dances and costumes (5 pages)
- Program on Barbara Mettler and Dance Group, 1940
- New York Times articles and pictures re: Mettler, 1940
- New York Sun, article re: Mettler's color and costumes, 1940
- Dance Observer article re: Mettler and Group, 1940
- Program from The Boston Smith College Club, presenting Mettler and Dance Group
- Pictures of Mettler displaying costumes designed by Hutton
- Photo of Mettler demonstrating dance, "Shake 'er Down"
- Correspondence to Hutton from Mettler Studios re: costumes
- Correspondence to Hutton from Mettler Studios re: summer dance session programs, 1942
- Summer session bulletin outlining various aspects of program
- Brochure describing Mettler's Summer Dance Session
- Tracings and rough sketches by Hutton for costumes
- Notes on "Mourning Becomes Electra" by O' Neill
Volume 5: Published Writings, 1937
- The Construction of Fashion Figures, Hutton: describes and diagrams various angles and poses of a fashion figure including:
- Head Construction
- Front View Nude
- Dressing the Front View Nude
- Back View Nude
- Dressing the Back View Nude
- Action Figure- 3/4 Front View Nude
- 3/4 Front View Figure
- Dressing the 3/4 Front View Nude
- 3/4 Back View Nude
- Dressing the 3/4 Back View
- Constructing the 3/4 View Head
- Method of construction for figures
- Head in a looking up position (foreshortened)
- Head in a looking down position (foreshortened)
- Constructing the Profile-view Head
- Constructing the Hand
- Position of feet A, B, C, & D
Volume 6: Published Writings, 1940
Dress Design for a Smart Career, includes:
- Getting the Right Start
- Basic Principles of Design
- Pattern making - Drafting and Designing
- Draping Techniques
- The Use of Color
- Color Wheel
- Figure Construction
- How to Construct Heads
- Fabrics and What They Will Do
- Historic Costumes
- Style Trends
- Background of American Design
- Types of Business Using Designers
- How to Market Your Abilities
- Suggestions for Further Reading
Volume 7: Published Writings, 1941-1946
Dressing Design, Self-Taught, includes:
- Fundamentals of Dress Designing
- Methods of Dress Designing
- The Human Figure as it Affects Dress Design
- Principles of Design
- Designing Necklines
- Pattern Making Drafting & Draping
- Foundation Pattern
- Evolving From an Original Design
- Color
- Fabrics
- Historic Costume
- Types of Business Using Designers
- Choose Your Field
Design Magazine, 1946
- Letter from Editor
- "Art as Communication"
- "Painting and Sculpture in the Home"
Box 3:
Volume 8: Costume Researcher no. 1, 1934-1939
- Notes taken from lectures on costumes at New York and Brooklyn Museums and The Metropolitan Museum of Art
1. Egyptian Costume
2. Chinese Costume
3. Japanese Costume
4. Persian Costume
5. Greek Costume
6. East Indian Costume
7. Russian Costume
Volume 9: Costume Researcher no. 2
Original Sketching of Various Period Costumes
1. Medieval
2. Chinos Erie, 18th Century
3. 18th Century
4. Second Empire (1830-1835)
5. 1880 - Bustles
6. 20th Century (1900-1915)
Original notes, that were later used in her books on pattern construction and draping.
Volume 10: Costume Research by Hutton's Students (Oversize)
Costumes from various historical periods sketched by students who attended historical lectures principally at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
1. Egyptian
2. Cretan
3. Greek
4. Byzantine
5. Medieval
6. Renaissance
7. 17th Century
8. 18th Century
9. 19th Century
10. Czechoslovakian & Russian
Student's solution to Instructor's problems
Howard Low stage settings and costumes created for ballet based on a Chinese poem
Volume 11: Sculptor
- Brief overview of sculpting studies, personal invites from sculptors, exhibitions and competitions, 1956-1964
- Photo of Hutton in Capri, 1963
- Photos of sculpture studies with Oronzio Maldarelli, Columbia University
- Photo of Hungarian sculptor Ferenc Varga, Detroit, Michigan, 1956
- Correspondence from Professor Monteleone, 1962
- Photos of Professor Monteleone and Hutton in Rome
- Newspaper articles on various sculpting exhibitions, 1950
- Correspondence from the Washington Sculptors Group, announcing award given to Hutton
- Newspaper article re: curator and executive officer of National Gallery of Art announcing retirement. 1969
- Announcement of Silver Spring Art Gallery exhibition, 1950
- Newspaper articles announcing Hutton's award in exhibit
- Newspaper article re: Hutton's sculpture
- Newspaper article re: Hutton at art show, Newark News, 1953
- Correspondence from The Montclair Art Museum announcing Hutton's Honorable Mention in the 23rd Annual New Jersey State Exhibition, 1953
- Invitation to presentation of awards, 1963
- Correspondence from New Haven Print and Clay Club, Inc. re: prize for best portrait or figure, 1955
- Correspondence from New Haven Print and Clay Club, Inc. re: invitation to join club, 1955
- Award certificate for sculpture and official letter from The Painters and Sculptors Society of New Jersey, Inc., inviting Hutton to join, 1955
- New Jersey Courier newspaper article, 1956
- Articles mentioning Hutton as winner in New Haven Art Show, 1955
- Articles from Art Exhibitions mentioning Ancker and her awards, 1955
- Watercolor portrait of Eleanor Sands Smith announcing Smith's poetry book entitled
St. Martin's Summer, 1955
- Various articles on Ancker and her work, Smith's poetry and announcing her visit to the Bloomsburg area
- Article entitled "Public Invited to 'Night of Art' at Summit Y.W.C.A."; Ancker will demonstrate sculptures and carvings
- Brochure of Art Exhibit at Ford Motor Company assembly plant
- Announcement of Ancker's work entered into Audubon Artists Annual Exhibition and formal invitation
- Invitation to art exhibit at International Art Galleries
- Article re: Ancker's sculpture
- Article re: Ancker and her sculptures, Newark Sunday News, "Memorable
- Article re: Ancker and her sculptures, New York Herald Tribune, 1959
- Article picturing Ancker and a sculpture, The Post Standard, "Mud Pies to Art, She Chisels her Portraits", 1959
- Article picturing Ancker and a sculpture; mentioning her work on Exhibition at the New York Ward Eggleston Galleries, Newark Sunday News, "This One Sculpts
'Em", 1959
- Article picturing Ancker and her sculpture, The Grosse Pointe News, 1959
- Article picturing Ancker and her sculpture, The Montclair Times, 1959 along with additional columns mentioning her sculptures on exhibit and announcing her as a guest speaker at the Newcomer's Club, 1957
- Article re: Ancker and her talents as a sculptor, "The Secret of Art Success? Keep Looking for Right Field"
- Article re: Ancker and one of her sculptures, New Jersey Music and Arts, "New Jersey Well Represented in Audubon Arts Annual", 1960
- Various articles mentioning Ancker and her sculptures on display
- Article re: Ancker's successful career as a sculptor and fashion designer, The Newark
News, "The Realm of Art, Jersey City Show", 1961
- Article re: Ancker and her sculptures, Newark Sunday News, "The Realm of Art, Annual at Store", 1962
- Articles from French publication La Revue Moderne, picturing 2 of Ancker's sculptures, 1960
- Article re: Ancker's Art Exhibition at the Argus Gallery, Dispatch, New Providence, NJ, 1962
- Article re: Ancker and her display in a YMCA, New Jersey Music and Arts, 1961
- Translations from La Revue Moderne
- Picture of Ancker's sculpture "Portrait of Curance" being displayed at Library, 1963
- Article re: Ancker's missing sculpture, The Washington Post, "Costly Works of Art Vanish From NW Lawn", 1965
- Article re: Ancker's missing sculpture, The Sunday Star
- Advertisement from Washington's Evening Star and the Uptown Citizen about sculpting classes by Ancker along with photos of Ancker and students
- Pictures of students sculpting in class
- Pictures of sculptures and mention of particular sculpture winning prize, 1967
- Two pictures of statues done by students, 1966-67
- Advertisement for Pla's Gallery of Fine Art exhibition of Ancker's sculptures along with photo of Ancker at Gallery, 1966
Volume 12: Sculptor, continued...
- Article, Newark News, "The Realm of Art, Bloom in Painting", 1961
- Article, The Dispatch of New Providence
- Article re: Ancker and sculpture, New Jersey Music and Arts, "Lets Look at Paintings with Doris
Ast", "Enchainment of Past and Future", 1961
- Invitation to Art Exhibit featuring Ancker, Farleigh Dickinson University
- Article, The Dispatch of New Providence, "Exhibit to Feature Ancker Sculpture", 1961
- Short biographical piece on Ancker from Argus Gallery, 1962
- Invitation from Argus Gallery for a reception for Ancker, 1962
- Column on Ancker from the New Jersey Music and Arts magazine about her professional achievements
- Article from The Summit Herald, "Heights Sculptress Gets One Man Madison Show", 1962
- Article re: Ancker's Angus Gallery Exhibit, Newark Sunday News, 1962
- Article re: Ancker receiving honorable mention at New Jersey State Exhibition, Newark Sunday News, 1962
- Article from La Revue Moderne
- Article, the Berkeley Heights Beacon, "Sculptor Now Exhibiting", 1963
- Various articles re: Ancker's visit to Rome as a guest of Alessandro Monteleone
- Article on Ancker entitled "Ruth Ancker Ranks with Top Sculptors"
- Article, Dispatch of New Providence, "Mrs. Ancker Wins Memorial Prize", 1964
- Correspondence from the Painters and Sculptors Society of New Jersey, Inc.
- Article, Berkeley Heights Beacon, "Sculptor Leaves As Invitee of Roman Artist", 1963
- Article, The Dispatch of New Providence, "Local Sculptress is Included With Outstanding New Jersey Women", 1964
- Article, Newark Sunday News, "The Realm of Art", 1964
- Correspondence from Farleigh Dickinson University to Ancker re: announcing she is to be cited as one of the outstanding women in New Jersey by a campus magazine, 1964
- Issue of University Women from Farleigh Dickinson University, that Ancker is mentioned as being an outstanding woman of Jersey, page 27
- Announcement that Ancker's portrait will be in the Distinguished Citizen's Gallery at Bamburger's New Jersey, 1964
- Certificate of Appreciation from the Kiwanis Club of Summit, New Jersey to Ancker, 1964
- Article entitled "Local Sculptor Awarded Coveted David Knapp Prize" The Berkeley Heights
Beacon, 1964
- Article from The Berkeley Heights Beacon, "Ruth Hutton Ancker Elected to Society of Arts and Letters", 1964
- Article from Suburban Life Magazine entitles "Berkeley Heights Sculptor" pictures Ancker working on a sculpture along with a picture of her sculpture "Enchainment of Past and Future"
- Article entitles "Jerseyans Are Winners in Painter-Sculpture Show", mentions Ancker as winning second prize, 1964
- The Alumni Quarterly, Bloomsburg State College, 1964
- Announcement from St. Andrew's Episcopal Church mentioning Ancker as creating a statue of St. Francis for the church garden, 1964
- Picture and caption from The Morning Press of statue of St. Francis that Ancker made for St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 1964
- Photo and caption from the Berkeley Heights Beacon of church garden and place where St. Francis statue will go, 1964
- Photo and caption of Ancker finishing a portrait bust of Dr. W. Ross Morris, a prominent Washington DC surgeon,
The Morning Press, 1968
- Article entitled, "Guest Exhibition Art Show Feature", pictures one of Ancker's works alongside its subject
- Column from the Morning Press entitled "Honor Artist, Teacher for Achievement", pictures Ancker and husband along with other award recipients, 1967
- Article from The Uptown Citizen, Washington DC entitled "Alumni Honor Ruth Ancker", 1967
- Article previously shown, "Ruth Hutton Ancker Elected to Society of Arts and Letters"
- Article from The Washington Post, mentioning Ancker's works being displayed at show, 1965
- Article from the Sunday Independent, Wilkes-Barre, PA entitled "Bloomsburg Alumni Welcome Noted Artist" about Ancker, 1967
- Advertisement from The Morning Press, Bloomsburg, PA announcing sculpture exhibition by Ancker, 1967
- Article from The Morning Press, Bloomsburg, PA entitled "Bloomsburg Native has Art Display at Farmers National", pictures Ancker and one of her sculptures
- Article from Wilkes-Barre Record entitled "Sculpture to be Displayed-Work Shown at Bloomsburg Bank", mentions Ancker, 1967
- Article from Time Leader, The Evening News (Wilkes-Barre, PA) entitled "Sculptures Being Exhibited-Receives Distinguished Service Award", photo of Ancker and one of her works, 1967
- Brochure from the Miners National Bank presenting exhibition of sculpture by Ancker: brief Biography along with listing of sculptures and descriptions
- Photos of sculptures being exhibited by farmers National Bank, Bloomsburg, PA, 1967
- Advertisement of sculpture exhibition being held over another day at the Farmers National Bank of Bloomsburg, 1967
Volume 13: First New York Sculpture Show
- Title page, 1960
- Article from The Morning Press, Bloomsburg, PA entitled "Bloomsburg native to Have Exhibit of Sculpture in New York", picture of Ancker and sculpture
- Brochure of Exhibit at Ward Eggleston Galleries, 1959
- Copy of inside of brochure, résumé of important awards and accomplishments
- List of sculptures
- Advertisement under "Galleries" in Promenade Magazine, 1959
- Advertisements for Ancker's exhibition in various newspapers including: The New York
Times, New York Herald Tribune, New York Journal- American, 1959
- America's Directory of Art Exhibitions and The New York Visitor, lists Ancker's exhibits, 1959
- Telegrams to Ancker wishing her good luck, 1959
- Correspondence to Ancker from Barbara Mettler, 1959
- Correspondence to Ancker from Colgate W. Darden, Jr., 1959
- Photos from gallery
- Reviews about art exhibition from the New York Herald Tribune, and the
New York Journal American, 1959
- Brochure: Pictures on exhibit
- Review from Grosse Pointe News, 1959
- Article from the Newark Sunday News, 1959
- Sign in book from Sculpture Exhibit (6 pages), 1959
Volume 14: Sculpture Show in Paris
- Title page, 1960
- Contents, 1960
- Brochure advertising art exposition with Ancker and Bernice E. Carmichael (painter)
- Pre-show Publicity in La Revue Moderne
- Column in The Montclair Times entitled "Exhibit in France is Planned", 1960
- Article in The New Jersey Music and Arts Magazine entitled "Paris Exhibition for Ruth Ancker", 1960
- Various advertisements for Ancker and Carmichael Exhibition
- Photo outside the gallery- Gallery Raymond-Duncan
- Article in La Revue Moderne re: Ancker and her work, 1960
- Critic of exhibition in French Paper Le Hors-Cote, 1960
- Correspondence to Ancker & Carmichael from Ward Eggleston Galleries, 1960
- Poem written by art critic after seeing one of Ancker's sculptures (French)
- Correspondence to Ancker from Raymond Duncan of the Raymond Duncan Galleries, 1960
- Article from The Morning Press entitled "Ruth Hutton Ancker Returns After Exhibit and Study in Paris"
- Article from the Montclair Times entitled "Exhibit Abroad By Ruth Ancker", 1960
- Art Alliance Bulletin "Of the Editor's Palette..." re: Ancker's Paris Exhibition
- Sign in Book (11 pages)
- Menu from Air France
- Memorial brochure for Isadora Duncan
- Card from Hotel du Quai Voltaire, 1961
Box 4:
Volume 15: Sculpture Show in Rome
- Article in New Jersey Music and Arts magazine entitled "Ruth Hutton Ancker, Two Down, One To Go- New York, Paris, Rome", 1960
- Article from The Montclair Times entitled "Rome Exhibit of Sculpture by Resident", 1960
- Article from The Morning Press, Bloomsburg, PA in section "Social, Club and Women's Activities: Ruth Hutton Ancker Has Exhibit of Art at Gallery, Rome, Italy" with photo of sculpture, 1960
- Brochure from art show at "Le Jardin des Arts", 1960
- Biography of Ancker
- Advertisements of art show in various magazines and newspapers both in Europe and the U.S.
- Photos of Galleria Le Jardin des Arts
- Telegrams to Ancker
- Cards from flowers received by Ancker for her success during her exhibition
- Correspondence from Dr. Alfred Jacobini with translation, 1960
- Card from Mons. Meysztowicz regretfully declining invitation to exhibition and translation
- Picture of Ancker and Danilo Bergamo, Venetian painter
- Pictures of various sculptures on display at exhibition
- Pictures of Saro Urtzi, famous Italian movie star, visits the galleria
- Article about Italian movie "Seduced & Abandoned", starring Urtzi
- From newsreel film of opening taken by 'Cine Orizzonti', 1960
- Critics of Ancker's sculpture exhibition from Italian paper Voce del Sud, with translation, 1960
- Critic of sculpture exhibition by professor Valerio Mariani from La Ronda della
Arti, Rome 1960
- Critic of exhibition from La Giustizia with translation, 1960
- Critic from La Fieraletteraria with translation, 1960
- Critic from Il Tempo with translation, 1960
- Italian critic with translation entitled "Danilo Bergamo exhibits with an American Sculptress",
Il Resto del Carlino, 1960
- Critic from Il Giornale D'Italia entitled "Danilo Bergamo and Hutton Ancker", 1960
- Critic from Il Messaggero, Rome with translation, 1960
- Guest book (19 pages)
- Post-show publicity from The Montclair Times entitled "From Haut Couture to Clay"
- Newark Sunday News, passage on sculpture mentions Ancker in "Realm of Art", 1961
- Photos of Foundry in Pistoia, Italy with captions, 1963-1966
- Newspaper photo of Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli
Volume 16: Second New York Sculpture Show
- Sculpture show, 1963
- Brochure of exhibition, 1963
- Preliminary publicity in The New York Herald Tribune, 1963
- Preliminary publicity in The Morning Press entitled "Ruth Hutton Ancker is in Rome as an Invitee Artist", 1963
- Article entitled "Local Sculptor Flies to Rome on Commission", 1963
- Article in Berkeley Heights Beacon entitled "Sculptor Leaves as Invitee of Roman Artist", 1963
- Article in Berkeley Heights Beacon entitled "Ruth Hutton Ancker Returns from Europe", 1963
- Article entitled "Ruth Hutton Ancker, Sculptor, Returns from European Visit", 1963
- Article in Suburban Life magazine entitled "Berkeley Heights Sculptor", 1963
- Publicity from the Dispatch entitled "Ancker Work Sold to South Orange Resident", 1963
- The Morning Press, Bloomsburg, entitled "Ruth Hutton Ancker has Exhibition of Sculpture in New York"
- Article entitled "Heights Sculptor Showing Work at Orange Gallery"
- Publicity from The Berkeley Heights Beacon entitled "Local Sculptor Now Exhibiting", 1963
- Article from The Montclair Times entitled "Sculpture Exhibition by Former Resident", 1963
- Advertisements in various newspapers and magazines, 1963
- Cards and telegrams sent by friends and supporters to Ancker, 1963
- Correspondence to Mason Ancker (husband) from Alfred Bar, Jr. from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1963
- Note from Ruth's Italian friends, the Sievestro's, 1963
- Photos taken at Exhibition, 1963-64
- Critics review in The New York Herald Tribune of exhibition Manhattan East under "Two at Eggleston", 1963
- Critic in The New York Journal American
- Critic from France-Amérique
- Critic from Visitors East, art gallery reviews
- Exhibition guest book
- Advertising for show in Summit, New Jersey
- Pre-Show publicity in The Dispatch entitled "Ruth Hutton Ancker to Exhibit Sculpture at House of Fine Arts",
- Berkeley Heights Beacon entitled "Ancker-Bergamo to Exhibit Work in Summit Show"
- Summit Herald "Two Artists to Open Exhibit Here Monday", 1963
- Photos from Summit Exhibit
- Article in Italian newspaper on Danilo Bergamo: Il Progresso Italo-Americano, 1963
- Column in New York Music and Arts entitled "New Works in Ancker Show"
- Review of Summit show in the Newark Sunday News, 1964
- Guest book from Summit show
Volume 17: Sculpture Show in Harrisburg, 1970
- Title page
- William Penn Memorial Museum photo
- William Penn Memorial Museum Press Release
- William Penn Memorial Museum Correspondence
- Brochure of exhibition
- Prices of sculpture
- Publicity
- Photos
- Congratulatory messages
- Guest register
Volume 18: Bloomsburg Exhibitions
- "Distinguished Service Award" given to Ancker by Bloomsburg State College Alumni Association, 1967
- Publicity about award
- Farmers National bank Exhibition
- Retrospective Exhibition at Haas Center for the Arts
- Photos and cards
- Article about exhibition
- Correspondence from friends
Volume 19: Appreciations
- Correspondence from friends of congratulations and appreciation, 1958-1979
- Article entitled "Local Sculptress in Included With New Jersey's Outstanding Women", Dispatch, 1964
- Issue of University Woman, volume 1, no. 1, 1962
- Award from Bloomsburg State College Alumni Association
- List of gifts from Ancker: books, notebooks, clippings, and pictures, 1971
- Article entitled "Mrs. Ancker makes Gift o Memorabilia to College", 1971
- Article on sculptor, Ferenc Varga, who invited Ancker to work in Detroit Studio
- Photos of Ancker's sculptures in various locations
- Obituaries from The Alexandria Gazette, The Washington Post, and The Washington Star, 1979
- Drawing by Hutton called 'Mexican House-Ranchos de Tao', 1941 (oversize)
Updated 8/29/13